View Full Version : Tokens not showing

May 9th, 2020, 21:59
MOD: moved to House of Healing.

Was their visibility turned on? Use the eye icon on the CT. Also make sure the token map visibility (from right mouse on token in map) is set.

May 9th, 2020, 22:09
They were turned on. Two of the players could see them and two of them couldn't.

May 9th, 2020, 23:26
Hey Erick.. Looks like I somehow deleted your OP during /after the move here. Strange... I believe your original issue was that some NPC tokens were not showing and it sound like they show for some players and not others?

The tokens came from the Combat Tracker and were then added to the map from the CT? Are you using FGU with LOS? Can you reproduce? (I'm at a loss of what could be causing this).

May 16th, 2020, 00:11
For FGU D&D 5e - Last Saturday, I could not get the enemy tokens to show up on the map unless I changed them to allies and then back to enemies.

I just went on now and none of the tokens would show on a battlemap..including the PCs...and enemies. I tried to change them to neutral, allies, enemies and back and nothing worked.

If tokens don't show there is no way to use the FGU.


March 30th, 2024, 22:51
I've had this happens to me today, for the first time ever :S