View Full Version : How to best run a druid in FG?

June 3rd, 2020, 08:04
I have a moon druid in my campaign.

One of the main problems is how to manage the transformations he can make.
Aside from buying the MM and seting a creature at his control (as friendly) when he transforms, is there any other helpfull tools to help him run his character?

Also, what do you guys do when the druid transforms and someone rides it, like a horse? i realized that the game won't accept a token above another lol.

I would also appreciate any tips you guys can give to new GMs in FG. I'm slowly learning, and mostly having problems on creating abilities and effects.

Thanks and sorry for my english.

June 3rd, 2020, 08:15
welcome brucey92

Have a look at this extension: https://www.fantasygrounds.com/forums/showthread.php?46890-Druid-Wild-Shapes-(for-5E)

As a new FG GM - dont try and use a bunch of extensions and dont even try and use Effects at first.
Get used to teh basics first.

June 3rd, 2020, 10:09
Hi brucey92, welcome to FG.

First - ban players from playing Druids :)

But on a more serious note there are a couple of ways including the extension damned linked above. One is to limit the Druid to just a few shapes and prepare player character sheets for those shapes. Another way is just to give the player control on the NPC. See this video for how to do that. https://www.fantasygrounds.com/forums/showthread.php?43513-Video-Giving-player-control-of-an-NPC&p=387176#post387176

Each method has its own merits and drawbacks; but hopefully we've suggested enough to get you going.

June 3rd, 2020, 20:47
What I've done as a DM with a druid player is work with the player to determine what shapes he might conventionally wildshape into (at level 3 in our game it's about 8-10, though he's not Aspect of the Moon, which I realize would be more). I then make copies of all those creatures and rename them Wildshape Wolf, Wildshape Rat, etc, then manually adjust each one's Int/Wis/Cha, as well as modifying any skill/save proficiencies. Basically what someone would do if they were playing around a real table and making statted index cards for their wildshape options. I then share each creature with the player (so he has access to them when they're added to the combat tracker).

In gameplay, when he wildshapes, I drop the appropriate Wildshape Wolf NPC onto the tracker, set it friendly, set it to the druid's initiative, and we just proceed smoothly from there. (We don't remove the druid from the tracker due to not wanting to obscure certain aspects, like how much hit points he had, existing effects, etc - we just move his token off to the side and put the wolf token where he was.) When it comes around to his initiative, he can act as his wolf, and simply pass his turn on his druid.

It works fine, with just 10-15 minutes of setup once. True, we do have to add more wildshape choices as he levels (or alter them slightly if his Int/Wis/Cha score change) but it's a minor bit of upkeep. It might be more work for Moon druids though, admittedly.

(Another minor benefit is since the Wildshape NPCs are separate from the real ones, we can give the Wildshapes tokens that match the druid's look. This particular druid is a green-skinned water genasi, so all his wildshape tokens are green versions of the animals. :))

June 4th, 2020, 18:52
The simplest way I've found is just drag the beast into NPCs the Moon Druid wants to change into to and then share it (you will find there are only a few he changes into regularly that he fights with). Drag the token of the NPC Beast over the Druid's in the combat tracker. Then have the player set temp HPs equal to the beast and change his AC to match the beast by rolling down his AC on the Main Tab. Have the player drag roll off the shared beast for attacks and for Str, Con and Dex saves and off the character sheet for Int, Wis and Chr saves. When the druid takes enough damage to burn through the temps he reverts back to Druid form. So you just drag the portrait from the PC's character sheet back over the Beast image in the tracker.

When the Moon Druid gets to a level where his attacks are magical or if he doesn't like drag rolling, he will need to create attacks on his action tab that match the beast's but with the magic keyword. The extension referenced above basically does all this automatically.

June 4th, 2020, 20:24
Worth checking out this:
