View Full Version : Image deletion

April 23rd, 2020, 20:05
There have been a few cases when I'm modifying a map, and to be safe I like to use layers, to hopefully not make changes to the original map that wasn't planned.
However, the irony is that more often than I'd like to admit, I manage to click on the "delete image" button on the bottom right. Which makes the original image be deleted.

And if it is a module image, to retrieve back in you need to go to the module->revert changes.

And fair enough this are my own mistakes, but I wonder, why is it even an option on the image itself?
Since the whole image is removed from one misclick, would it all be possible for FGU to ask for confirmation before it carries out the order? (concidering the consequences, that the module has to be reverted to reset it)

Thanks so much for your response in this manner :)

Moon Wizard
April 25th, 2020, 01:03
There is an option to "lock" the image from making edits that is located on the right side of the layer entry in the image data control area. Try clicking that next time to lock the base layer.


April 25th, 2020, 01:17
There is an option to "lock" the image from making edits that is located on the right side of the layer entry in the image data control area. Try clicking that next time to lock the base layer.


I tested, but locked layers get deleted, too; so, I guess it is not wanted that a locked layer can be deleted? (all other forms of edit do indeed not work then, as intended :) )

April 25th, 2020, 02:14
And, to clarify: It seems that it will just delete the locked entry in the layers list while the image stays when it is the only layer left. But adding a new image will erase the deleted locked image completely

(when you delete a locked layer while other layers exist, then both, the layer's entry and the image, will be deleted, regardless if locked)

Moon Wizard
April 26th, 2020, 01:45
I've added as task FGU-1066 to investigate and fix.
