View Full Version : New window like the combat tracker

June 5th, 2020, 03:05
I want to create a new window that is opened with a button off of the fg desktop similarly to the combat tracker. I want the button in the same area as the combat tracker.

Where would I find code that would give an example of how the combat tracker button was created and the combat tracker window opened?
I looked in CoreRPG but not sure where to look within it.


June 5th, 2020, 16:16
Well figured it out after finding the data_desktop.lua.
I created a new file and put

function onInit()
table.insert(Desktop.aCoreDesktopStack["host"],{icon="button_damagecontrol", icon_down="button_damagecontrol_down", tooltipres="sidebar_tooltip_dc", class="damagecontrol_host", path="damagecontrol"});
-- table.insert(Desektop.aCoreDesktopStack["Host"],{icon="button_ct", icon_down="button_ct_down", tooltipres="sidebar_tooltip_ct", class="combattracker_host", path="combattracker", });

in it and then added the file to the extension.xml file.

Added the button easy peasy.