View Full Version : Host vs GM

May 7th, 2020, 15:33
(this seems the right section fot he forum to ask this question in. If it isn't please accept my apologies)

My gaming group is currently looking for a platform to play on during quarantine. We have tried several and finally come to FGU.
It seems better than what we tried so far, but I cannot understand if Host and GM can be separated.

i.e.: we have several people that alternate as a GM, mostly divided for system. Can I buy one ultimate license, host a game and have someone else be the GM?

It's not exactly a dealbreaker, VPNs and remote desktop programs do exist, but a built in feature would be very much welcome.
Monthly payment is not exactly viable for some of us unfortunately.

May 7th, 2020, 15:41
No, in FG (either classic or unity, the licensing system is the same) the Host=GM. However, if each GM is running a different system it likely makes sense for each person to have a standard license. Unless you have a very large group, the difference in price between 1 ultimate license and 4 or 5 standard licenses isn't huge, and this will accommodate your play style. This way, the person who DM's 5e D&D can purchase materials for that ruleset and share them when they DM, the person who runs Pathfinder has all the content for that system, and so on.

May 7th, 2020, 16:02
Thanks for the quick reply, and the insightful suggestion.

But... well, we're about 8 regulars plus some irregulars. Not everyone manages to play in each session, but we all play often enough. That would probably be two and a bit ultimates' worth.
I would dearly wish we could all go out and kill some kobolds for gold pieces, but some of us have kids, and some of us are kids. So price is always a consideration.

I'll probably dedicate one of my workstations to act as a central "GM server" if we set on FGU then. Pity it does not come in linux flavour, I'll have to install windows on it :(

May 7th, 2020, 16:27
There is a linux build coming. Hard to say when it will be released though.

May 7th, 2020, 16:32
Sorry to pour cold water on the central server idea - but Fantasy Grounds has a user license, not an installation license. Putting FG on a central server and allowing different people to use it to GM by accessing via RDP/VNC goes against the EULA.

May 7th, 2020, 16:47
Ah, that's a bummer. Guess we'll have to stick with another platform for now.
Thanks for the info @Trenloe