View Full Version : Items dissappear when dragged from party sheetr to inventory tab

April 26th, 2020, 08:41
Sometimes an item disappears when I try to drag it from the party sheet into the inventory tab of my character. The item disappears in the party sheet, but it does not appear in my inventory, so in other words it completely disappears from the adventure, and the GM has to recreate it.

All the players in the group experience the problem, so I guess that it is a problem on my GM's computer. We are playing Storm King's Thunder using the latest version of the Unity client on windows 10. The GM has the ultimate license, but and the players are using the free version.

When the item disappears we still see a message in the log/chat. This message almost looks normal, but the item name is replaced by an empty string.

During the last session we found a treasure of 4 identical stackable gems. Some of these gems disappeared when dragged to the players sheet, but others didn't. The gems were identical, so if this was a data quality issue, then I would expect all gems to have the same behavior

April 26th, 2020, 18:47
We've been seeing this too. No rhyme or reason to it that we can see.

April 26th, 2020, 19:20
I've seen this infrequently on FGC as well. Never been able to reliable reproduce it, so haven't reported it.

Seems to happen to some character sheets more than others. Seems to happen more often when being done by a player and not the GM. Perhaps it has to do with if the item is identified? (speculation)

April 26th, 2020, 22:04
Literally just had this happen today, about 30 mins ago in FGU - Pathfinder 1e. Dragged item to party inventory, player dragged to his inventory, but shows blank in chat and item disappears from party inventory and not moved to player inventory. I did it twice and he had it disappear twice when trying to drag to his inventory.

September 27th, 2020, 11:22
This happens to us a good few times so have been watching out for it happened when playing lost mines the gauntlets of orge power from the quest disappeared when the player dragged it to there sheet and left a black line and the same happend when I tryed to drag it. We are playing in FGU

September 27th, 2020, 12:04
This happens to us a good few times so have been watching out for it happened when playing lost mines the gauntlets of orge power from the quest disappeared when the player dragged it to there sheet and left a black line and the same happend when I tryed to drag it. We are playing in FGU
Was the item identified or unidentified?

What version of FGU are you using?
Are you running any extensions?

September 27th, 2020, 15:55
The most updated version last updated it on Friday when it happened. The item was unidentifed the first time but was identified the 2nd time when I placed it there.

September 27th, 2020, 16:05
Removed: Misread what the issue was.

September 29th, 2020, 18:10
I saw a similar issue with the latest FGU release.
It appears that moving an item to the character sheet creates a new item on the inventory list.
It the new item is a duplicate it then gets combined with the existing item and increments the count. Then a blank inventory item is left behind.

September 29th, 2020, 19:10
I saw a similar issue with the latest FGU release.
It appears that moving an item to the character sheet creates a new item on the inventory list.
It the new item is a duplicate it then gets combined with the existing item and increments the count. Then a blank inventory item is left behind.

As it absolutely should do. It moves the item for distribution - it does not copy it.

September 30th, 2020, 10:09
Thank you this makes a lot of sense