View Full Version : LFG Bloody Noob

April 29th, 2020, 17:02
Hello my Name is Florian i am 29 years old and i am looking for a Group.
I am from Germany so i would prefer a group that plays in this timezone (GMT +1).
I dont really have much experience but after watching some streams of Dnd runs i am really intrigued to try it.
If someone is looking for a new player i would gladly join you.

April 30th, 2020, 12:14
Hi Efrafa, we are Surprise Roll a UK group based in Winchester, we have just moved to FG because of the plague, we are very international one French, one Italian, one Spanish and one Brit, we are however at a medium level (6-7) in our AD&D 2E campaign and due to various RL issues our sessions are not regular but organised on an ad hoc basis, and we are also varied in experience from noob to very experienced. One thing is we are all new to FG so we are learning that as we go along. If you are interested in sitting in on a session to see how we suit then let me know and I will ask the others if it is OK. PS there is a small blog about the Campaign https://coeadventures.blogspot.com/