View Full Version : Trying to create a "once per modifier" effect that includes a CUSTOM tag

May 26th, 2020, 21:27
Hello all,

I am trying to find a way to keep certain effects active but only be invoked when the appropriate custom tag is in effect and not have to manually drop it from the tracker. Mainly needed for a couple of reasons like when only one weapon has an improved critical or several weapons have different improved criticals/extra critical dice (dual wielding or separate arrows in a quiver for instance).
Here are some examples but there is a problem with how effects setup this way parse out, namely, the ATK and DMG effects go away as expected using 'once per modifier' but the tag remains. Shouldn't the tag go away when the effects do (tags in bold)?

ViciousArrowCritical; IF: CUSTOM(ViciousArrow); DMG: 1d8, critical; [SELF]
ViciousArrow; DMG: 1; [SINGLES]; [SELF]

AngryArrowImpCrit; IF: CUSTOM(AngryArrow); CRIT: 19
AngryArrowCritical; IF: CUSTOM(AngryArrow); DMG: 1d10, critical
AngryArrow; ATK: 1; DMG: 1; [SINGLES]; [SELF]

[Yes, I know that there are issues with this approach as well since you still have to manually deal with misses. A slight improvement is to also limit to 1 rd but that is only effective for one miss, i.e., fails when multiple attacks are possible.]

Thank you for any assistance or direction!

May 26th, 2020, 21:47
Hi secors welcome to FG.

The once per modifier limiter means that each modifier in your effect string will be used only once and as each is used it will be removed from the string. AngryArrow isn't a modifier that FG understands so it will leave it in the effects. (At least I think that's what's happening - it is possibly a bug).

May 27th, 2020, 04:33
Hi secors welcome to FG.

The once per modifier limiter means that each modifier in your effect string will be used only once and as each is used it will be removed from the string. AngryArrow isn't a modifier that FG understands so it will leave it in the effects. (At least I think that's what's happening - it is possibly a bug).

Thanks Zacchaeus! You are correct in that I can watch the ATK and DMG effects being removed at the appropriate times but the tag itself does not go away. As you point out this may or may not be a bug but I suspect it is a side case considering you would have to consider every misspelled or improperly formed effect a cause of this behavior as well. Is there perhaps an effect to "pop" another effect off the stack by name or even remove itself? Such a feature could be used for a vast number of effects (of course, in the simple case presented here, it might be easier if the weapon meta-interface was instead available for each weapon individually).


May 27th, 2020, 09:40
Normally any effect which has a descriptor at the start will be removed once the effect expires. However it seems only the once per modifier one that hangs around. There's no effect that an remove another effect. You can use the remove expiring effects in the CT menu to clear all expiring effects.

May 27th, 2020, 15:09
Perusing the forums, I see that there is an extension that appears to do exactly what I am looking for. (5E Remove Effect Tag.ext)
Would you know if this is (still) valid and works for Unity? If so, bravo Trenloe and Nickademus!!