View Full Version : 5E Critical Hits

June 10th, 2020, 19:47
Noob question, can't find an answer anywhere:

Do players have to configure the extra dice used for critical hits in the Weapon Meta window in the PC Actions tab? Doesn't FG otherwise know how to handle critical hits?

June 10th, 2020, 19:50
If you target a creature and roll a 20 then FG knows that is a critical hit and as long as your next action is to roll the damage it will automatically do critical damage.

The meta data is for adding in extra dice on a critical such as with the Half-Orc's savage attacks.

June 10th, 2020, 20:49
If you target a creature and roll a 20 then FG knows that is a critical hit and as long as your next action is to roll the damage it will automatically do critical damage.

The meta data is for adding in extra dice on a critical such as with the Half-Orc's savage attacks.

I see! Thank you kindly.