View Full Version : Looking for Wednesday Game

June 3rd, 2020, 21:49
My lady and I are both looking for a Dungeons and Dragons game we could join on Wednesday evenings starting around 7:00PMish.

She is a player of 1 year, and I have been playing since Basic.

We would prefer 5e for her however, I think I can convince her to play in a
2nd Edition
3.5 or
5th as stated.

Our previous experience didn't turn out well and we are hoping for something fun.

Thank you in advance for your feedback.


June 4th, 2020, 22:54
Did you find a group? I'm also looking for a mid-week game online to play. I am a new (< 1yr) DM at my table on Sundays, but I don't have any experience DM'ing with online tools. How would you, OP, feel about being a dungeon master for the group you seek?
I'm not opposed to learning Fantasy Grounds, but I imagine you'd want to play with a more experienced DM. What campaigns/settings are you wanting to play?

June 4th, 2020, 22:58
I did not yet. I already run two games on Fridays/Sundays and was looking for something where I could play as a character. The settings I like are
Medi-evil Fantasy
Sci Fi (underl Alien RPG)

The worlds I like are:
Forgotten Realms
Dark Sun

Alien RPG world.