View Full Version : Noob question: Sharing story elements with players, while keeping DM info secret

May 17th, 2020, 01:41
Just working out how best to use FG. I'm writing my adventure in story sections as recommended, including tables and links to maps, etc. Now I'm imagining I want to share some of the story text with the players, but not the details of the tables. What are some good ways to do this? How do you share prepared story text with players? Do you write a separate story item that you share with them, and and have another story item with the DM info? How do you organize this?

Thanks all!

May 17th, 2020, 01:51
Welcome brianhannamn

You can separate out the text into separate story entries as you suggest.

You could have player text in speech bubbles so you can share it by sending it to chat

You could look at the Player Agency extension and see if that helps. It doesnt really have anything for Stories but it does support some other (new) data types.

May 17th, 2020, 02:37
In a story, to create chat frames:
Right click paragraph, paragraph types, chat frame.
Right click paragraph, paragraph types, assign speaker.

To revert assign speaker, erase name of speaker and dot after.
To revert chat frame, right click paragraph, paragraph types, body text.

To send chat frame to chat, click white chat bubble.
To send chat frame to chat in a language, select language in the chat window first, then click white chat bubble.

Are there more things to understand about chat frames and stories?

Just what I was looking for. It was a complete noob question, thanks for the assist!

May 17th, 2020, 02:52
You can also use ctrl+1 thru 6 to apply chat modes to the text too.

May 17th, 2020, 03:03
Wow, awesome shortcuts!
CTRL+1 body text
CTRL+3 chat frame

I've signed up for the FG College and watched some of the videos, but of course I've jumped right in.

Thanks again. I've seen your posts: excellent!


May 21st, 2020, 06:17
There are some good classes on FG college....very helpful along with a FG DM series on YouTube, very informative.....