View Full Version : LOS importing complete walls

June 10th, 2020, 21:34
Am I crazy? I thought I managed to do something that would simplify importing maps and having walls by building it in dungeon painter studio as two layers (floors and walls), exporting those separate layers as png’s and then use the painting stamp in unity to place everything, and simply convert the walls layer to a LOS walls layer in unity. It meant I had to go through and cut rooms for doors but that was still much easier of a process when paired with donjon.bin.sh and their random dungeon generator.

I thought I figured it out last night but I can’t seem to do it again. Was I dreaming?

The process I thought I followed:
Go to donjon and generate a map
Save map as tsv
Import tsv file in dungeon painter studio as template
Export walls layer then export floors layer as png files
Import floors and walls png files into unity
Use unity painting tools to stamp walls
Use unity painting tools to stamp floors as painting layer
Duplicate walls painting layer as walls los layer
Cut paths for doors and openings

I can’t seem to replicate this. Was I dreaming or am I missing something?