View Full Version : How to override a framedef in an extension using a second extension

May 17th, 2020, 22:25
I'm new to Fantasy Grounds and experimenting with some simple extensions to get a better understanding of how things work. I'm currently trying to implement this in Fantasy Grounds Unity (in case that matters).

I'm using a Dungeon World extension for MoreCore that I found on one of the forums here (https://www.fantasygrounds.com/forums/showthread.php?50825-Dungeon-World-Manual) as my starting point. On top of that I'm using a Curse of Strahd theme/extension for the PFPRG2 that I also found on the forum, although I don't seem to be able to dig that one up again to share a link. I changed the ruleset of this to MoreCore in the extension.xml so that I could load it and it seems to be working as far as I can tell.

What I would like to do is create an extension that modifies the character sheet frame, while not editing the Strahd theme. Essentially, what I have done is:
1) Make a copy of the Strahd theme and renamed it to bigsdawg_test
2) From bigsdawg_test I have removed everything except the frameref fields for the character sheet.
3) Change the loadorder in bigsdawg_test to be 5 higher than the reference Strahd theme that is also being loaded - so that the bigsdawg_test character sheet background takes precedence.

There are now at least two instances of <framedef name="charsheet">, one in Strahd and one in bigsdawg_test. When I load both extensions/themes I don't seem to be able to get mine to be able to take effect. I've tried adding the merge field to bigsdawg_test but it doesn't seem to be working.

Presumably, there's something else that I'm missing... Can anybody provide some pointers?

For reference this is what I have in Strahd:

<framedef name="charsheet">
<bitmap file="graphics/frames/charsheet.png" />

and this is what I have in bigsdawg_test (note I had tried without merge= and with merge using replace as well to no obvious effect):

<framedef name="charsheet" merge="resetandadd">
<bitmap file="graphics/frames/charsheet.png" />


May 18th, 2020, 14:05
Load order is not working as intended in FGU right now.

May 18th, 2020, 16:21
Load order is not working as intended in FGU right now.

Thank you.

From another thread I've since learned that, for the time being, I can label my extensions alphabetically and that seems to work.

I'll have to pay attention to release notes as they come out now!