View Full Version : Noob needs help; Can you update FG with new D&D sourcebooks?

wizard of newfoundland
March 9th, 2007, 16:55
a.k.a can I get the complete series and other cool books like spell compendium intergarted into the system?

March 9th, 2007, 18:49
FG is really just a die roller, battle map with tokens and a character sheet with some d20 reference material - it's everthing on a table in a face to face game but the rule books. If you have the books already you could just write what you want on the character sheet. For example for the Spell Compendium you would just write down the spells on the Character's Sheet in the spell list.

If you want to actually add the reference material to a ruleset it is possible but a fair amount of typing. Honestly, I doubt it's worth the effort to put everything in verbatim given the amount of time it's likely to be used by players - but if you got the time go for it.

March 12th, 2007, 01:32
an easy, but not likely to work way to do it would be to contact wizard, give them proof of purchase of the book and ask for the text