View Full Version : Feature Req - Zoom Scale #

March 28th, 2007, 08:30
I know you are in a feature freeze for the next release but I thought I'd put it down while it all made sense to me.

Zoom Scale #

Exposing a the degree of zoom for a map as a number would make setup much easier. If a DM is using a standard size of token, ie 50x50, a DM could call up the map set the zoom # and know all his tokens would work.
For real ease, you might let us save the desired zoom # with the graphic and make it all automagic once set in game.

I would settle for: <right click> Zoom? "400" <enter>.
Negative numbers might use the - and positive #s be unmodified.


March 28th, 2007, 10:02
I second this ;) but it remains to be seen when/how/if this gets implemented.