View Full Version : Okay, I give up

March 18th, 2007, 03:28
I just don't have time to figure everything out. So I figure I'll just ask:

I want to open a window on a character sheet with a pick list of skills that can be dragged on to the sheet. I can get the button into place, I can get the window to open, but no matter what I do the list of skills (contained in a database file) will not appear. I think I can handle the dragging and dropping once I get the damn list to appear. Now, I've been using the code in the reference file that opens up lists of Feats or spells as a guide...but that doesn't seem to be working. So what gives?

EDIT: Some sample code. From charsheet.xml:

<windowclass name="charsheet_skills">
<frame name="charsheet_skills" />
<datasource name="charsheet" />
<defaultsize width="600" height="20" />
<icon normal="button_openwindow2" pressed="button_openwindow2down" />
<bounds rect="394,645,24,24" />
<class name="skill" />
<description text="Skills" />


<windowclass name="skill">
<frame name="referencebox" />
<datasource name="skill" />
<dynamic resize="vertical" />
<defaultsize width="640" height="550" />
<icon normal="button_dragtarget" />
<bounds rect="25,20,20,20" />
<class name="skill" />
<stringcontrol name="name">
<bounds rect="50,20,300,20" />
<bounds rect="-63,-45,45,27" />
<target name="text" />
<button normal="button_scroller" pressed="button_scroller_down" />


<node name="skill">
<node name="skills">
<stringvalue name="name" value="Skills" />
<formattedtext name="text">
<link class="skilllist">Skills</link>


What I believe theses snippets should do is when the windowopencontrol "Skills" is clicked, it opens a window with the referencebox.png background that contains a list of items from the database file skill.xml. The window opens, the skills do not appear.

March 18th, 2007, 10:03
Hi Wil,

All of the examples of links specify a recordname in addition to the class.

<link class="spelllist" recordname="cleric">

Im not sure if this is the problem though...

March 18th, 2007, 21:46
Hi Wil,

All of the examples of links specify a recordname in addition to the class.

Im not sure if this is the problem though...

I've tried it with and without a record name, no dice. I've actually shelved the project until I can get a resolution.

FYI, the idea here is that the skill sheet has no hardcoded skills built in. SilCore simply has too many to fit comfortably. I want to allow the player to pop open the list of skills and drag and drop them on to the sheet. It doesn't *have* to be that way, they could certainly type them in by hand or something. It's just that everything I can see indicates what I want is possible, but there's something hanging it up. I'm also going to be doing the same thing with the sheet that contains perks and flaws.

March 23rd, 2007, 09:47
This is something that Im going to have to do for my own ruleset as well. If you figure it out - please let us know.

Perhaps have a look at the way the spell-lists are done?