View Full Version : [Bug] Ctrl + Direction Token Movement Issue

April 28th, 2020, 23:06
This may be mildly related to FGU-1046. It seemed different enough to warrant mentioning.

CTRL + Arrow Direction combination does not move the selected token (seemingly) at all on a map. I tested with both the arrow keys and the number pad movement systems

I was adding LOS to a new custom map and testing things with a token. I had the wiki open to assist, and found the token movement section (https://fantasygroundsunity.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/FGU/pages/71270405/Using+Tokens#Movement) where it indicated "Hold CTRL and the arrow key to move [the token] by a smaller amount". I tested that, and I had the issue.

I reproduced this in both the 5e system and the CoreRPG system (although my testing wasn't as thorough in the core system).

May 9th, 2020, 04:45
I've seen that sporadically, typically after I've moved one of the points and then went back to add new lines. Usually I can fix that by either going back to the selection mode and clicking on just the map (so the point that's filled in becomes unselected) or using the mouse one or two clicks.