View Full Version : Looking for Eberron Game

April 8th, 2007, 00:07
Alright, if anyone frequents the WotC boards, you may recognize me from there, especially if you read the Eberron boards.

Anyway, I've recently gotten Fantasy Grounds, and would like to get some use out of it. Been asking around on WotC, and have found that either nobody else has FG, aren't interested in an Eberron game, or just don't have room in the game they're already running for another player, so I finally broke down and decided to sign up for yet another set of boards and ask here.

So, I'm looking to play in a steady game. Preferrably on a weekly basis, but the exact time table would be negotiable. I have a steady 9-5 job, so the Wal-Mart "I never know when I'm going to work, so I can't plan too far ahead" problem isn't an issue.

Eberron is designed to start at level 1, and that is what I would prefer to do as well, maybe level 2. I am not interested in a DM that is under the "anything you want you can do" mindset, I prefer someone that is comfortable enough with their ability to be able to flat out tell someone "No, you can't do that" or "I don't care, there are no elf subraces in my game, you can't be a XXXX". That means no subraces, no hexblades, or Incarnum, or warlocks, or any of that sort of thing.

And I would prefer the game be set primarily in Khovaire. I'm not interested in Sarlona, I don't want the entire thing to be in Xen'Drik, or anything like that. It is my opinion that we have barely scratched the surface of things to do in Khovaire, so there is no reason to go and set games as far from the published material as possible just so it can be "extreme" or "differant".

I just want a good old fashioned game, munchkins left at the door.
I'd prefer that everyone involved be 18 or older, not because of any adult themes, excessive violence or sex, but because it tends to drastically curtail the immature players that tend to ruin games.

And please, don't get me wrong, I'll cut up and have fun like anybody else, I just want to get in a game with good people that are there to play their characters and have a good time, not kill everything that moves and get "phat loot".

Also, like I said, I just got FG, so I'm not 100% up on how it all works, so I will probably need some instruction as time goes on, but I know the basics, and I can easily make tokens and portraits as needed.

Welp, I've said my peace, and probably came across sounding like a jerk in the process, but I'm hoping I'll get a good solid game out of it. :)

Oh, and one last thing, I prefer managable groups. 4-5 PCs is where I like to keep it. More than that, and generally each individual PC doesn't get time to shine, and its just too much work for the DM to keep things straight.