View Full Version : Monster in the Swamp

April 6th, 2007, 22:34
Hi all

I'm keen to play and DM, however my work schedule doesn't allow me to commit to lengthy campaigns.

DAs Monster in the Swamp and the Adventurers Guild idea is ideal for me to get some gaming in when time permits.

Sooooo, any takers?

I'm not a D&D rules lawer, I believe the game should flow rather than get stuck in the mire. I will be able to DM from 2100 UK time (currently GMT +1) for about 3 hours weekdays or longer on the weekend. I currently have just under 2 months where I'm available.

So if you're interested in playing Monster in the Swamp, post below.

April 7th, 2007, 04:32
Thanks for the plug Murgh!

Over the next few months we're going to have three more of these releases. Eventually we may even compile them into an official PDF product. The three upcoming releases are:

Temple on an Island
Druid in a Jungle
Love on a River

Hope you enjoy the play!

April 12th, 2007, 22:11
On hold, due to release of Savage Worlds ruleset!