View Full Version : Rolling from targetted enemy sheet

June 4th, 2020, 10:16
We are working on a commercial ruleset, and I wanted to check whether something is even possible (in FGU):

What we want to do is for a player to be able to click on a button on their character sheet and lookup a result on a table. So far so easy.

But, we want that button to also trigger another roll that looks up a value on a table belonging to a targetted enemy.

Is it possible for a character to effectively roll on a defined table for a targetted enemy?

June 4th, 2020, 10:57
If you can work your way through the database structure to reach the table of the target, then you can. You'll probably need to pass off the processing at some point to the GM side (via what's known as OOB Messaging).

You'll be able to get the rTarget LUA record (actually a LUA table) from the standard CoreRPG based action system, and can get the target database node in the Combat Tracker from that (look at the helper functions in CoreRPG scripts\manager_actor.lua) and can use that target database node to get to any data in the target's database structure. But, as the player side doesn't have access to the target data, you'll have to offload this to the GM side via OOB Messaging - https://fantasygroundsunity.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/FGU/pages/4096265/Comm#deliverOOBMessage And lots of examples in most of the manager_action_XXXXX.lua scripts in rulesets layered on top of CoreRPG.

June 4th, 2020, 11:33
Thank you for that. I will cheerfully admit that I understood about 10% of that, but I have passed it on to the software developer I am collaborating with, and he will know what it all means!