View Full Version : LFG - New Player - UTC +0 - Games starting at 18:00 - 21:00 - Prefer DnD 5e

April 26th, 2020, 20:31
I am a brand new player to both Dungeons and Dragons and Fantasy Grounds looking to join a game and learn as I go.

FG License: I have just recently bought the standard licence for both the classic and unity version.

Time Zone: GMC / UTC +0, I can theoretically play most evenings after work due to the current circumstances and the lockdown. A weekly game would be fine and I should be able to make time for the session each week. Assuming the lockdown ends then Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday would probably be best once life returns to normal.

Term: I would prefer a short campaign to start with to learn the game and the FG interface.

Voice: I would be able to join voice comms on Discord or similar during the session.

Game System Experience: The only experience I could draw from is from video game RPGs, such as Baldur's Gate 2, Icewind Dale and more recently Pillars of Eternity and my current favourite is Pathfinder: Kingmaker with the turn based mod (It was free on Humble Bundle a few months ago). I have also started watching Critical Role and they are wholly responsible for me downloading FG and wanting to play Dungeons and Dragons. I think I am 8 or 9 episodes into their first campaign.

Fantasy Grounds Experience: Zero experience with FG beyond watching a couple of videos on Youtube before the purchase. I have signed up to Fantasy Grounds College to try and join a few classes.

Character Type Preferred: I would prefer to play a straightforward martial class such as a Fighter or Barbarian to begin with a this would allow me to learn the basics of the game before having to deal with too many different spells, buffs etc. Although I would play whatever the DM wanted.

About me: I am male, 36 years old and from North West England. I work in an office doing data entry and admin work. I have never really done any fantasy role play before but I am willing to give it a go and I am certainly interested in the gaming side of the experience. I have always enjoyed board games, tabletop etc. (Warhammer 40k in my youth) and RPG video games and this seems like a great mixture of the two. I have physical copies of the standard DM and player handbook for the 5th Edition which I bought 2-3 years ago with the intention of trying to find a game at a local gaming store. Watching Critical Role has again piqued my interest but do not worry I am not expecting anything like that level of DM or roleplay experience, I am just interested in learning the mechanics more than anything.

Kind Regards
