View Full Version : Join private game by GM Name UI unclear

May 4th, 2020, 18:03
When the GM starts a cloud game in private mode it is a bit unclear how to join the game. The way the UI is laid out a user might think that they need to put in the GM name, then hit refresh, due to their proximity. I propose changing the layout a bit, to decouple the server list and the join by GM name. Zacchaeus on the discord rightly points out that Join by GM name isn't just for Private games, so maybe the Headings would need to be renamed as well. Perhaps "Public Cloud Server List", and just "Join Cloud Server by GM name". Please see attached mock-up.

May 5th, 2020, 11:34
As discussed on the Discord, I agree.
The way this is put together (a button directly under the entry mask) suggests that the "Refresh" button doubles as a "Search" button. One has been drilled to click the button directly *below* a thing to send the corresponding data, which is obviously not what is intended here.

I also agree that completely splitting it may be a way of doing it. Alternatively, one could put the "Join by GM Name" entry mask *below* the server list, with no button in its vicinity.

Naming could be improved to "Join Cloud Game by List", "Join Cloud Game by GM Name" and "Join LAN game".