View Full Version : LFG 1 Player Weeknights after 5, willing to go later, and Weekends CST US prefer 5E

May 27th, 2020, 21:21
FG License: Licensed
Time Zone: Central Time USA
M-F: 5pm - ?
Sat/Sun: 7am - Midnight
Anything that meets on a regular basis whether it's weekly, bi-weekly or monthly
Term: Long term
Voice: Available, just need to know what software to use

Game System Preferred: D&D 5E. Willing to learn other systems
Game System Experience: I started with Basic DnD in the 80's, played off and on the past few years with 5E
Fantasy Grounds Experience: Experience with setting up LMoP, but the group disbanded before we could start. I am familiar with using FG though

Character Type Preferred: I'm open to any class, though I prefer the Ranger. Second preference's: Fighter, Barbarian, Druid, Rogue. I will play other classes as needed
About me: I can be fairly quiet in a new group, until I become more familiar (kind of like meeting strangers in a tavern and then joining with them to go on an adventure). I can RP which improves with familiarity of the group. Combat and investigating are what really make the game enjoyable for me.