View Full Version : Suggestion: ability to add nodes and break lines in LOS edit mode

June 5th, 2020, 01:21
I just did my first LOS test, and realllly missed the ability to break a line by adding a node, or deleting a line section. AFAICT the only way to do that is to delete nodes, but that often breaks doors and walls, and you end up having to re-build entire sections again.

Other than that, surprisingly easy to do. I found a very good and short tutorial for building LOS here (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JOmWOgnaawQ). This is slightly shorter than the tedious 90-minute FG College tutorial where the guide zooms to 1000% and puts each node by hand pixel-perfectly. I managed to build three levels of a yacht in around an hour, going in cold. Can't wait to test it!

June 5th, 2020, 03:20
Feature enhancements should be added to the Wish List; https://fg2app.idea.informer.com/

June 10th, 2020, 12:21
I just did my first LOS test, and realllly missed the ability to break a line by adding a node, or deleting a line section. AFAICT the only way to do that is to delete nodes, but that often breaks doors and walls, and you end up having to re-build entire sections again.

I add nodes by taking a line tool of a different type and bisecting the spots I want to add nodes to. When you have all the spots you want to add a node to crossed over, you double click to end that tool and it will add a node at every crossing point. You can then switch to the arrow tool, double click the first node of the line you just created and it will select that entire bisecting line. Tap delete and the nodes that were added by it still remain.

Additionally, if I want to remove a section I use a similar trick. I create a single line between the two points where the line section is that I want to delete, that creates a new node on that line (as above), then I delete the bisecting line, select the new created node and tap delete for that. That removes that line between the two points I wanted to keep but retains the line beyond those two points.

It’s a weird workaround but it works for me! Hope that helps!

June 10th, 2020, 12:58
Feature enhancements should be added to the Wish List; https://fg2app.idea.informer.com/

I added the request for the ability to add nodes to LOS (https://fg2app.idea.informer.com/proj/fg2app?ia=133791) to the site. Ranked #914, and several of the top requests are eight (8!) years old with no resolution, so I'm not holding my breath.

I add nodes by taking a line tool of a different type and bisecting the spots I want to add nodes to. When you have all the spots you want to add a node to crossed over, you double click to end that tool and it will add a node at every crossing point. You can then switch to the arrow tool, double click the first node of the line you just created and it will select that entire bisecting line. Tap delete and the nodes that were added by it still remain.

Additionally, if I want to remove a section I use a similar trick. I create a single line between the two points where the line section is that I want to delete, that creates a new node on that line (as above), then I delete the bisecting line, select the new created node and tap delete for that. That removes that line between the two points I wanted to keep but retains the line beyond those two points.

It’s a weird workaround but it works for me! Hope that helps!

That's pretty ingenious, I'll try that out!

June 10th, 2020, 14:24
I added the request for the ability to add nodes to LOS (https://fg2app.idea.informer.com/proj/fg2app?ia=133791) to the site. Ranked #914, and several of the top requests are eight (8!) years old with no resolution, so I'm not holding my breath

The top requests could not and never were going to be implemented in Classic - no matter how many people voted for them. Most of the top requests have actually now been implemented in Unity (64 bit, LoS, map layers, Map tiles etc.) Some things like multi monitor support cannot be done - again even if thousands of people vote for it. Sound is unlikely ever to be added. It is also interesting to note who started many of those top requests - none other than Moon Wizard himself the lead developer on Fantasy Grounds :)

In short the request list is used by the developers. The ability to add break points and other editing enhancements to LoS is certainly on the devs radar; but at the moment the effort is to get Unity out the door with the current set of features rather than adding more. So, rest assured, your request will not get ignored.

June 10th, 2020, 15:55
Thanks, sounds good! I don't care about sounds, those are just distracting and my players would turn them off anyway. Same for environmental effects which are in Unity. Moving sections distract, just open any website with moving ads.

Hope the ping feature is also on radar, that would be so helpful.