View Full Version : Anyone running a Serenity game?

March 17th, 2007, 22:38
Topic says it all. Message me if you are.

March 19th, 2007, 19:24
Yeah, I'd be interested in this as well.

Anyone know if there is an existing ruleset for Serenity? Over time I plan to try to get set to run something in the 'Verse...but that'll be a while.

March 19th, 2007, 20:16
Running a Serenity game in FG 1.05 would be difficult. Since Serenity is one of those systems that use multiple die types for skill resolution you would have to make seperate rolls and add them up manually. This would probably slow the game waaay down.

However, in FG 2.0 this is very very easy and will be one of my first 2.0 campaigns I probably run (besides upgrading my current Ptolus campaign). Also plan to work on Shadowrun and World of Darkness since die pools work in FG 2.0 much easier as well.

March 19th, 2007, 20:54
How do you find the time? I would be interested in all of those....

August 15th, 2008, 23:50
I reckon, this here is a shiny place to nail a post. Got a ship and partial crew, just lookin' to add a couple to the Se Duhng. If ya more like a cat caught ina sack, then a humble fellah, not the ship for you. If ya like rollin da dice more then actin, prob not da game for ya. If ya have a strong back, hard workin', and rather live free in the black then live like a kept cat..drop me a line

[email protected]

Game day: Tue 7pm-10pm EST

August 29th, 2008, 22:38
Gotta fine crew now...come sit a spell and read 'bout 'em at:
