View Full Version : Share NPC name / description only

June 10th, 2020, 10:47

I've switched to FG mid-campaign and am working on sharing all the content that the players have already been though (items, maps, quests, etc). Is there a proper place to share NPC names and descriptions only? The NPC section looks like its mainly for sharing stat blocks.

Please let me know, thanks.

(P.S. This program is awesome. It saves an insane amount of prep time for published adventures)

June 10th, 2020, 11:42
Hey man, I just recently switched over mid-campaign, too. Hah. Welcome aboard.

I assume you are using Unity, right? (Not Classic?)

If so, by default you can let your players use "Notes" and make them public. But I really think you might like checking into the Player Agency Extension (https://www.fantasygrounds.com/forums/showthread.php?54284-Player-Agency-Extension). I just recently started using it, and I am so thrilled that at least one of my Players is getting a kick out of using it. :D

Make them take their own notes, and they get more engaged than if you hand it to 'em, amirite?

June 10th, 2020, 17:24
Another approach you might take, create a module of your NPCS (see Adventure Creation link in my sig). In this module create a story for each NPC. In here you can create player facing descriptions and a link to the stat block (if you want). You can make these descriptions in text boxes so you can click them to put them in the chat when you want. You can also share these story entries singly with the players when they meet the NPCs if you want them to have a list. Note that if you share a story, the players will see everything in that story, so you may or may not like this idea, or may want to break into two stories, one for players and one for you.

And, as has been suggested, check out Player Agency extension :)

June 13th, 2020, 12:58
Awesome. Thanks guys.