View Full Version : Put information in the char window

June 15th, 2020, 13:56
If I have a description of a book and its contents which is the easiest way to put the text in the chat window or preferably the pop up window in the chat window

I've tried dragging from a notes entry I set up but this didn't work


June 15th, 2020, 14:28
If it's short text in a few paragraphs then use the standard "chat frame" functionality to send the text to the chat window: See the story/chat frame info here: https://fantasygroundsunity.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/FGU/pages/688323/Basic+Actions#Formatted-Text-Fields

If you have a few sections and text formatting then I'd recommend you make it a story entry, then share the story entry with the players.

As an aside - "Notes" are meant for players to use, not GMs. It's recommended that the GM uses story entries instead of notes. The main downside with a GM using notes is that they can't be exported into a module to use in other campaigns and they don't have the group categorization functionality.