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View Full Version : [LFP] Starfinder - online (Discord & Fantasy Grounds) - GMT+1 (Switzerland)

April 26th, 2020, 13:05
EDIT: I found 5 players. Thanks for your interrest


April 26th, 2020, 15:24
I've never tried a sci-fi DnD before and am interested in trying it out!
The schedule isn't much of a problem for me but i'm quite new to this stuff so if your looking for someone more experienced i understand.
if not then i would be happy to join your group.

April 26th, 2020, 15:50
I've never tried a sci-fi DnD before and am interested in trying it out!
The schedule isn't much of a problem for me but i'm quite new to this stuff so if your looking for someone more experienced i understand.
if not then i would be happy to join your group.

Hi Nifon.

Beeing new is no problem :).

What timezone are you in?

With you, I would have 2 players so far, 1 (better 2 more) and we are ready do start.


April 26th, 2020, 15:57
i'm in gmt+7 so 7pm is 1am here and i'm fine with it
oh and here's my discord in case you need it Nifon#5751

April 26th, 2020, 17:52
Hi Nifon,

you dont need much sleep, mh? :)

Looking forward to play with you.


April 27th, 2020, 01:51
Hey, I've been GMing Starfinder for close to a year now so I'd say I'm pretty experienced with the ruleset. My friends and I recently started using FG due to problems running a live session with the situation in the world and I'm looking around for some games to participate in to gain some inspiration for my running campain.
I'm also in GMT+1 and might be able to provide some knowledge for newer players (or GMs). Just one question: Will you be running a pregenerated adventure? I've read pretty much all of them (not Starfinder Society) and don't want to ruin the fun by accidentely comming up with something cause I know what will happen or even spoiling anything.

April 27th, 2020, 04:35
cool just let me know when we're going to make characters and stuff

April 27th, 2020, 09:46
Hey, I've been GMing Starfinder for close to a year now so I'd say I'm pretty experienced with the ruleset. My friends and I recently started using FG due to problems running a live session with the situation in the world and I'm looking around for some games to participate in to gain some inspiration for my running campain.
I'm also in GMT+1 and might be able to provide some knowledge for newer players (or GMs). Just one question: Will you be running a pregenerated adventure? I've read pretty much all of them (not Starfinder Society) and don't want to ruin the fun by accidentely comming up with something cause I know what will happen or even spoiling anything.

Good morning, Evolivolution.

As I havent played any Starfinder yet, my plan was to play a pregenerated advanture first to get a grip with the rules. I bought the Starfinder RPG - Starfinder Society Scenario #1-02: Fugitive on the Red Planet module.

Would that be ok for u?

And I am more then happy to have a other GM on board to help :smile:

I will create a discord channel today and send u guys the invite via PM.

Is Tuesdays or ok for both of u? the 3rd player has long shift on Wednesday and would be happy if we could stick to Tuesdays.

BTW if one or two of ure regulars want to join in as well -> the more the merrier


April 27th, 2020, 12:59
Tuesday is fine

April 27th, 2020, 17:42
Starfinder sounds like fun. A different setting then the normal fantasy settings. :)

I have no experience with Starfinder, but I have played D&D 3,5, 4E, 5E and Pathfinder.
Would be my first time using Fantasy Grounds as a player, but have had about a dozen sessions now as DM.

I'm from the Netherlands so from the same timezone and tuesday nights would work for me aswell.

April 27th, 2020, 20:56
Starfinder sounds like fun. A different setting then the normal fantasy settings. :)

I have no experience with Starfinder, but I have played D&D 3,5, 4E, 5E and Pathfinder.
Would be my first time using Fantasy Grounds as a player, but have had about a dozen sessions now as DM.

I'm from the Netherlands so from the same timezone and tuesday nights would work for me aswell.

Hi FlintSilvermoon.

Its very likely that we are going to play Wednesdays. If that would be ok for you, your very welcome to join in.


April 27th, 2020, 22:02
Wednesday wouldn't be a problem either. :)

April 27th, 2020, 22:05
Seeing if you still are currently recruiting for the game? Have the majority of my experience in Pathfinder (Player and DM). Have dabbled in 5e as well for my local group. Been interested in a sci fi setting as of late. Usually play at the posted time as well. Let me know if you would have any questions for me :)

April 28th, 2020, 06:03
Wednesday wouldn't be a problem either. :)
I have send u a PM with the Discord link

April 28th, 2020, 06:08
Seeing if you still are currently recruiting for the game? Have the majority of my experience in Pathfinder (Player and DM). Have dabbled in 5e as well for my local group. Been interested in a sci fi setting as of late. Usually play at the posted time as well. Let me know if you would have any questions for me :)

Good morning, CrazyYodler.

We have one spot open. Ure welcome to join in.

(just to be sure, my time zone is 8h ahead of yours, is that ok for u?)


April 28th, 2020, 16:53
Good morning, CrazyYodler.

We have one spot open. Ure welcome to join in.

(just to be sure, my time zone is 8h ahead of yours, is that ok for u?)


Yea i mainly work evenings. So mornings amd afyernoons work for me ;)

April 28th, 2020, 20:14
Yea i mainly work evenings. So mornings amd afyernoons work for me ;)

A lot of people working in the evenings around here :)

Sending u a PM with the discord link.


April 30th, 2020, 01:42
hello my name is Kody and I would like to take part in your game if possible I've only ever played dnd and I love sci-fi so this looked really fun, I've never used fantasy grounds so I might need help learning it but other then that im excited
my discord is Kodyjustkody#4341

April 30th, 2020, 06:45
hello my name is Kody and I would like to take part in your game if possible I've only ever played dnd and I love sci-fi so this looked really fun, I've never used fantasy grounds so I might need help learning it but other then that im excited
my discord is Kodyjustkody#4341

Hi Kody.

Sorry the group is full.

May 1st, 2020, 18:48
If you need another, I am interested