View Full Version : Control-Drag-and-Drop not for some fields...

April 12th, 2007, 06:19
I have noticed that some fields in FG you can use the drag-and-drop feature in combination with the control key to subtract the amount from the target field. For instance on the minisheet, when someone rolls 7 damage in the chat screen, you can hold control and drag the 7, making it a -7, over into the field with your hit points, and when you drop it it subtracts the 7 from the total. Very convenient!

However, there are some fields that will not accept this deduction method. For instance, you can't drag the number seven, hold control to make it -7, onto the spells sheet tab of a character sheet and drop it in a spell save DC field... It merely replaces your save DC, say 15, with an actual numerical value -7.

Why doesn't this work? Are some fields different than others?

This is why I ask: because my friends and I use the Spell Point system from Unearthed Arcana, and although it is not specifically tailored for this, FG can be pushed to use it easily. My solution was to make the blank row under the 'spells per day' row a "spell point cost" row, and keep your spell point total in that ninth level "spell point cost" field (since we are such low level it will be a long while before they reach 9th level spells). The even greater idea was that you could control-drag your spell point cost onto the total so you don't have to calculate them each time you cast a spell. For instance, if a second level spell cost 3 spell points, you could just control-drag the 3 over to your total (14), and it would immediately calculate it to be 11 spell points left.

However, these fields do not use the control drag function. Is it possible to tailor them to do so? Am I doing something wrong?

Thanks for any help you can give!

April 12th, 2007, 08:07
The relevant numbercontrols need to have a

<dropoperation op="+" />
added. That'll do the trick.

April 12th, 2007, 16:48
I'm actually having a hard time editing my own ruleset. It's the first one i've done, and i only want to make a few tweaks (like this one). Someone said i need to replace the resource.pak file, and the pdf tutorial on the board says i have to run the UnPak.exe in my root folder. And further, GoblinKing notes in his Modification Tutorial that i need to replace the base file into my new ruleset folder.

I am not seeing the changes i've made to my rulesets, I'm sure the modifications are correct because some of them are downloads (like the character sheet one at the bottom of the dig adventures dwnlds: https://www.digitaladventures.net/downloads.htm). Am I missing some First step?

Do you know where I would put that code you pasted Oberoten to get it in the right spot?

Sorry i'm such a noob!

April 12th, 2007, 16:59
I'm actually having a hard time editing my own ruleset. It's the first one i've done, and i only want to make a few tweaks (like this one). Someone said i need to replace the resource.pak file, and the pdf tutorial on the board says i have to run the UnPak.exe in my root folder. And further, GoblinKing notes in his Modification Tutorial that i need to replace the base file into my new ruleset folder.

I am not seeing the changes i've made to my rulesets, I'm sure the modifications are correct because some of them are downloads (like the character sheet one at the bottom of the dig adventures dwnlds: https://www.digitaladventures.net/downloads.htm). Am I missing some First step?

Do you know where I would put that code you pasted Oberoten to get it in the right spot?

Sorry i'm such a noob!

Bah! Don't sweat it. You are going where I fear to tread!

Just work you way though it and people here will help with the questions that come up (like this one).

Unfortunalty that person won't be me. :)


April 12th, 2007, 17:24
I'm actually having a hard time editing my own ruleset. It's the first one i've done, and i only want to make a few tweaks (like this one). Someone said i need to replace the resource.pak file, and the pdf tutorial on the board says i have to run the UnPak.exe in my root folder. And further, GoblinKing notes in his Modification Tutorial that i need to replace the base file into my new ruleset folder.

I am not seeing the changes i've made to my rulesets, I'm sure the modifications are correct because some of them are downloads (like the character sheet one at the bottom of the dig adventures dwnlds: https://www.digitaladventures.net/downloads.htm). Am I missing some First step?

Do you know where I would put that code you pasted Oberoten to get it in the right spot?

Sorry i'm such a noob!

If you want to only use that character sheet and don't have the Digital Adventures Complete SRD ruleset, create a new ruleset directory called D20-SRD, copy the files from that archive there and copy the base.xml from the default d20 ruleset directory to there.

In the base.xml modify the directory references for charsheet.xml and d20_graphics.xml to your new ruleset directory.

Then you need to modify the directory references in d20_graphics.xml to the default d20 directory, except for the files contained in the frames subdirectory.

That's it.

April 12th, 2007, 18:30
oh my god, that worked! This is great! And i even went into the charsheet xml file and adjusted the <dropoperation op="+" /> in the spell sheet and got that to work!!!!

I'm very excited, thank you guys for all your help and for not chastizing newbies for their lack of understanding.

q: is that complete SRD ruleset worth it? I saw in the description it adds psionics and DMG prestige classes, but my game uses neither. is there a full list of features? is it more industry standard than the d20 that comes with FG?

April 13th, 2007, 20:20
The complete SRD pretty much has everything in it. All the equipment lists ect. They wanted to put everything that was in the SRD document into the ruleset not just the cut down version of the SRD that is the default.

Basically, if you find yourself wishing there was more SRD info in the game then you will like the Complete SRD. Personally, I don't use the epic or psionics either but I do like having the complete equipment list instead of just armor and weapons.