View Full Version : LFG - DnD 5E - (PST)

June 11th, 2020, 07:06
FG License: Full Game
Time Zone: Pacific Standard Time US
Im pretty much available everyday in the afternoon, evening, and night
Voice: Discord

Game System Preferred: D&D 5E
Game System Experience: I know the basics of 5E, wanting to get into it more.
Fantasy Grounds Experience: Not much, just what I can learn from online.

Character Type Preferred: Don't prefer any as of right now, I just want to start playing lol
About me: My name is Andrew or Andy or what ever you prefer, I don't care. I'm 20 years old, male. I stream on Twitch, if you ever want me to stream the game then I will, if not that's fine! I can also DM but I want to be able to play first to see how other DM's play. If you ever have any questions or anything, send me a PM or add me on discord! Andypoo#1224