View Full Version : Issue with Player Actions

May 12th, 2020, 16:08
I'm still getting to grips with FGU, so it may be that I've done something a bit iffy, but I was running a game last night and two of my players (out of five) couldn't make attack rolls. It provided this error:

[5/11/2020 7:03:11 PM] [WARNING] Frame tabs contains out-of-range values in BottomLeft.
[5/11/2020 7:03:18 PM] [<color="red">ERROR</color>] Script execution error: [string "campaign/scripts/char_weapon.lua"]:206: attempt to index global 'type' (a function value)
[5/11/2020 7:03:18 PM] [<color="red">ERROR</color>] Script execution error: [string "campaign/scripts/char_weapon.lua"]:206: attempt to index global 'type' (a function value)
[5/11/2020 7:03:23 PM] NETWORK COMMAND STATS [0]: 25 (25) / 3037 (3037)
[5/11/2020 7:03:23 PM] NETWORK FILE STATS [0]: 0 (0) / 3 (3)

I could make their rolls for them, so the game went ahead alright, but it caused a lot of fuss at the beginning!

Is it something I've done/need to fix, or a more transient error?


May 12th, 2020, 16:10
Welcome to the FG forums!

Thanks for reporting the issue. When reporting things like this please always indicate which ruleset you're using, and also if you're using any extensions or themes.

May 12th, 2020, 16:48
Sorry! We're doing 5e, and I haven't installed any extensions or themes (and I'm pretty sure my players haven't)

May 12th, 2020, 16:51
MOD: Moved to Playtest forum

Have those players check and see if they clicked the targeting reticle (on modifier box in bottom left corner) to turn off targeting. Note I believe that this resets to on each time they join a campaign so it may already be taken care of for them next time they join.

May 12th, 2020, 17:11
[5/11/2020 7:03:18 PM] [<color="red">ERROR</color>] Script execution error: [string "campaign/scripts/char_weapon.lua"]:206: attempt to index global 'type' (a function value)
[5/11/2020 7:03:18 PM] [<color="red">ERROR</color>] Script execution error: [string "campaign/scripts/char_weapon.lua"]:206: attempt to index global 'type' (a function value)[/CODE]
These errors have occurred in other areas of FGU where records had non-standard characters.

Could you provide screenshots of the weapons in the character sheets that caused the issue? (Please include the whole character sheet in the screenshot).

May 12th, 2020, 17:17
Have those players check and see if they clicked the targeting reticle (on modifier box in bottom left corner) to turn off targeting

I've heard back from one of them and, yes, he was "clicking it to figure out what it does...:sweat_smile:". Players, eh?

These errors have occurred in other areas of FGU where records had non-standard characters.

This also sounds plausible... there was a lot of confusion building characters, some were imported from DNDBeyond, some were accidentally levelled up, incompetently levelled back down, deleted, reimported, etc, etc...

Sorry, we sound like a bunch of chimps just pulling this thing apart, don't we!


The second player says he didn't click anywhere in the bottom left corner...

May 12th, 2020, 19:42
When reporting things like this please always indicate which ruleset you're using, and also if you're using any extensions or themes.

Thought it might be helpful to report this more precisely... this is what it says on load:

5E ruleset v3.3.11 for Fantasy Grounds
Copyright 2019 Smiteworks USA, LLC
CoreRPG ruleset v3.3.11 for Fantasy Grounds
Copyright 2019 Smiteworks USA, LLC
Dungeons & Dragons Language Fonts v1.0\rfor Fantasy Grounds\rCopyright 2015 Smiteworks USA, LLC.\rD&D Copyright 2015 Wizards of the Coast LLC.
Custom desktop decal\rCopyright 2015 Smiteworks USA, LLC
Wood Theme for Fantasy Grounds\rCopyright 2015 Smiteworks USA, LLC.

May 12th, 2020, 19:47
There are three extensions enabled.

Could you do some testing with one of the players who had an issue?
1) Get them to login to your campaign that had the issues last time. See if they can reproduce the issues. If not, then it may have just been a one off.
2) If they have the issues again. Ask them to clear their cache and go through the same steps as #1.
3) If, after clearing their cache, there's still an issue - export their PC to an XML file. Exit the campaign. Start a brand new D&D 5E campaign with *no* extensions loaded - not fonts, decals or themes. Load in the PC exported to XML. Ask the player to join and see if the issue occurs.
4) If the issue doesn't occur in a new campaign, add the extensions in one-by-one and see if the issue occurs after each.

This will help to identify where the issue might be.

Moon Wizard
May 12th, 2020, 23:09
The "type" field errors were related to an update that we attempted build on Monday that had some new Lua optimizations. However, the optimizations introduced an unexpected variable definition issue. This should be fixed in the next build, as soon as we work out a few issues with some font engine updates.
