View Full Version : Official Index Card RPG Bug Report Thread
May 13th, 2020, 23:09
I receive an error: Database Error : image: Invalid file (ref/The Oath.jpg)
This happens when I try to click on Take the OATH under Game Mastery > The Basics > Take the OATH.
May 13th, 2020, 23:31
Thanks for bringing it up. Turns out a file got missed in the upload process, but it will be fixed in the next update.
May 14th, 2020, 00:10
I completely failed getting this setup right. Will try to fix a bit later. Use this thread to post any ruleset specific issues to track and get resolved. When reporting, please provide steps in reproducing the issue and any images if possible.
June 2nd, 2020, 19:15
I receive an error: Database Error : image: Invalid file (ref/The Oath.jpg)
This happens when I try to click on Take the OATH under Game Mastery > The Basics > Take the OATH.
This has been fixed in the most recent update.
December 7th, 2020, 14:40
I have problem with LOOT. When loot are drop on character’s inventory, stat bonuses are not calculated properly (usually are doubled). Sometimes dress off and dress in fix the error but sometimes i have to change it manually.
Despite to above problems I found ICRPG splendid. Me and my team had great time playing.
December 7th, 2020, 16:50
I have problem with LOOT. When loot are drop on character’s inventory, stat bonuses are not calculated properly (usually are doubled). Sometimes dress off and dress in fix the error but sometimes i have to change it manually.
Despite to above problems I found ICRPG splendid. Me and my team had great time playing.
Thanks for the feedback. When you drop loot in a character's inventory, does the item get added with parenthesis and stat bonuses in the name of the item? For example: 'Ring of Might (STR +1)'
It sounds like when you equip a piece of loot the bonus that's added to the loot column of the stat is twice what it should be. In that case, would you be able to send me a zip file of the campaign where this is happening so I can see if I can reproduce and debug this?
EDIT: Another thought. There's a setting called "Add bonuses from CARRIED loot" in the options window. Is there any chance that you've changed that around the time the issue with the loot appeared? Changing that setting would mess with how loot bonuses are added to characters.
December 7th, 2020, 19:06
It's one of problems.
It's sounds funny but on my comp rest of loot works correctly. However my players complained on loot problems.
I will conduct another play at Friday and ask my players for screens.
December 7th, 2020, 20:16
It's one of problems.
It's sounds funny but on my comp rest of loot works correctly. However my players complained on loot problems.
I will conduct another play at Friday and ask my players for screens.
Ah, yes, Common Armor. I thought I fixed that. The reason that happens is the system reads the description of the item to figure out which stats it should add. It sees the "+1 ARMOR" and "+10 ARMOR" in the description and adds those together, which is where the +11 is coming from. I'll change the wording so it doesn't do that.
December 14th, 2020, 17:17
After weekend of playing i have to confirm that loot bonuses are doubled when players drag and drop it to PC cart. Moreover this error takes place only during play in player client. When I checked it on my comp after session everything works great however when players join me they complain about it.
Second bug is even more strange. Program shows afford numbers in different order for GM and player. As I checked correct one is player notation and this one is used for calculation for program. To sum up only problem is different data for GM. I think that below screens explain it better.
December 15th, 2020, 00:18
After weekend of playing i have to confirm that loot bonuses are doubled when players drag and drop it to PC cart. Moreover this error takes place only during play in player client. When I checked it on my comp after session everything works great however when players join me they complain about it.
Second bug is even more strange. Program shows afford numbers in different order for GM and player. As I checked correct one is player notation and this one is used for calculation for program. To sum up only problem is different data for GM. I think that below screens explain it better.
Thanks for the feedback. I've tried to reproduce this on my own but I can't. It might be related to internet connection, but I don't know enough about how fantasy grounds syncs players and GM data to say that for sure. It would help if I could load your campaign and see if there's some data corruption there. Can you zip up your campaign folder and send it to me? I've got no idea how the characters sheets both show different things to GM and player, and how the TOTAL stat is different than the BASE+LOOT. Those should 100% be linked together.
December 15th, 2020, 22:22
I attache my ICRPG campaign data (images excluded due to technical restriction). You can find there my personal made loot that probably isn't very well designed but all errors that i report are connected with original loot.
You done good job with adaptation of ICRPG and all errors I reported found as minor problems easy to evoid.
February 24th, 2021, 14:29
Are there any plans to release any addons for ICRPG? For examole Magic or Words, Altered State? Maybe any additional options like possibility to change some informations on PC cards, like names of effords?
February 24th, 2021, 16:31
I have a small collection of extensions on this thread (, but I have no plans on releasing any other modules.
February 24th, 2021, 16:48
It is exactly what I need. Thx
February 26th, 2021, 06:35
i just tried out the Index Card RPG on Fantasy Grounds Unity yesterday. In my case no Bonuses are added to my dice rolls. For example, i roll "Weapon Effort" The Base is 0, Loot is +2 Total is +2. The +2 is not added to the dice roll. Can someone help, please?
February 26th, 2021, 06:42
i just tried out the Index Card RPG on Fantasy Grounds Unity yesterday. In my case no Bonuses are added to my dice rolls. For example, i roll "Weapon Effort" The Base is 0, Loot is +2 Total is +2. The +2 is not added to the dice roll. Can someone help, please?
I'll take a look at it, I know that the core system changed a bunch, so I'll have to go through and figure out everything that needs fixing.
February 26th, 2021, 09:04
Try ro chech this: OPTIONS/ICRPG/Player:Add bonuses from Carried loot.
J choose "No" and everything works good
February 26th, 2021, 09:54
Try ro chech this: OPTIONS/ICRPG/Player:Add bonuses from Carried loot.
J choose "No" and everything works good
Nope, that doesn´t work for me. I started a new campaign, set it to "No" and it is still the same problem.
I also saw when i try to make a new character it doesn´t handle the bonuses for bio-forms and archetype anymore.
February 26th, 2021, 17:11
I found a number of issues that popped up with the latest update. I'm going through and fixing what I can find.
February 26th, 2021, 17:47
Nope, that doesn´t work for me. I started a new campaign, set it to "No" and it is still the same problem.
I also saw when i try to make a new character it doesn´t handle the bonuses for bio-forms and archetype anymore.
The system never automatically added bonuses from bio-forms and archetypes, since that changes with whatever setting you're running in (Alfheim vs Altered State vs Vigilante City vs Blood and Snow, etc.)
February 26th, 2021, 18:25
i just tried out the Index Card RPG on Fantasy Grounds Unity yesterday. In my case no Bonuses are added to my dice rolls. For example, i roll "Weapon Effort" The Base is 0, Loot is +2 Total is +2. The +2 is not added to the dice roll. Can someone help, please?
I've submitted the fixes to the folks at FG, and it should be coming through in the updates next week. If you're using the ruleset before then, send me a DM and I'll send you the updated files directly so you don't have to wait.
February 26th, 2021, 18:48
Is it possible to get it now? :)
February 27th, 2021, 00:18
Damage soak extension aren't work properly. Soak button aren't work and generates error communicates.
On CT damages aren't distracted automatically from target's HP
February 27th, 2021, 00:42
Damage soak extension aren't work properly. Soak button aren't work and generates error communicates.
On CT damages aren't distracted automatically from target's HP
I've been updating the extensions today. They have all been updated on the extensions post. the soak extension should work now.
March 22nd, 2021, 03:13
Just bought the extension and a few things don't work on my side.
- Death timer rolls but doesn't update the turn, it stays at 6
- Death roll doesn't reduce the death timer it stays at 6
- Other rolls seems finicky. Sometime it add, sometime it's not.
Also probably not sure what are Other Rolls and Effects. Any video tutorial how to use the character sheet ?
For example i have weapon gem add a bonus to one weapon so how do you select a specific weapon it affect the weapon effort to ?
This is why tough other rolls might be the solution for these items
March 22nd, 2021, 06:20
Just bought the extension and a few things don't work on my side.
- Death timer rolls but doesn't update the turn, it stays at 6
- Death roll doesn't reduce the death timer it stays at 6
- Other rolls seems finicky. Sometime it add, sometime it's not.
Also probably not sure what are Other Rolls and Effects. Any video tutorial how to use the character sheet ?
For example i have weapon gem add a bonus to one weapon so how do you select a specific weapon it affect the weapon effort to ?
This is why tough other rolls might be the solution for these items
I'll take a look at the death timers. I just did a quick test and I'm seeing different behavior in Unity vs Classic. It should be that rolling a death timer will change the duration of the "Dying" condition on that character in the combat tracker. The actual ticking timer lives as a condition in the combat tracker. For some reason this is working in classic but not in unity. Thanks for bringing it to my attention.
Regarding other rolls and effects, those are going to be removed with the next update (this upcoming week, Tuesday I think). I've replaced those (quite hacky) methods with a much more robust action system that lets you create any number of actions with custom attempt and effort rolls, and effects. I put the details of the update another thread (
As for the weapon gem, until the updated Actions tab comes out this week, the easiest way to handle it is in the character sheet's inventory. I've attached a screenshot of a sample character's inventory for how I'd do it. The system should automatically parse any item you add and add the stats accordingly, but you can manually do it by putting the stat bonuses in the parenthesis, separated by commas. "(+1 STR, +1 WEAPON)". Then, as long as the item is equipped, it will add that as a loot bonus. Of course that adds stats globally, not just for a single weapon. For now (the next few days), that's something you'd have to handle manually. The new Actions tab will allow you to make a custom attack with +3 effort very easily.
I've considered putting out videos, I'm just not setup for that. I'll take a look again and see if it's something I can do.
March 24th, 2021, 02:10
I have just gotten the update. Now it's much more intuitive. Good work. Are the Easy and Hard button below the chat box supposed to work for the GM or player only. Myself I can't get it to work. Not a big deal, it's all small things. Not like the players cant add or substract 3
March 24th, 2021, 02:15
I have just gotten the update. Now it's much more intuitive. Good work. Are the Easy and Hard button below the chat box supposed to work for the GM or player only. Myself I can't get it to work. Not a big deal, it's all small things. Not like the players cant add or substract 3
That's great, I'm glad the update is working for you. The EASY and HARD button only work with stats rolls made from either the PC or NPC sheets. They don't work with the standard dice that sit at the bottom of the window.
April 24th, 2021, 00:23
I'm getting an issue where I've built a piece of loot using the guidance in the effects thread, but it's not applying correctly after being added to the character sheet. It winds up looking like this:
As you can see, it adds an extra minus sign in some cases, but also reorders the bonuses and then incorrectly applies them.
April 24th, 2021, 00:40
I'm getting an issue where I've built a piece of loot using the guidance in the effects thread, but it's not applying correctly after being added to the character sheet. It winds up looking like this:
As you can see, it adds an extra minus sign in some cases, but also reorders the bonuses and then incorrectly applies them.
There's a few things going on here. First, the effects are meant to be used in the combat tracker. They won't work correctly in items. Instead, items pick up on the natural language present in the book to determine their bonuses. Instead of using 'CHA: -1', use '-1 CHA', for example. Below is an example of how its expected.
Secondly, there is an actual bug where negative values are parsed incorrectly and a second '-' is added. I'll look into this. It shouldn't matter for the purposes of automatically adding the loot bonus however. At least, it didn't when I tested it just now. All of the changes to loot bonuses were as expected.
Lastly, the reasoning behind the different syntax for items and effects is one of expected complexity. You should be able to create items and describe them in the exact same manner that the core rulebook does, and have things automatically work out what bonuses should be added. Effects are a Fantasy Grounds construct, and many rulesets use the same format when handling them. That's why the effects format is more complex.
Hopefully that clarifies things a bit. Regardless, thank you for bringing this to my attention; I'll get a fix out soon. In the meantime, after you add an item to a character's inventory, you can always edit the name of the added item to remove the extra '-'.
April 24th, 2021, 00:57
Saagael: thanks for the quick response!
May 20th, 2021, 05:18
Hello Everyone! Currently I'm setting up an ICRPG Campaign on Fantasy Grounds, but something caught my eye today while I was running some testing.
GUN Effort is not being Updated, even when increasing or decreasing the BASE attribute, when you roll the dice, it does not add up on the roll, it just rolls a simple D8 with no modifiers for BASE or LOOT Attributes, I'm using Fantasy Grounds UNITY, with the Quickstart 2e Extension and the Mastery Extension.
Let me know if I can provide additional information for this... and thanks for the help!
May 20th, 2021, 05:34
Hello Everyone! Currently I'm setting up an ICRPG Campaign on Fantasy Grounds, but something caught my eye today while I was running some testing.
GUN Effort is not being Updated, even when increasing or decreasing the BASE attribute, when you roll the dice, it does not add up on the roll, it just rolls a simple D8 with no modifiers for BASE or LOOT Attributes, I'm using Fantasy Grounds UNITY, with the Quickstart 2e Extension and the Mastery Extension.
Let me know if I can provide additional information for this... and thanks for the help!
Ah, good catch! And an easy fix, too; I love those. :)
I updated the quickstart extension, you can find the updated version here (
Let me know if that works for you.
May 20th, 2021, 16:13
That was awesomely fast!
Now is working perfectly! Thanks for the quick reply!
July 6th, 2021, 22:36
The character I think " is replaced by a square - UK machine. Screenshot included around the word machine. 48091
July 7th, 2021, 16:47
The character I think " is replaced by a square - UK machine. Screenshot included around the word machine. 48091
Thanks for letting me know. I've updated the GM module and fixed a number of these missing character issues. It will be released with the updates next week.
Hyper Light Drifter
November 21st, 2021, 03:54
Hi, we experience two bugs with core module + extensions Vigilante City, Quickstart, Mastery
"Effort" rolls in Action rolls will result in error message.
And Monsters are dealing all the damage only to Stun instead of HP.
Any advice?
Thanks a lot in advance.
November 21st, 2021, 04:10
Hi, we experience two bugs with core module + extensions Vigilante City, Quickstart, Mastery
"Effort" rolls in Action rolls will result in error message.
And Monsters are dealing all the damage only to Stun instead of HP.
Any advice?
Thanks a lot in advance.
Can you post the error you're getting, please? I can't reproduce it with those extension; effort rolls on PCs seem to work fine for me. Do they throw errors all of the time, or only in a specific circumstance? Like maybe only targeting enemies that have chunks, or only against PC. Is it all effort rolls, or only ones for a certain power or from a certain character?
For the issue with vigilante city and stun damage, the VC extension changes the default damage type to stun, since that's what was in the book. You can specify stun, hp, or both damage on monster actions using, and it will apply damage to the correct health resource. Doing so looks like this:
1d12 stun damage
2d6 sp damage
3d8 hp damage
Weapon HP and SP damage
Ultimate stun and hp damage
triple magic sp and hp damage
Hyper Light Drifter
November 21st, 2021, 04:37
Ah ok, I didnt know that Vigilante City defaults to that. I added HP to the action description and when I click being "weapon" and when I click on it, both WEAPON and HP will get a blue background, but the roll is still dealing stun damage.
For the "action" issue
- I added randomly Silver spear into inventory. I opened the item and added to Actions Effort, chose Magic Effort and wrote Holy as damage type
- I go to action tab and click on Effort of the spear to roll
- I get error message:
Hyper Light Drifter
November 21st, 2021, 04:40
I forgot, here is the spear
November 21st, 2021, 04:50
Ah ok, I didnt know that Vigilante City defaults to that. I added HP to the action description and when I click being "weapon" and when I click on it, both WEAPON and HP will get a blue background, but the roll is still dealing stun damage.
So there's some weirdness in how FG handles text changes. After you change the text in that field to "Weapon HP" can you try tabbing to the next text field, then trying it? It could be storing the old roll (which uses stun) until you deselect the field. If that still fails, can you try rolling from the same text but directly from the NPC sheet?
If that doesn't work, try replacing the existing extension with the version attached here. Not sure if it'll make a difference, but just checking stuff.
(still looking into the effort issue)
Hyper Light Drifter
November 21st, 2021, 04:58
Wow, thanks a lot for immediate support! It's 5 am in here, so I have to go sleep and I'll check in the morning.
Thanks again!
November 21st, 2021, 05:04
For the "action" issue
- I added randomly Silver spear into inventory. I opened the item and added to Actions Effort, chose Magic Effort and wrote Holy as damage type
- I go to action tab and click on Effort of the spear to roll
- I get error message:
This is bizarre. I'm actually really confused how you got the effort roll to show up on the actions tab by editing the item AFTER you added it to the PC inventory. The action tab rolls only populate when the item is added to a PC's inventory. Once the item is in the inventory any changes to the actions on the item should have no effect on the actions tab.
That said, the VC extension update might fix this too, as the error indicates the extension might be out of date. Let me know if that's the case.
Wow, thanks a lot for immediate support! It's 5 am in here, so I have to go sleep �� and I'll check in the morning.
Thanks again!
No problem :) Glad to help out when I can
Hyper Light Drifter
November 21st, 2021, 10:56
The new extension fixed both problems! Thanks again! <3
Btw. adding the effects was maybe an issue on my side - when you drag the item in the inventory like you would want to duplicate it, it will re-add (or add) its actions into the action tab.
Hyper Light Drifter
November 21st, 2021, 15:25
Sorry to bother still, but our GM just got the system and I am very excited about it and digging into it. So I found some other issues.
Bio-forms are not increasing stats. Of course, there is a simple workaround to just increase basic value of ability manually, I was just curious, if there is supposed to be an automation or not.
And is it possible to have an Ability tab? I saw it on advert screenshots. We are going to play more in accord with master edition with expanded class ability list and it would be convenient to have it. If it is easy to add it. Otherwise we are using TAGS for class powers/abilities and given the size of the window, it's not that convenient (although I udnerstand, that original Tag rules from B&S simply weren't supposed to be numerous).
I am not sure if I am using Battle Fury in the right way - I am creating Effect with Fury: 1 and when I am rolling, Fury in combat tracker is increasing on a failure as it should, but its value is not added to any attempt/check roll. How do I add it?
And scrolling up/down in the Action tab is not possible, if you have too big list in there.
And I really like your work, the system is beautifully automated and I hope this is useful and not annoying :)
November 21st, 2021, 17:29
The new extension fixed both problems! Thanks again! <3
Awesome, glad it's working. I'll update the Forge module to what's working for you.
Btw. adding the effects was maybe an issue on my side - when you drag the item in the inventory like you would want to duplicate it, it will re-add (or add) its actions into the action tab.
Ah, that makes sense then, I don't think I ever planned, designed, or tested for that so it's cool that it works.
Bio-forms are not increasing stats. Of course, there is a simple workaround to just increase basic value of ability manually, I was just curious, if there is supposed to be an automation or not.
There's no automation for bioforms adding their stats, so adding stats manually is the correct way to handle that.
And is it possible to have an Ability tab? I saw it on advert screenshots. We are going to play more in accord with master edition with expanded class ability list and it would be convenient to have it. If it is easy to add it. Otherwise we are using TAGS for class powers/abilities and given the size of the window, it's not that convenient (although I udnerstand, that original Tag rules from B&S simply weren't supposed to be numerous).
Yeah, that's totally doable. I'll put together an extension for it some time this week.
I am not sure if I am using Battle Fury in the right way - I am creating Effect with Fury: 1 and when I am rolling, Fury in combat tracker is increasing on a failure as it should, but its value is not added to any attempt/check roll. How do I add it?
You're doing everything correct. This one I can reproduce so I'll look into it.
And scrolling up/down in the Action tab is not possible, if you have too big list in there.
That's new. I can also reproduce this one, though I have no idea what's going on here. Will look into it.
Hyper Light Drifter
November 22nd, 2021, 14:58
Thank you, looking forward for it!
November 23rd, 2021, 17:14
Thank you, looking forward for it!
So I've got the changes needed for the fixes and the extension to add an abilities tab. However I can't release it until the December update goes live due to changes made to accommodate coreRPG. I can, however, share the individual files that you can copy/paste into your ICRPG ruleset folder to make the fixes yourself. Are you comfortable doing that?
Hyper Light Drifter
November 23rd, 2021, 23:19
Thank you. When should be the December update out? If it is on the beginning, I am willing to wait, as I have no tech knowledge. But if it is something simple - copy here and there - than I will try to do it myself.
Hyper Light Drifter
November 30th, 2021, 22:32
Hi, so would you like to share the files? Or are is the update coming soon?
November 30th, 2021, 22:47
Hi, so would you like to share the files? Or are is the update coming soon?
Sorry, I've been caught up with holidays, work, and other projects. I don't know when the December update will be out, that's from Smiteworks. For the time being, these two files will fix the issue with Battle Fury and the scrolling actions tab.
Rename 'manager_actor_ICRPG.txt' to 'manager_actor_ICRPG.lua' and paste it into the scripts folder of the ruleset.
Copy record_char_actions.xml to campaign folder of the ruleset
Hyper Light Drifter
April 17th, 2022, 14:53
Hi, sorry to bother after a time again.
I am affraid that changes to FGU broke ICRPG a bit. There is a lot of popup errors when you for example add monsters to combat tracker. And items do not have anymore automatization for Carried/Equipped. There is probably more than that, but I didnt do thorough testing.
April 17th, 2022, 17:59
Hi, sorry to bother after a time again.
I am affraid that changes to FGU broke ICRPG a bit. There is a lot of popup errors when you for example add monsters to combat tracker. And items do not have anymore automatization for Carried/Equipped. There is probably more than that, but I didnt do thorough testing.
It looks like someone at Smiteworks went and updated the ruleset without me and in doing so broke a bunch of features. Not sure what to do about it; I don't have the time or energy to undo everything, and I'm sure they made those changes for a reason it just sucks that those changes broke the ruleset. Maybe Moon Wizard can shed some light here?
Moon Wizard
April 17th, 2022, 18:14
I'm not familiar with ICRPG specifically; but I did make the changes to the underlying CoreRPG layer and the adjustments for ICRPG to work with it.
I tried creating a campaign, adding a new character, dragging the Amulet of Kings (+5 CHA) to the character, then equipping it, and it updated the CHA by 5. So, perhaps there are specific examples that you could provide? Also, what versions are being reported in the chat window when you launch a ICRPG campaign?
I was able to recreate the script error on combat tracker add; and just pushed a hot fix for it. Make sure to run a new Check for Updates from the FG launch screen.
Hyper Light Drifter
April 18th, 2022, 13:25
Thanks for the update, it did fix some stuff :)
What I found so far:
- With items, the problem is not with their functionality, but with their counters. On the bottom of Inventory tab you have automated counters with "carried" and "equipped" items. As ICRPG is slot-based, inventory-driven ruleset, it is really a big convenience to track it, manually or automatically. Right now, it's not possible to do it even manually.
- Dark theme and Vigilante City extensions are giving errors, I will try to provide some logs or screenshots later. Curiously, it breaks the possibility to delete chars from combat tracker with right click menu option, while using these extensions. Default (and Quickstart and Mastery) works fine. That's just for curiosity, I don't know, if you want to to update the extensions as well.
Then I have also two questions:
May I ask, if it's possible to make some "Abilities" tab and side bar button (for making a list of premade abilities)? Or to rework Tag field, so it's bigger or adjustable (or move that into separated tab). We play Ability heavy ICRPG version (more akin current Master edition) and that would be really great.
And the last thing: can you advice me, how to change "Gun" Effort in the character sheet? I would like to rename it into "Special" for our fantasy-only game. Is it possible to rename it just on the sheet, so the automation wouldnt break?
If these things are not simple to do/answer, feel free to let it be.
Thanks a lot!
April 18th, 2022, 16:49
- With items, the problem is not with their functionality, but with their counters. On the bottom of Inventory tab you have automated counters with "carried" and "equipped" items. As ICRPG is slot-based, inventory-driven ruleset, it is really a big convenience to track it, manually or automatically. Right now, it's not possible to do it even manually.
Among the changes that were made, there was some major refactoring of the encumbrance code. That would explain why
- Dark theme and Vigilante City extensions are giving errors, I will try to provide some logs or screenshots later. Curiously, it breaks the possibility to delete chars from combat tracker with right click menu option, while using these extensions. Default (and Quickstart and Mastery) works fine. That's just for curiosity, I don't know, if you want to to update the extensions as well.
Also among the code changes was removing my system for handling multiple health resources (because VC uses HP and STUN as health resources), these extensions will no longer work unless the changes are reverted.
And the last thing: can you advice me, how to change "Gun" Effort in the character sheet? I would like to rename it into "Special" for our fantasy-only game. Is it possible to rename it just on the sheet, so the automation wouldnt break?
Gun effort comes from an extension (both Quickstart and Altered State add that), so the only way to rename it is to edit the extension, which you can absolutely do, neither the extensions nor ruleset are vaulted. It would be a matter of changing the effort definition in scripts/quickstart2e.lua, then changing the labels used in strings/strings.xml. There might be some other places as well, but not many.
May I ask, if it's possible to make some "Abilities" tab and side bar button (for making a list of premade abilities)? Or to rework Tag field, so it's bigger or adjustable (or move that into separated tab). We play Ability heavy ICRPG version (more akin current Master edition) and that would be really great.
I'm currently really busy with my day job and other projects, so I probably won't be able to get to this for a while. I'm also not familiar with Master Edition. Could you use the Actions tab to manage character abilities? The GM can set up powers and actions that are associated with tags (Tags have an Actions tab that lets you set up actions), so that when a player gets a tag, they get the associated actions.
Moon Wizard
April 18th, 2022, 18:22
The encumbrance changes were definitely pushed through by me; as I generalized encumbrance updating across every ruleset. This ruleset is definitely an exception to other rulesets. I just pushed an update to fix the calculations for carried/equipped.
I'm not sure on the multiple health resources question; as I did not disable those systems. There might have been some reshuffling back 6+ months ago for some health system generalization; but that shouldn't have removed the systems. I'm guessing that maybe some function calls need to be remapped. I'll take a quick look to see if I can figure out, and let @Saagael handle if I can't.
For the rest of the items, those sound like enhancements to the system that I will leave for @Saagael.
Moon Wizard
April 18th, 2022, 18:42
I looked into the extensions a bit:
Dark Theme
The errors in the Dark theme are old references to graphics that no longer exist, as they were in FGC only. Removing those references will fix those errors.
frame name="tokenbagbar"
icon name="module_statepending"
Vigilante City
The extension was calling an older version of a couple functions. (HealthManager -> ActorHealthManager)
I've attached updated versions of both extensions to this post with the small fixes for the immediate errors I saw. I'll let @Saagael update the repositories and forge.
Hyper Light Drifter
April 18th, 2022, 23:05
You just made me very happy! Thanks a lot!
Hyper Light Drifter
June 16th, 2022, 19:55
Hi, targeting with CTRL + Left click stopped working. If I do it, distance measurement will appear as usually, but the enemy is not really targeted/untargeted. Dragging target button on the enemy works fine, though.
June 16th, 2022, 20:01
Hi, targeting with CTRL + Left click stopped working. If I do it, distance measurement will appear as usually, but the enemy is not really targeted/untargeted. Dragging target button on the enemy works fine, though.
I'm not seeing this seeing this behavior on my end. Do you have any extensions loaded? And it would help if you could share your campaign to see if I can reproduce it. Targeting is exclusively a CoreRPG thing so I'm not sure what might have changed to make it not work.
Hyper Light Drifter
June 16th, 2022, 21:01
This is awkward - my apologies. Restarting solved the issue.
August 29th, 2022, 05:34
I can no longer use the combat tracker- I cannot remove anything from it, I cannot place tokens on the map from it, and I cannot see actions anymore. It looks like an update to the UI has messed up the rules set. I have attached the compiled error log.
Moon Wizard
August 29th, 2022, 08:33
I just rushed to put together a hot fix that I believe will address the issue. Please run a new Check for Updates, and give it another try.
December 18th, 2022, 17:07
Apologies, started new thread with bug report rather than posting here (doh) called:
"Altered State Extension possible bug or issue"
Can you take a look.
December 18th, 2022, 17:17
This has been moved to ICRPG Extensions thread.
Moon Wizard
December 18th, 2022, 18:49
Those errors are from the ICRPG_DarkTheme extension; which does not appear to be part of the official product in the store. It looks like you got this extension from the FG Forge (community provided mods/extensions).
Per the Forge entry, the community developer who made the extension stated that any reports of issues for the Forge item should be reported here:
December 18th, 2022, 18:55
I'm out of town right now but I'll check this when i get back later this week. I'm the meantime I recommend using SirMottes Heath theme
December 18th, 2022, 21:53
Thank you for the quick reply, I will do as you suggest and use SirMottes Hearth theme. It is no rush, just wanted to make you aware.
I have moved the content to the right location, as per Moon Wizard and have done the same for the Altered State error report so they are both now under ICRPG Extensions thread.
April 7th, 2023, 20:36
Hey All -
I'm getting Script execution errors in ICRPG when opening windows. This is happening on an older campaign as well as one I just created this morning.
Moon Wizard
April 8th, 2023, 01:37
I'm not seeing any issues like that with the current Live build of ICRPG.
* What windows are you seeing this issue on?
* Can you try going to the FG data folder (via folder button at top of launcher), renaming the rulesets subfolder to rulesets.bak, and running a new Check for Updates?
By performing that series of steps, it will remove from consideration any older versions of rulesets that are unzipped into folders, or any files that are not correctly being updated.
April 8th, 2023, 18:05
Unfortunately, both updating Windows and renaming the ruleset folder and forcing an update doesn't fix the issue. After some additional testing, it looks like it is specific to the Loot windows and happens regardless of themes or modules loaded.
I'm on Windows 10 (Windows 10 Home version 22H2, build 19045.2728, experience pack 120.2212.4190.0)
I've attached a screen shot of the error as well as an out of range value in the Bottom Left of the window.
Moon Wizard
April 9th, 2023, 04:27
Thanks for the additional information. I just pushed a hot fix that should address the issue.
April 9th, 2023, 17:42
Thanks Moon Wizard! The hotfix did the trick - I tested on new and old campaigns as well as with and without ICRPG modules and extensions.
Much appreciated!
July 25th, 2023, 00:57
I just picked up the ICRPG ruleset today after enjoying the book for the last few weeks, and ran into the following issue trying to drag and drop an entry onto my character sheet:
August 16th, 2023, 19:59
I just picked up the ICRPG ruleset today after enjoying the book for the last few weeks, and ran into the following issue trying to drag and drop an entry onto my character sheet:
I'm seeing this error as well. The issue may be a typo on line 40 of base.xml that attempts to load the script "CharManager" from "scripts/scripts/manager_char_ICRPG.lua" instead of it's actual location at "scripts/manager_char_ICRPG.lua". Altering that line allows drag and drop to the character sheet again, although the bonuses from loot still don't seem to be auto-calculated.
August 16th, 2023, 21:35
I apologize with the delay in response and have passed this along to the developer.
Moon Wizard
August 21st, 2023, 17:15
There is no longer an active developer on this game system ruleset, but I have gone ahead and patched the issue and the warning shown in your screenshot in the beta Test channel.
Currently, the ruleset is in beta testing lockdown until next week. We typically release big updates on Tuesday of each week, so currently targeting Aug. 29.
August 21st, 2023, 19:27
There is no longer an active developer on this game system ruleset, but I have gone ahead and passed the issue and the warning shown in your screenshot in the beta Test channel.
Currently, the ruleset is in beta testing lockdown until next week. We typically release big updates on Tuesday of each week, so currently targeting Aug. 29.
Sorry, I'm not 100% sure what this means. Just that the 29th is the earliest it might get looked at?
August 21st, 2023, 20:11
The rulesets are not able to push fixes till the beta, that is currently undergoing, is complete. You can check on the fixes by changing to the TEST channel that has those changes, but you won't see them on the LIVE server till it gets pushed LIVE. That is targeted for the 29th.
August 22nd, 2023, 02:20
Ah, got it. Thanks!
October 30th, 2024, 19:19
Sorry Gang! Hate anothert log to the fire but after downloading ICRPG, I have been getting the dreaded sliding window of errors.
Good Luck!!!
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