View Full Version : Quick Inventory Question

April 27th, 2020, 17:50
Some of my players are creating their own inventory items, such as entering trophies or noble items for their backgrounds. On my side (DM), these items never show up. I just see blank lines where they've created things but words never appear on them. I am experiencing the same thing with Languages, even when they show me screenshots where everything is typed and entered correctly. For example, if they add Elvish, it won't show up for me but they can type in Elvish to me. However, when I speak back to them, it thinks no one understood it, even if they could on their side. I have waited 20 minutes for things to show up/synch and they never do. I have to enter them on my side (DM) for everything to come out ok. Items and weapons dragged over, instantly update, as do languages granted specifically. Am I doing something wrong? I am using FGU.


April 27th, 2020, 18:21
Doesn't sound like you are doing anything wrong. First thing is this reproducible? (Sounds like it is)

What ruleset and what extensions are you using?
Can you post screen shots from both player and GM side and provide a short list of steps to reproduce?

The easier it is for the devs to reproduce the issue on their systems the faster they can get it resolved.

April 27th, 2020, 18:35
it is reproducible, every single time. I'm using 5E and just the D&D languages extension and Theme. I can provide screenshots, but it's as simple as just having them type something instead of dragging over a predefined item. The screenshots would just be blank lines on my side and the items/languages correctly typed on theirs. If they change the location of items in their inventory, it works, but it does take some time. I have 115MB down/15MB up internet so it shouldn't be a problem. I am using Cloud/Private with a password set. I've ensured that they capitalized the languages and spelled them correctly. It even alphabetizes them on their screen correctly. It has occurred with every player that has connected to me. I even uninstalled FGU and downloaded it yesterday (04/26) afternoon from the website and reinstalled and had the same issue with a player. We also made changes to his stats and added custom weapons to his sheet, and those showed up instantly.

Also, in case it's relevent, the updated FGUpdater did not find any issues on my computer with permissions as I am the only user and I am an admin. This issue existed both before and after.

April 28th, 2020, 00:46
So I had my wife help me and type in a bunch of languages. Here is a snippet of her screen vs mine. I also waited several minutes and clicked the edit buttons and it never synched.

April 28th, 2020, 01:04
When my players do this, I have them go open their character sheet, go to the page that I see a blank line on, and hit the tab key on the keyboard. It then instantly shows up. If they use tab to finalize their entry before closing their sheet, it syncs.

April 28th, 2020, 01:35
When my players do this, I have them go open their character sheet, go to the page that I see a blank line on, and hit the tab key on the keyboard. It then instantly shows up. If they use tab to finalize their entry before closing their sheet, it syncs.

Ok cool. Thank you for the info. That will do for the time being. I sort of doubt that is the intended solution though.

April 28th, 2020, 02:59
Yeah, it doesn't help if they exit the program before you get a chance to tell them to go hit tab on that page. So, obviously not intended behavior. Hit tab after typing each entry.

April 28th, 2020, 05:59
Ah yes, this has been reported and is known by the devs. It is something on their list to fix.

April 28th, 2020, 15:40
Ah yes, this has been reported and is known by the devs. It is something on their list to fix.

Awesome! That's great to hear. I looked through the FGU bug list and didn't see it, but I probably just missed it. Thanks for your reply.

April 28th, 2020, 16:57
Unfortunately, the known issues list hasn't been kept very much up to date (doing so would take away from Dev time). So it's really only because I spend too much time reading the posts that I know :)

April 28th, 2020, 17:26
Unfortunately, the known issues list hasn't been kept very much up to date (doing so would take away from Dev time). So it's really only because I spend too much time reading the posts that I know :)

I'm in IT so I totally get it. Updating documentation is time where you could be actually making changes lol