View Full Version : LFG 1 Player LF weeknight Game Friday After 730pm EST

June 12th, 2020, 15:32
FG License: I have the standard license
Time Zone: eastern time zone
Day(s) of week, frequency, and time: I am able to play Friday after 8pm, and I am looking to play weekly.
Term: I am currently looking for a long term game.
Voice: I can use voice chat and have a discord

Game System Preferred: The game system(s) I am looking to play is Pathfinder, D&D 5E, and would like to try pathfinder 2nd edition
Game System Experience: The game system(s) I have some knowledge/experience with Pathfinder, D&D 5E, Star finder, mutants and master minds, and Savage worlds .
Fantasy Grounds Experience: fairly new, but a fast learner.

Character Type Preferred: It honestly depends on the system, however I do like playing different things to better expand my skills.

About me:
I love playing DND and pathfinder. I love the stories and I am always that one guy who tries to show up early and is excited to play. If I have issues with how something is ruled during the game, I will let it go and address my concerns until after the session is done where I will talk 1 on 1 with the DM about how the thought this would work and talk it out. I like a 50/50 combat to roleplay. I do like being rewarded for thinking out side of the box vs the traditional lets just fight all the time.