View Full Version : Looking for Players. Descent into Avernus

May 1st, 2020, 02:41
FG License: Ultimate Fantasy Grounds Classic
Game System: 5e

Time Zone: Eastern time United States
Day of week and time: Friday 7pm
Planned start date: May 15th
Planned Duration & Frequency: 3 to 5 hour sessions, twice a month. Two Fridays in a row, then two off.
Term: Long term. I hope we can have many adventures together!

Text or Voice: Voice
Voice software used: Discord
Will this be recorded and/or live streamed? No

Roleplay & Combat mix: 50/50 to 75/25
Number of Players in game & needed: 3 to 5
Character starting level & equipment: 1st level Standard Equipment
Character restrictions: Partial to core races and classes but I have an open mind

Details of your scenario: Baldur's Gate: Descent into Avernus. I love this adventure. Can't wait to run it.

I have been gaming since the Basic Set. Played and DMed 1st Edition, 2nd Edition, 3rd and 3.5. Was out of it for a long time but about 5 or 6 years ago my kids expressed an interest and we started 5e. We are currently running Tomb of Annihilation. Been on Fantasy Grounds for awhile even when we played live. I have a working knowledge of FGC but certainly not a master. Will get Unity when it comes on steam but I don't know if I will convert mid campaign.

I will be running a Rated R campaign for Graphic Violence and Strong Language. So be aware of this. Mature players only please. As grim as a world might be though, I want to laugh and see my players laugh...a lot.

I work a swing shift and it is possible that I get called in on days that I am off. I will give notice as soon as possible but I do not see this as an issue. Conversely I will be understanding of any player that needs off. I do, however expect a commitment to this if I am making one, so if you can't make that commitment, then don't. If this all works out I would love to play again as it hasn't happened in a very long time.

I work a job that makes me be mostly offline for days at a time so if anyone wants to try this out then PM me. If you don't hear from me I am offline and at work. I will be up tonight for a little while but I am free May 5th and a few days after that. There will be some instances when I can get online before then but few and far between. I would like to do Session 0s individually if possible before start date. We can talk about days and times for character creation and backgrounds. If individual session 0s can't happen, I have a bunch of days off before May 15th.

Happy Gaming

UPDATE: Thanks for the interest. I have enough right now. If anything opens up I will repost.

May 1st, 2020, 03:27
Im new to FG but know basics from a few hours watching videos id love to play with you guys/Ladies

May 1st, 2020, 03:36

FG has a learning curve but I am willing to work through it together....

Its not you guys/ladies yet...so far its just you and me so PM me if you want and we can set up a time to talk on Discord

May 1st, 2020, 03:40
I be interested, been gaming since early 80's and have played many systems... but haven't played 5E before so would be quite new... BUT, have a few years of FG experience and have both FGC and FGU ... currently running a sunday Pathfinder 1e game on sundays and have played and ran other games... so do have a good working knowledge of how FG works... if interested in having a complete newb to 5e.

May 1st, 2020, 03:44
Absolutely zkais. 5e is the easiest edition that I ever played but still many options to make a unique character. I like it very much.

May 1st, 2020, 03:48
Sent PM

May 1st, 2020, 03:59
PM sent

May 1st, 2020, 13:54
Complete newb to fantasy grounds here. Very eager to learn but having a hard time finding a group. I have a character concept that would fit great with the mature theme.


May 1st, 2020, 16:45
I am interested if there is a spot available

May 1st, 2020, 18:02
I am interested if there is a spot available

May 1st, 2020, 22:40
Hi, I am interested, I will send a PM.

May 11th, 2020, 01:59
Hi there, I would like to get in on the Friday evening game you have. I am a veteran player from the 80s and have been playing 5e and Fantasy Grounds for 3 years. My Discord is Necrocorpse #4502, send me a message if you still have room. Thank you.

May 11th, 2020, 05:30
I'm available

May 14th, 2020, 03:59
FG License: Ultimate
Time Zone: Central
Day(s) of week, frequency, and time: Any day and anytime probably through at least July with Covid-19 and stuff, except for 4:30PM-9PM on Wednesdays and Sundays because I'm doing other campaigns during that time.
Will the game be recorded or streamed?: No

Game System Preferred: 5e
Game System Experience: Been involved in a couple 5e campaigns just amongst high school friends
Fantasy Grounds Experience: Average, I know the basics but I've never played with someone that knows the ins and outs super well so I don't really know where I stand in comparison to others

Character Type Preferred: I'll play almost anything.

About me: I am 23 and pretty bored during this Covid 19 lockdown stuff. I'm just looking for ways to pass the time.