View Full Version : DunGen.app - Automatic LoS Definitions for FGU

May 24th, 2020, 14:56

DunGen.app (https://dungen.app/dungen/) is a dungeon generator that creates high resolution maps ready to import into Fantasy Grounds, and now has the ability to automatically generate LoS Definitions on its random dungeons. It takes only a minute to have a full working map ready to be used. Check out the short video here:


In case you'd like to see the end result first hand I have attached a few sample dungeons with their accompanying xml files for you to load into FGU.


DM Wyvern
May 24th, 2020, 17:13
This amazing, especially for FGU use! Do you plan to further develop this app? What could we expect in the future?

Would love to hear more about it. ^_^

May 24th, 2020, 18:19
Glad you like it!

It's been in development for about a year. The main constant is that I try to add a few new rooms every month so dungeons are more varied with every iteration (including a few trap rooms). In that time I've also made 6 different themes you can use, including a mask for image editors in case you'd like to use the layout but with your own floor/wall textures, and previously added a similar feature to LoS for two other VTTs before it was possible in FGU. DunGen is also available as a Discord bot (https://www.patreon.com/posts/dungen-for-32187694), already in use in hundreds of servers.

As a quick summary, I think those are the main features that have been added to the generator in the past year. As for the near future, I'd like to add more themes and implement cave systems in the same vein of high resolution maps. There are other generators I'd like to work on as well and eventually serve fully furnished dungeons, but I still have a while until I reach that point.

Of course if you happen to have any suggestions I'd love to hear them!