View Full Version : Official Conan 2d20 Bug Reports Thread
April 23rd, 2020, 20:28
Use this thread to post any ruleset specific issues to track and get resolved. When reporting, please provide steps in reproducing the issue and any images if possible.
April 24th, 2020, 19:40
Hi. I was so excited to buy the ruleset for Unity and it's not working. To begin with, when I create a campaign (or upload it), this log comes out:
[4/24/2020 11:12:35 AM] FGU v4.0.0 ULTIMATE (2020-04-23)
[4/24/2020 11:12:35 AM] Launcher scene starting.
[4/24/2020 11:12:51 AM] Starting cloud server mode. [jsalvailara]
[4/24/2020 11:12:54 AM] Game server started. []
[4/24/2020 11:12:54 AM] Launcher scene exiting.
[4/24/2020 11:12:54 AM] Tabletop scene starting.
[4/24/2020 11:12:54 AM] Match successfully created on lobby.
[4/24/2020 11:13:03 AM] [<color="red">ERROR</color>] die: Name (d6.1) must be alphanumeric value. [Conan] [gameelements.xml]
[4/24/2020 11:13:03 AM] [<color="red">ERROR</color>] die: Name (d6.2) must be alphanumeric value. [Conan] [gameelements.xml]
[4/24/2020 11:13:03 AM] [<color="red">ERROR</color>] die: Name (d6.3) must be alphanumeric value. [Conan] [gameelements.xml]
[4/24/2020 11:13:03 AM] [<color="red">ERROR</color>] die: Name (d6.4) must be alphanumeric value. [Conan] [gameelements.xml]
[4/24/2020 11:13:03 AM] [<color="red">ERROR</color>] die: Name (d6.5) must be alphanumeric value. [Conan] [gameelements.xml]
[4/24/2020 11:13:03 AM] [<color="red">ERROR</color>] die: Name (d6.6) must be alphanumeric value. [Conan] [gameelements.xml]
[4/24/2020 11:13:03 AM] [<color="red">ERROR</color>] die: Name (d61.1) must be alphanumeric value. [Conan] [gameelements.xml]
[4/24/2020 11:13:03 AM] [<color="red">ERROR</color>] die: Name (d61.2) must be alphanumeric value. [Conan] [gameelements.xml]
[4/24/2020 11:13:03 AM] [<color="red">ERROR</color>] die: Name (d61.3) must be alphanumeric value. [Conan] [gameelements.xml]
[4/24/2020 11:13:03 AM] [<color="red">ERROR</color>] die: Name (d61.4) must be alphanumeric value. [Conan] [gameelements.xml]
[4/24/2020 11:13:03 AM] [<color="red">ERROR</color>] die: Name (d61.5) must be alphanumeric value. [Conan] [gameelements.xml]
[4/24/2020 11:13:03 AM] [<color="red">ERROR</color>] die: Name (d61.6) must be alphanumeric value. [Conan] [gameelements.xml]
[4/24/2020 11:13:03 AM] [<color="red">ERROR</color>] die: Name (d20.1) must be alphanumeric value. [Conan] [gameelements.xml]
[4/24/2020 11:13:03 AM] [<color="red">ERROR</color>] die: Name (d20.2) must be alphanumeric value. [Conan] [gameelements.xml]
[4/24/2020 11:13:03 AM] [<color="red">ERROR</color>] die: Name (d20.3) must be alphanumeric value. [Conan] [gameelements.xml]
[4/24/2020 11:13:03 AM] [<color="red">ERROR</color>] die: Name (d20.4) must be alphanumeric value. [Conan] [gameelements.xml]
[4/24/2020 11:13:03 AM] [<color="red">ERROR</color>] die: Name (d20.5) must be alphanumeric value. [Conan] [gameelements.xml]
[4/24/2020 11:13:03 AM] [<color="red">ERROR</color>] die: Name (d20.6) must be alphanumeric value. [Conan] [gameelements.xml]
[4/24/2020 11:13:03 AM] [<color="red">ERROR</color>] die: Name (d20.7) must be alphanumeric value. [Conan] [gameelements.xml]
[4/24/2020 11:13:03 AM] [<color="red">ERROR</color>] die: Name (d20.8) must be alphanumeric value. [Conan] [gameelements.xml]
[4/24/2020 11:13:03 AM] [<color="red">ERROR</color>] die: Name (d20.9) must be alphanumeric value. [Conan] [gameelements.xml]
[4/24/2020 11:13:03 AM] [<color="red">ERROR</color>] die: Name (d20.10) must be alphanumeric value. [Conan] [gameelements.xml]
[4/24/2020 11:13:03 AM] [<color="red">ERROR</color>] die: Name (d20.11) must be alphanumeric value. [Conan] [gameelements.xml]
[4/24/2020 11:13:03 AM] [<color="red">ERROR</color>] die: Name (d20.12) must be alphanumeric value. [Conan] [gameelements.xml]
[4/24/2020 11:13:03 AM] [<color="red">ERROR</color>] die: Name (d20.13) must be alphanumeric value. [Conan] [gameelements.xml]
[4/24/2020 11:13:03 AM] [<color="red">ERROR</color>] die: Name (d20.14) must be alphanumeric value. [Conan] [gameelements.xml]
[4/24/2020 11:13:03 AM] [<color="red">ERROR</color>] die: Name (d20.15) must be alphanumeric value. [Conan] [gameelements.xml]
[4/24/2020 11:13:03 AM] [<color="red">ERROR</color>] die: Name (d20.16) must be alphanumeric value. [Conan] [gameelements.xml]
[4/24/2020 11:13:03 AM] [<color="red">ERROR</color>] die: Name (d20.17) must be alphanumeric value. [Conan] [gameelements.xml]
[4/24/2020 11:13:03 AM] [<color="red">ERROR</color>] die: Name (d20.18) must be alphanumeric value. [Conan] [gameelements.xml]
[4/24/2020 11:13:03 AM] [<color="red">ERROR</color>] die: Name (d20.19) must be alphanumeric value. [Conan] [gameelements.xml]
[4/24/2020 11:13:03 AM] [<color="red">ERROR</color>] die: Name (d20.20) must be alphanumeric value. [Conan] [gameelements.xml]
[4/24/2020 11:13:03 AM] [<color="red">ERROR</color>] font: Missing TTF tag for font (dieresult). [Conan] [graphics/graphics_fonts.xml]
[4/24/2020 11:13:03 AM] [<color="red">ERROR</color>] font: Unable to load file (graphics/fonts/Karbala.ttf) for font (Karbala). [Conan] [graphics/graphics_fonts.xml]
[4/24/2020 11:13:04 AM] [<color="red">ERROR</color>] Unable to locate ruleset file. [Conan] [graphics/graphics_radial.xml]
Inside, many things are missing or don't work, like the dice, the rules... What can you do? Thank you very much.
April 24th, 2020, 20:02
This is a known issue that is being investigated. I have merged your post with the Official Bug Reports Thread
ShotGun Jolly
April 24th, 2020, 21:13
Use this thread to post any ruleset specific issues to track and get resolved. When reporting, please provide steps in reproducing the issue and any images if possible.
When using FGU, the ability to edit maps and use fgu features (True Visibility) are disabled.
Also, not really a bug. But a clarification, when rolling and you get extra success, it reports doom is generated, when it should be reporting that momentum is generated. Edit. This has been clarified, reports show different results depending on if a player rolls or the GM rolls
FGU Findings
1. When manual dice are rolled in the chat box, the results of those dice to not appear. And the dice do not stick around long enough to be able to read them all.
2. The dice icons for damage do not show in the chat window when rolling the damage dice, as it would in the FGC version.
3. Combat Tracker bug in the FGU side, that any NPCs added to a map will stay invisible to players. Even if you toggle invisibility for the actor on and off, it will stay invisible. (Update: Issue is gone, Removing the images, and then re adding them seems to have stopped this glitch)
4. If you manually add a NPC to the tracker. (Right click on tracker and add new) and not drag a NPCs from the table, when you click on the icon to bring up the character sheet, FGU will crash. Update: The crash does not happen when you create the NPC in the NPC folder first, and then drag to the tracker
General bug (FGU, FGC)
1. When you add a fortune point to the roll. (which should add a dice that automatically add a die which just rolled a 1) it incorrectly adds 2 successes and does not reference if the skill had focus. In other words, if you do not have focus in the skill, when you use a fortune, it should only grant 1 success. If you have any focus at all, then it should grant 2.
ShotGun Jolly
April 24th, 2020, 22:37
FGU Version.
The dice icons for damage do not show in the chat window when rolling the damage dice, as it would in the FGC version.
I have updated my first post above to capture my findings.
April 25th, 2020, 00:37
The dice issue would be due to using dot notation. Once changed to alphanumeric names, it should stop erroring.
April 25th, 2020, 23:28
When rolling up a character got a en error
[TABLE]Attributes = [Unable to find result row or column]
Charismatic I'm guessing should be 15-16 instead of 17-16
MOD: moved to Conan bug report thread
ShotGun Jolly
April 27th, 2020, 19:50
FGU issue.
When manual dice are rolled in the chat box, the results of those dice to not appear. And the dice do not stick around long enough to be able to read them all.
I have updated my first post above to capture my findings.
ShotGun Jolly
April 27th, 2020, 20:20
Combat Tracker bug. (FGU)
Just found a bug in the FGU side, that any NPCs added to a map will stay invisible to players. Even if you toggle invisibility for the actor on and off, it will stay invisible. (Update: Issue is gone, Removing the images, and then re adding them seems to have stopped this glitch)
Also, if you manually add a NPC to the tracker. (Right click on tracker and add new) and not drag a NPCs from the table, when you click on the icon to bring up the character sheet, FGU will crash. (Update: This does not happen if you create the NPC in the NPC folder first, and then drag it to the tracker
General bug (FGU, FGC)
When you add a fortune point to the roll. (which should add a dice that automatically add a die which just rolled a 1) it incorrectly adds 2 successes and does not reference if the skill had focus. In other words, if you do not have focus in the skill, when you use a fortune, it should only grant 1 success. If you have any focus at all, then it should grant 2.
Added to original post
April 28th, 2020, 14:06
When using FGU, the ability to edit maps and use fgu features (True Visibility) are disabled.
Also, not really a bug. But a clarification, when rolling and you get extra success, it reports doom is generated, when it should be reporting that momentum is generated.
FGU Findings
1. When manual dice are rolled in the chat box, the results of those dice to not appear. And the dice do not stick around long enough to be able to read them all.
2. The dice icons for damage do not show in the chat window when rolling the damage dice, as it would in the FGC version.
3. Combat Tracker bug in the FGU side, that any NPCs added to a map will stay invisible to players. Even if you toggle invisibility for the actor on and off, it will stay invisible.
Also, if you manually add a NPC to the tracker. (Right click on tracker and add new) and not drag a NPCs from the table, when you click on the icon to bring up the character sheet, FGU will crash.
General bug (FGU, FGC)
1. When you add a fortune point to the roll. (which should add a dice that automatically add a die which just rolled a 1) it incorrectly adds 2 successes and does not reference if the skill had focus. In other words, if you do not have focus in the skill, when you use a fortune, it should only grant 1 success. If you have any focus at all, then it should grant 2.
Thank you for all this. This is super helpful to us.
The dice issue has been fixed and should be in today's update.
We will get working on these other issues right away and hopefully get them out right away.
ShotGun Jolly
April 28th, 2020, 19:40
It appears that the issue with the invisible tokens has cleared up. it was totally repeatable for over a week. But today, I deleted all the old images I had added, and re added them, now the token issue is gone.
ShotGun Jolly
April 28th, 2020, 20:01
Removed, discovered it was user error.
April 28th, 2020, 20:35
Having the ability to roll the stats from the NPCs would be very beneficial. This would allow the same automation as it is for the characters. If using unity, and trying to run the game, there is no way you will be able to see the dice results long enough to be able to determine your successes. Unless I am missing an option here.
Have you tried what I described here?
It can be a little hit-or-miss to get the double-click on the attribute or expertise field to work, but it does allow you to do rolls similar to PCs.
April 28th, 2020, 20:50
Although not a bug, but it would be a nice Quality of Life improvement.
Having the ability to roll the stats from the NPCs would be very beneficial. This would allow the same automation as it is for the characters. If using unity, and trying to run the game, there is no way you will be able to see the dice results long enough to be able to determine your successes. Unless I am missing an option here. Can this be investigated when time permits?
I have a suggestion, as it was something that I had placed into my more core extension.
I was able to select the attribute that needed rolling, and then add the bonus (Exp and Foc) to that attribute prior to rolling. When I made the roll, it took into account the bonus and gave me the success in the chat window.
For example..
If the NPC was to make a parry roll..
My combat bonus is 3
Combat bonus covers the skills (Melee, Parry, Ranged Weapons, and Warfare) Seeing Parry is based off of coordination attribute. I would select that attribute, add the bonus and make the roll.. and it allowed for it to be captured in the dice box, and you can see the successes calculated.
I see what you did, you double click the attribute, then double click the bonus, when you roll the dice, it shows the attribute skill and the bonus in the chat window. It would be nice to be able to have the two add to give you ability to auto calculate the successes. But again until you can see the dice results in FGU you still can not what the NPC rolled. You just see the numbers from the stats.
If you doubleclick the attribute and expertise, like you did, that will set the TN for the roll in the lower gem. Then just grabe the gem and drag it into the chat window. Once you do that, It should roll just fine.
ShotGun Jolly
April 28th, 2020, 20:52
Yeah, thanks Statik.. that is actually very smooth! I didnt realize you could drag that to the chat window.. that works very nice! I removed that report above.
April 28th, 2020, 21:01
Thank you for all the feedback BTW, this is all very helpful for us to figure out what does and doesn't work. It's one thing to test this in the vacuum of or test group, but it's another for the world to test it in ways we couldn't think of. Believe me, all this is also going forward and helping us as we work on the other 2d20 rulesets.
ShotGun Jolly
April 28th, 2020, 23:10
Thank you for all the feedback BTW, this is all very helpful for us to figure out what does and doesn't work. It's one thing to test this in the vacuum of or test group, but it's another for the world to test it in ways we couldn't think of. Believe me, all this is also going forward and helping us as we work on the other 2d20 rulesets.
If I can stress the importance on one thing to fix.. is fix it so the rolls do not generate "Doom" but generates Momentum. That saying what it says is going to cause confusion.
April 29th, 2020, 02:29
If I can stress the importance on one thing to fix.. is fix it so the rolls do not generate "Doom" but generates Momentum. That saying what it says is going to cause confusion.
That's only when the DM makes the roll. When the players make a roll it will say momentum.
ShotGun Jolly
April 29th, 2020, 02:54
That's only when the DM makes the roll. When the players make a roll it will say momentum.
Thats bloody brilliant!!!! Thanks!
April 29th, 2020, 06:33
After the Update, I have still some error messages at the beginning :
[4/29/2020 6:31:01 AM] FGU v4.0.0 ULTIMATE (2020-04-23)
[4/29/2020 6:31:18 AM] Match successfully created on lobby.
[4/29/2020 6:31:23 AM] [<color="red">ERROR</color>] font: Missing TTF tag for font (dieresult). [Conan] [graphics/graphics_fonts.xml]
[4/29/2020 6:31:24 AM] [<color="red">ERROR</color>] Unable to locate ruleset file. [Conan] [graphics/graphics_radial.xml]
[4/29/2020 6:31:29 AM] RULESET: Conan Ruleset v1.61.3310 for Fantasy Grounds
Copyright 2020 Modiphius Entertainment, Ltd.
[4/29/2020 6:31:29 AM] RULESET: CoreRPG ruleset v3.3.11 for Fantasy Grounds
Copyright 2019 Smiteworks USA, LLC
Am I the only one ?
April 29th, 2020, 09:15
Thats bloody brilliant!!!! Thanks!
I noticed that too - it was when the GM was making a roll. I think it assumes the GM doesn't roll for players. But, as you say, the actual end result of any task roll is that momentum can be generated. It is only unspent momentum for NPC tasks that is converted into Doom. So, the wording is a little misleading, even if the end result they were thinking of was to add doom.
Getting forgetful now are we? ;-)
April 29th, 2020, 09:18
After the Update, I have still some error messages at the beginning :
Am I the only one ?
I saw those too. The first error means that the results on d20 rolls look a little fuzzy in the chat window as FG is writing a number on the dice result graphic where the graphic already has a number.
Not sure about the second one. If the radial menu icons are defined properly elsewhere then it won’t be an issue (other than raising the error).
April 29th, 2020, 13:04
After the Update, I have still some error messages at the beginning :
Am I the only one ?
The missing TTF is a known issue that we are actively working on. The file we are using to make the custom die roll results is a fgf file, which Unity does not accept. We are working on that.
The graphics_radial.xml error will be fixed on the next update. For some reason that error was not showing up when I tested it, so I didn't realize I left an artifact in the code.
April 30th, 2020, 00:46
The missing TTF is a known issue that we are actively working on. The file we are using to make the custom die roll results is a fgf file, which Unity does not accept. We are working on that.
The graphics_radial.xml error will be fixed on the next update. For some reason that error was not showing up when I tested it, so I didn't realize I left an artifact in the code.
As well as the loading error in Unity, manually rolling in the chat window, or using /die commands doesn't work in Classic either. You get the following result in the chat box:
May 1st, 2020, 18:14
I may be missing it somewhere but when I load the ruleset module I don't see any archetype information listed. I have reloaded and made sure it was updated. Any information on this would be appreciated.
ShotGun Jolly
May 1st, 2020, 18:17
I may be missing it somewhere but when I load the ruleset module I don't see any archetype information listed. I have reloaded and made sure it was updated. Any information on this would be appreciated.
Its there, its on the notes page of the table. I missed it too at first.
May 1st, 2020, 19:00
Thanks, that is one place I hadn't checked yet.
May 1st, 2020, 19:21
As well as the loading error in Unity, manually rolling in the chat window, or using /die commands doesn't work in Classic either. You get the following result in the chat box:
This is something I am working on currently. I didn't get it resolved in time for this coming Tuesday, but it will be fixed before the next update.
May 1st, 2020, 22:07
This is something I am working on currently. I didn't get it resolved in time for this coming Tuesday, but it will be fixed before the next update.
Thanks for the update. We can work around it until it's fixed.
May 2nd, 2020, 02:26
Thanks for the update. We can work around it until it's fixed.
I've got a game I'm running tomorrow morning. What I've done as a workaround since you can still roll from the sheets and get results is created a fake PC (under GM control) and preloaded dice multiples into the skills and combat tabs. Then I use the sheet as my "dice roller". That way you still get results. It's one extra step and you have to do the math manually (bc there's no way to load all possible combos) but it's doable...
ShotGun Jolly
May 3rd, 2020, 00:36
Hi all, today I was invited to play a tabletop game of Conan, so I ran fantasy grounds as we were playing to see how things worked. Here are a few findings.
Some of the things we found were this, and some were already mentioned above.
1. Effects - Vicious - Any weapon that rolled that has this effect, the extra damage is not accounted for and has to be done manual.
2. Minion and group control - There is no easy way to manage squads or groups. As all NPCs are listed individually. It would be cool to be able to have something similar in the combat tracker like in the savage worlds ruleset for handling groups.
3. Table rolling D20 - some tables, which require 2D20 do not roll 2, but only 1 die. A person needs to manually change it.. But they may not know how to do it.
4. Fortune adding wrong. Fortune still adds incorrectly and still auto gives two successes when used on a roll. And does not reference the focus number.
5. The actual Improvised quality description is missing from in the list of qualities, even though the rules explaining how to use the improvised quality is there.
May 3rd, 2020, 00:44
Some weapons have multiple qualities (or have the Unforgiving quality which is Vicious with a qualifier). So you have to decide whether you use Vicious or the alternate qualities (or if it qualified under Unforgiving).
May 3rd, 2020, 00:54
I was thinking about mobs today too (I also ran a game using Vultures of Shem). I don't know if there's a way to merge mobs and then separate them (as individuals die and then drop out dropping the mob below 4). I just ran them using GM adjudication.
May 3rd, 2020, 00:59
Jolly: How are you tracking damage on the tracker (or elsewhere) for same-named foes that have appended numbered names? Since they link to the Foes entry and they all have the same link I couldn't just add in damage for one individual. I ran combats with notes in my head for damage tracking. After the session I figured out I could've just create an Effect on each individual Foe to track the individual damage. I'm trying to think if there's an easier way than that besides the ol' pencil and scrap paper next to the computer....
May 3rd, 2020, 12:17
Some weapons have multiple qualities (or have the Unforgiving quality which is Vicious with a qualifier). So you have to decide whether you use Vicious or the alternate qualities (or if it qualified under Unforgiving).
Correction to my previous statement, I found a ruling otherwise: "If one or more Effects are rolled when rolling for damage, then all Qualities that trigger on an Effect will trigger." (Core, p.151). We had been playing that you only got one Quality per effect (not certain where we saw or thought that). So Vicious always kicks in, just a question of what X value is. An Unforgiving attack would still require GM adjudication.
Lone Pathfinder
May 4th, 2020, 06:49
Dice rolls with the D20 and D6 are just coming up as a 0 and you can't actually see the results of your rolls when using the dice below the chat window.
May 4th, 2020, 09:48
Dice rolls with the D20 and D6 are just coming up as a 0 and you can't actually see the results of your rolls when using the dice below the chat window.
Corrected from: "Nerd Eye has it on their to-do list. I cant find the exact reference (too many threads on Conan) but they said it most likely won't be in the next update due to time constraints. The workaround is to roll off a sheet for damage dice. One of my players figured out you can roll d20s off the gem in the lefthand corner. Just type the number of dice in it and then roll the gem."
Apologies, just figured out how to do that gem roll myself. You out your target number in the gem and then select the number of pips for number of dice. Then you roll off the gem. Still need to do a damage dice off a sheet...
May 4th, 2020, 09:50
See here for dev response:
May 4th, 2020, 10:13
See here for dev response:
Ha! Yeah, it's this same thread... duh...
May 4th, 2020, 15:22
Jolly: How are you tracking damage on the tracker (or elsewhere) for same-named foes that have appended numbered names? Since they link to the Foes entry and they all have the same link I couldn't just add in damage for one individual.
I'm not seeing this.
The combat tracker code is based on CoreRPG and that copies each NPC (foe) to the combat tracker database - it doesn't link back to the master foe record in the campaign data list.
I've added three apes to the combat tracker - get get names Ape 1, Ape 2 and Ape 3. I can apply wounds, trauma etc. to an individual record I open from the combat tracker. They're all unique records within the combat tracker.
May 4th, 2020, 15:31
I'm not seeing this.
The combat tracker code is based on CoreRPG and that copies each NPC (foe) to the combat tracker database - it doesn't link back to the master foe record in the campaign data list.
I've added three apes to the combat tracker - get get names Ape 1, Ape 2 and Ape 3. I can apply wounds, trauma etc. to an individual record I open from the combat tracker. They're all unique records within the combat tracker.
I just redid it, both by dropping them in directly from the Foes tab and then setting up a Battle with them, and you're right. They are tracking separately. I couldn't get the damage to track earlier so I assumed it was some linking issue. It seems good now...
ShotGun Jolly
May 4th, 2020, 21:10
I'm not seeing this.
The combat tracker code is based on CoreRPG and that copies each NPC (foe) to the combat tracker database - it doesn't link back to the master foe record in the campaign data list.
I've added three apes to the combat tracker - get get names Ape 1, Ape 2 and Ape 3. I can apply wounds, trauma etc. to an individual record I open from the combat tracker. They're all unique records within the combat tracker.
The tracker works perfectly. The issue is, it does not handle MOBs. Conan, many of the minion fights, are mobs. Lots of mobs, which represent high numbers of canon fodder for the players to wade through. The problem, MOBs which consist up to 5 NPCs, which act as a single entity, they are also damaged and can die as a single entity.
In my games I use the MOB rule as much as I can, as the game mechanics are designed to work best, and most balanced (IMOH) when using mobs.
Essentially, you have
A) MOBs, which are 5 identical minions,
B) Squads, which are 4 identical minions lead by a toughened or nemesis NPC, or a PC.
When playing a game, having over 25 separate entries just for minion NPCs is very cluttered, and hard to track, so I would like to see the base combat tracker streamlined to make it smoother.
So I have two suggestions.
1- Do the grouping technique, that the tracker in the Savage worlds ruleset.
2 - Add a tab or additional sections to the NPC character sheets in which you can track multiple stats for Minions. (Which I think is the best solution to this)
I add a roughed up image of what I am suggesting. When you open up a NPC from the the list.. Nothing changes, it all looks the same. BUT add an addition tab to the side, where it says, Main, Combat, Sorcery, Notes. Add a new tab called MOBs or Squad.. Then when you click on it it changes to the Mob page, here the stats, the rollers are the same as the first page, but has 5 spots to track the minions vigor and resolve a place for any special talents or spends.. You still keep all the dice rolling automation. Doing this, will allow a player to add multiple NPCs to the combat, but keeps it being only 1 entry on the tracker..
This should be easy to do.. and it makes the game work much smoother.
May 5th, 2020, 15:15
This is something that has been on our radar that we are working on. We are hoping to do a complete overhaul of the combat tracker.
May 9th, 2020, 00:36
Am I the only one who does not get any fonts for the headers of any dialog boxes? This is in FG Unity running on Mac OS X Catalina 10.15.4 ...
May 9th, 2020, 02:26
Am I the only one who does not get any fonts for the headers of any dialog boxes? This is in FG Unity running on Mac OS X Catalina 10.15.4 ...
Hmm I just noticed that as well.
Edit: On Windows 10, so I don't think it's OS specific
May 9th, 2020, 02:43
Something else I noticed. I'm unable to to use the search function in the reference manual. In fact it causes the table of contents to disappear if I enter a search and hit enter. I then have to close the window and reopen the manual.
Search seems to work in tables.
May 10th, 2020, 01:23
Sorry I think I ran into another bug. While trying to create a map in the ruleset, it won't open map editor. It only has the "Mask, Drawing, and Eraser Mode" in the upper left corner. It works fine in the base 5e ruleset.
I also tried starting a new campaign with Conan. I did not load any modules, Go to assets >folder>paste a png into the images folder. Go to Images on the assets window and drag the map to the images window. Opens the map but with only the above tools. (after I unlock it)
Edit: FGU on Windows 10
Edit: Fixed in v1.62.3310
May 13th, 2020, 15:49
Am I the only one who does not get any fonts for the headers of any dialog boxes? This is in FG Unity running on Mac OS X Catalina 10.15.4 ...
We are currently working on this.
May 27th, 2020, 12:32
Hi! For some reason the manual GM rolls are not showing in the chat in the Unity version. I have tried the preferences and /die reveal command and reinstalling the program, but nothing works. Its super frustrating when everything else in this game is so well don and we have been having a lot of fun playing it. But not being able to see the rolls in the chat makes the game really hard especially in combat. Is there something I am missing or something I can do? Thank you.36146
May 28th, 2020, 18:26
Hi! For some reason the manual GM rolls are not showing in the chat in the Unity version. I have tried the preferences and /die reveal command and reinstalling the program, but nothing works. Its super frustrating when everything else in this game is so well don and we have been having a lot of fun playing it. But not being able to see the rolls in the chat makes the game really hard especially in combat. Is there something I am missing or something I can do? Thank you.36146
This is an issue that we are currently working on. To stay most up-to-date on patch notes and such I would recommend following our Facebook page ( and/or Twitter ( if you're not already.
May 31st, 2020, 14:43
Something we noticed on our first playthrough is that even though the option for Show DM Rolls is off, it still tells players whether I succeeded or not. They cant see the rolls, but the red failure or green success wording still shows on their screens.
May 31st, 2020, 23:35
Something we noticed on our first playthrough is that even though the option for Show DM Rolls is off, it still tells players whether I succeeded or not. They cant see the rolls, but the red failure or green success wording still shows on their screens.
Thank you for bringing this to our attention. We will look into it as soon as possible.
ShotGun Jolly
June 10th, 2020, 19:47
@statik367 @Sunspoticus @OmegaCrits
3 questions for you.
Has any more thought been put into the combat tracker yet?
IE: For handling MOBs and Squads?
If so, when do you expect it to be ready for update?
Again with the combat tracker. Can you consider removing initiative order numbers, and replace it with a completed action toggle or icon. We all know that this game does not have an initiative order. But is decided by the players, and the GM if he uses Doom. So, when a player or NPC acts, the GM just needs to check the button and it moves automatically to the bottom of the list.
Can you consider adding in a Momentum counter for players, much like the group momentum counter. If a player or NPC makes a success and gains momentum, the momentum is added to the counter, when the NPC or player uses the momentum generated, he can just click it as he spends it.. when at the end of the the players turn and the GM selects the next actor, The remainder of the pool is then added the to the group momentum to its max of 6. This was a feature on several of the fan based extensions that are out there. And it was highly used and requested by the players during the time before this official ruleset.
June 10th, 2020, 21:11
1.) The Talent Trees and sample Talent tree mages aren't in the module. The info on how to read the talent tree is missing. Seeing the tree is needed to determine experience cost of talents and to hep quickly determine talent prerequisites. The ore book talen't don't give experience cost in the talent's description like in non-core books that have other talents.
2.) When managing and creating characters if I roll a die the result is given as 0 and and error message shows up. Rolling on a table doesn't do this.
3.) The font used to display the name of a character in a character sheet, NPC does not display many common symbols. minus sign, apostrophe, etc. that are in character names in the various Conan source books and pregens from the quick play modules. The text will just show up as blank for those charters. The font most likely doesn't have symbols to use for this.
4.) Some ranged weapons also can be used as melee ones, but the space/entry area for Reach only shows up in melee weapons.
June 14th, 2020, 12:38
Noticed some more bugs.
1.) f you drag a PC sheet to the Combat Tracker the character portrait isn't showing up showing up in the tracker.
2,) You can move the character portrait from the combat and also from the character sheet to a map to show a charter on amp.
3.) A player can't drag a token to the character portrait on a character sheet if one wanted to use a token for the character instead of s portrait image to use for maps.
The above are when using the set in FG Classic. No idea if Unity version is also having the same bugs.
June 14th, 2020, 14:39
Noticed some more bugs.
1.) f you drag a PC sheet to the Combat Tracker the character portrait isn't showing up showing up in the tracker.
2,) You can move the character portrait from the combat and also from the character sheet to a map to show a charter on amp.
3.) A player can't drag a token to the character portrait on a character sheet if one wanted to use a token for the character instead of s portrait image to use for maps.
The above are when using the set in FG Classic. No idea if Unity version is also having the same bugs.
No issues like that on my game. I'm in FGC too. What version are you running?
June 14th, 2020, 23:19
I deleated all the Conan files in the Vault Folder and reran the updater to ensure that none of the Conan files were corrupted and I had afresh copy of the Ruleset, etc..
I did some screen shots to show some of the problems.
Two PC Characters - Named : Test 1 & 2 when dragged to combat tracker. The wrong image is displayed in the tracker and not the correct portrait. See highlighted area in tracker. This happens with any PC sheet. It's wanting to use the 1st image in my shared folder or last image used for an NPC.
The 2nd image has a grid over one of the Conan tiles and 4 tokens from token modules. The 2 PC characters can't be added as FG won't allow the portrait to display on the map like a token. NPC tokens show ok along with anything I just drag from a token module onto the map. Character Portraits aren't showing up.
Fantasy Grounds and Conan Ruleset are latest non-beta versions.
June 15th, 2020, 00:06
I deleated all the Conan files in the Vault Folder and reran the updater to ensure that none of the Conan files were corrupted and I had afresh copy of the Ruleset, etc..
I did some screen shots to show some of the problems.
Two PC Characters - Named : Test 1 & 2 when dragged to combat tracker. The wrong image is displayed in the tracker and not the correct portrait. See highlighted area in tracker. This happens with any PC sheet. It's wanting to use the 1st image in my shared folder or last image used for an NPC.
The 2nd image has a grid over one of the Conan tiles and 4 tokens from token modules. The 2 PC characters can't be added as FG won't allow the portrait to display on the map like a token. NPC tokens show ok along with anything I just drag from a token module onto the map. Character Portraits aren't showing up.
Fantasy Grounds and Conan Ruleset are latest non-beta versions.
That's weird... Most troubleshooting on these stems from dropping and dragging from the NPC / Foes tabs (technically you're supposed to drop-and-drag only from the Encounters / Battles tab for most rulesets). Then you drop and drag the Minis and Tokens on your map from the Tracker. But that doesn't look like your issue.
Still, try it though, create a Battle and use the button to place those NPCs on the Tracker. See if that works for them. That shouldn't affect your PCs / Heroes though. Maybe it's an issue with the folder your portraits / tokens are in?
I'm not a tech guy btw, just someone who is a frequent end-user for FG.
June 16th, 2020, 21:33
1.) The Talent Trees and sample Talent tree mages aren't in the module. The info on how to read the talent tree is missing. Seeing the tree is needed to determine experience cost of talents and to hep quickly determine talent prerequisites. The ore book talen't don't give experience cost in the talent's description like in non-core books that have other talents.
2.) When managing and creating characters if I roll a die the result is given as 0 and and error message shows up. Rolling on a table doesn't do this.
4.) Some ranged weapons also can be used as melee ones, but the space/entry area for Reach only shows up in melee weapons.
I noticed these in my first session I ran with the ruleset and had them on my list to report. Thanks Jay_NOLA!
Regarding #4 - the same for Threaten attacks, they don't have a range entry (and ideally should).
June 16th, 2020, 21:41
A few things based off recently running a game.
Difficulty buttons labeled as DC1 etc., but should be D1, D2... A minor thing, but DC is a (single) d20 based mechanic (Difficulty Class), Conan 2d20 has Difficulty 1, Difficulty 2, etc..
Images don't have the ID functionality - this means the GM can't hide spoilers from the players (in an image name - it happens often).
Please, please, please add the attack roll to a weapon combat entry - especially on a NPC. This will speed up combat no end!
Reference manual - split sections into more headings. For example, skills would be GREAT in their own sections. All of my players were new to Conan 2d20 and only one had their own copy of the rules. Being able to quickly and easily share a Reference Manual record specific to one skill (not the whole skill list and say "scroll down - lots") would have been great.
Connected to the previous entry - it would be fantastic to have links next to each skill that open a window showing details of the skill.
Items - would it be possible to add some default "items" (weapons) to make it easier to create PCs and NPC - specifically unarmed melee, unarmed range and steely glare - the three different type of attacks default.
Please add the different threaten attacks to items (weapons). This will make it much easier to use when needed.
No mood lighting button.
Is there a way to track encumbrance?
What are the plans for the combat tracker? I know there isn't an initiative order in Conan 2d20, but having a nicer way to track who's acted, and also easily track stress, traumas, etc..
June 17th, 2020, 14:07
I noticed these in my first session I ran with the ruleset and had them on my list to report. Thanks Jay_NOLA!
Regarding #4 - the same for Threaten attacks, they don't have a range entry (and ideally should).
For Threatened attacks in the type section if you type in Spell it adds in a Range section, even though it isn't a spell. I had to do that when I entered in all the Quick Start PCs and have been entering in all the NPCs from all the source books. No idea why the designers of the set set it up this way.
See the attached image.
The 1.6 Ruleset Doc PDF the set creators did needs to be updated to cover what the various Types & Sub-Types for Attacks & Items enable in a box.
ShotGun Jolly
June 18th, 2020, 17:12
So at the risk of sounding A hole'ish.
I am going to ask.. any Dev read any of these concerns in the last week? Its been 8 days since any comment from the devs.. Even posted on the Modiphius forums, my concerns. I rather know that someone is reading the concerns posted then just hearing silence.
June 19th, 2020, 01:33
Not sure if this will help but I set up all the Threaten attacks that a PC can have as Items and exported them as a module. Damage needs to be set for 2 of the attacks as those base damage on reputation and on number of enemies killed in a scene and vary.
The attack will be under the Group Displays of Power and Might in Items when you open the module.
June 19th, 2020, 04:54
I will try and get in touch with the developer to check the reported bugs.
June 19th, 2020, 12:43
Some more bugs.
Rulebook - TYpe, Vigor, and Resolve are not given for Charcters of Renown
Rulebook - Guard and Guard Sargent have a blank special ability showing up.
Vulture of Shen - Just about every Foes for the module doesn't have mental Cpitalize in the Qualities for attacks that have it. (Mental is capitaized in all attacks of other foes that have this quality have it. It is capitaized in the description
Vultures of Shem - Mordiggian's in the Foe of the module are missing the description of the qualities that the 3 differnt attacks have that are in the text area Encumbrance entry that other Foes have.
Vultures of Shem - The Assauri and Gidim and have both Minion and Toughened versions but this can't be easily identified as the differnt version have the exact same name.
June 19th, 2020, 18:18
3 questions for you.
Has any more thought been put into the combat tracker yet?
IE: For handling M O Bs and Squads?
If so, when do you expect it to be ready for update?
Again with the combat tracker. Can you consider removing initiative order numbers, and replace it with a completed action toggle or icon. We all know that this game does not have an initiative order. But is decided by the players, and the GM if he uses Doom. So, when a player or NPC acts, the GM just needs to check the button and it moves automatically to the bottom of the list.
Can you consider adding in a Momentum counter for players, much like the group momentum counter. If a player or NPC makes a success and gains momentum, the momentum is added to the counter, when the NPC or player uses the momentum generated, he can just click it as he spends it.. when at the end of the the players turn and the GM selects the next actor, The remainder of the pool is then added the to the group momentum to its max of 6. This was a feature on several of the fan based extensions that are out there. And it was highly used and requested by the players during the time before this official ruleset.
I'd like to apologize for the delayed response. To answer your questions, for 1 and 2 this is something that is being worked on for the tracker and we hope to have an update in the next few weeks. As for Question 3, We have not considered this as in our experience personal momentum doesn't last very long before it goes into the pool or gets lost. At this time it is not something that we are looking further into.
June 21st, 2020, 13:22
Som more info on a bug I reported.
The bug with certain text not showing up is because the rulest use the Crom font to display text in certain areas.
I've attached 2 images showing the text problems the red boxes in the illustration show the names in area of the russet that use the Crom font and in area that don't.'
I also did some tests by typing out various names in a Word file and looking at how the looked in the Crom font and in other fonts and can confirm that the Crom font is the problem. Another Conan based font ought to be used indited in the ruleset so names, etc. will display correctly. Many names from the various Conan RPG books won't display corrector currently.
Update on the portrait bug. The bug is only occurring in old campaigns now. I made a new campaign yesterday and the bug didn't show up. Not sure if something is occurring that is causing some sort of corruption f older campaigns.
For Talent can you add an entry to out in the experience point cost of the talent. In all the Conan supplements for the new Talent Tree ones give an Experience cost.
You currently can't get text to be bold or italic in the Talent description for some odd reason.
June 22nd, 2020, 15:08
Hello everyone, I am sorry for the delay in responding to most of these. I could say it's been a busy time for us, but there really isn't any excuse. We will do our best to respond quicker going forward. That said, this will be a long post where I do my best to answer everything I can thus far that has not yet been answered. After writing it all up, I had to break it up into two posts.
1.) The Talent Trees and sample Talent tree mages aren't in the module. The info on how to read the talent tree is missing. Seeing the tree is needed to determine experience cost of talents and to hep quickly determine talent prerequisites. The ore book talen't don't give experience cost in the talent's description like in non-core books that have other talents.
2.) When managing and creating characters if I roll a die the result is given as 0 and and error message shows up. Rolling on a table doesn't do this.
3.) The font used to display the name of a character in a character sheet, NPC does not display many common symbols. minus sign, apostrophe, etc. that are in character names in the various Conan source books and pregens from the quick play modules. The text will just show up as blank for those charters. The font most likely doesn't have symbols to use for this.
4.) Some ranged weapons also can be used as melee ones, but the space/entry area for Reach only shows up in melee weapons.
1. I assume Talent tree mages is a typo and you meant images. With these fantasy based games, sometimes it's hard to tell. We are working on doing a complete overhaul of the roulebook, and hope to have that out to everyone as soon as we can.
2. I don't know when this happens to test it. If it is when you grab the d20 and drop it into the chat window, then that was fixed. If it happens at a different time, can you please give me more details of how you create the error, and maybe a screenshot or two would also be helpful.
3. That is a problem with the TTF font we were given. We can look into it and see if we can get a better font.
4. Under Combat, if you click on the Type (TYP) it can be changed to the different types of combats. Once you do that and then click on the shield to open the details window, it will show you the areas you can then fill in for that type of attack. The System will save it, even when you change the type again, and you no longer see that. Once you switch the that type after you enter the data the first time, it should auto populate those fields.
1.) f you drag a PC sheet to the Combat Tracker the character portrait isn't showing up showing up in the tracker.
2,) You can move the character portrait from the combat and also from the character sheet to a map to show a charter on amp.
3.) A player can't drag a token to the character portrait on a character sheet if one wanted to use a token for the character instead of s portrait image to use for maps.
The above are when using the set in FG Classic. No idea if Unity version is also having the same bugs.
1. I'm not sure why this is happening to you. When I did it, it worked fine. Maybe the file path saved in the campaign DB is messed up. I know you said you reinstalled the files. Have you tried creating a new campaign and seeing if it does it still?
2. Also not sure about this. I can move a portrait to the CT and then from the CT to the map. You can not move from the character sheet directly to the map, is that what you are looking to do?
3. The images on the character sheets are portraits , not tokens. Which is why you can't drag a token on. That can be changed, if people think it would be better, but the way 2d20 works and their very lax and loosey goosey way of combat, we figured a portrait would be better in this case. If people disagree, we can always change it to a token, but be aware, if we do that, all portraits currently saved to characters will disappear and they will have to be replaced with new token images.
A few things based off recently running a game.
Difficulty buttons labeled as DC1 etc., but should be D1, D2... A minor thing, but DC is a (single) d20 based mechanic (Difficulty Class), Conan 2d20 has Difficulty 1, Difficulty 2, etc..
Images don't have the ID functionality - this means the GM can't hide spoilers from the players (in an image name - it happens often).
Please, please, please add the attack roll to a weapon combat entry - especially on a NPC. This will speed up combat no end!
Reference manual - split sections into more headings. For example, skills would be GREAT in their own sections. All of my players were new to Conan 2d20 and only one had their own copy of the rules. Being able to quickly and easily share a Reference Manual record specific to one skill (not the whole skill list and say "scroll down - lots") would have been great.
Connected to the previous entry - it would be fantastic to have links next to each skill that open a window showing details of the skill.
Items - would it be possible to add some default "items" (weapons) to make it easier to create PCs and NPC - specifically unarmed melee, unarmed range and steely glare - the three different type of attacks default.
Please add the different threaten attacks to items (weapons). This will make it much easier to use when needed.
No mood lighting button.
Is there a way to track encumbrance?
What are the plans for the combat tracker? I know there isn't an initiative order in Conan 2d20, but having a nicer way to track who's acted, and also easily track stress, traumas, etc..
1. We can look into that. I will bring it to our UI guy and see what he says.
2. We removed the ID function, again, because of the loosey goosey way 2d20 is, we din't think it would be needed. We actually have a bit of internal conversations about this. If everyone thinks this is needed, we can add it back.
3. Maybe it's too early on a Monday morning, but I am not understanding what you mean by this.
4 - 7. I will bring this to the team and get their thoughts on it. It makes sense.
8. We can add it back in, if those feel it is useful.
9. There is not yet, but it is on our list of things we are looking to add in the near future.
10. We are actively working on the combat tracker now. We are hoping to have something put out in the next couple weeks. As I have said about the loosey gooseyness of 2d20, we are working on a way to make the tracker useful and look good, which for a system like this is turning out to be a bit harder than we expected. But this is actively being worked on, and hope to figure it out soon.
So at the risk of sounding A hole'ish.
I am going to ask.. any Dev read any of these concerns in the last week? Its been 8 days since any comment from the devs.. Even posted on the Modiphius forums, my concerns. I rather know that someone is reading the concerns posted then just hearing silence.
We are sorry about this. We will be doing our best to never let this happen again.
Not sure if this will help but I set up all the Threaten attacks that a PC can have as Items and exported them as a module. Damage needs to be set for 2 of the attacks as those base damage on reputation and on number of enemies killed in a scene and vary.
The attack will be under the Group Displays of Power and Might in Items when you open the module.
This is great. Thank you for this. We will look at it.
June 22nd, 2020, 15:08
Some more bugs.
Rulebook - TYpe, Vigor, and Resolve are not given for Charcters of Renown
Rulebook - Guard and Guard Sargent have a blank special ability showing up.
Vulture of Shen - Just about every Foes for the module doesn't have mental Cpitalize in the Qualities for attacks that have it. (Mental is capitaized in all attacks of other foes that have this quality have it. It is capitaized in the description
Vultures of Shem - Mordiggian's in the Foe of the module are missing the description of the qualities that the 3 differnt attacks have that are in the text area Encumbrance entry that other Foes have.
Vultures of Shem - The Assauri and Gidim and have both Minion and Toughened versions but this can't be easily identified as the differnt version have the exact same name.
I will bring all of these to our module team, thank you.
Som more info on a bug I reported.
The bug with certain text not showing up is because the rulest use the Crom font to display text in certain areas.
I've attached 2 images showing the text problems the red boxes in the illustration show the names in area of the russet that use the Crom font and in area that don't.'
Crom Font Bug 1.jpg
Crom Font Bug 2.jpg
I also did some tests by typing out various names in a Word file and looking at how the looked in the Crom font and in other fonts and can confirm that the Crom font is the problem. Another Conan based font ought to be used indited in the ruleset so names, etc. will display correctly. Many names from the various Conan RPG books won't display corrector currently.
Update on the portrait bug. The bug is only occurring in old campaigns now. I made a new campaign yesterday and the bug didn't show up. Not sure if something is occurring that is causing some sort of corruption f older campaigns.
For Talent can you add an entry to out in the experience point cost of the talent. In all the Conan supplements for the new Talent Tree ones give an Experience cost.
You currently can't get text to be bold or italic in the Talent description for some odd reason.
1. Thank you for this update. I should have read all the comments before I started answering them, but now that I did all this typing, I'm too lazy to go back and fix it. As I mentioned earlier, we will definitely look into this font issue.
2. Re: portrait bug. Same as above, should have read ahead. But I'm glad it's working now. Unfortunately, how FG is set up, any updates done that adjust the system itself, do not always auto correct itself in the individual campaigns. We are trying to keep any major fixes like that to a minimum and push them all at once, so that you all don't have to constantly restart your campaigns.
3. Re: Talents. I will bring the experience cost to the team. As for the bolding, I believe that is a downside to how those particular fields are hard coded into the system. There is a notes field we could use instead, but it wouldn't show the "Description" title. We went with this because we felt it looked better this way, but if people want it the other way, we can certainly look into it further. However, this will be one of those things that won't break your campaign, but all the preloaded data would go away. Obviously, we would update the books to work correctly, but anything dragged to a PC sheet or such would have to be removed and re-dragged over.
That was a lot, Sorry for the info dump. I will nervously say this... For the time being, if for any reason we do not respond within 1 business day, please feel free to DM me. I say 1 business day, because obviously, weekends and holidays may delay a response. We do, more or less, work every day, but sometimes we tempt fates and venture out of the house.
June 22nd, 2020, 15:45
Thanks for the responses. Some further info:
2. We removed the ID function, again, because of the loosey goosey way 2d20 is, we din't think it would be needed. We actually have a bit of internal conversations about this. If everyone thinks this is needed, we can add it back.
Images can have spoiler names - e.g. the necromancer's secret lair, and when shared with the players that results in spoilers. Being able to quickly change the name displayed to the players is a great tool available to the GM - they lookup images with the normal name, but the image name shared with the players is different. This is generic record sharing in FG, I don't understand why this wouldn't be a good piece of functionality due to the loosey goosey way of 2d20. Sure, if it was something that wasn't there already and took development time to do, then I can understand prioritizing over other development work. But I'm really surprised that this was actually removed from standard functionality.
Case in point - the "Neferet" image in the Vultures of Shem adventure module - when the PCs first meet her she's passing herself off as a handmaiden, if the players realize she's not who she says she is (which is easy when the image is shared) it'll break part of the adventure.
3. Maybe it's too early on a Monday morning, but I am not understanding what you mean by this.
For a GM to roll an attack they have to double-click on an attribute, then double-click on an expertise, and then drag/drop the TN to the chat window. The attribute and expertise will always be the same for a certain weapon type (melee or ranged), it would make the GMs life so much easier if there was an attack button/field in the attacks section of the NPC record that does all of this in one double-click - just like a PC can do on their skill TN field.
Related to this - it would be a good idea to add the same to the PCs attack entry, even though the PC has access to Melee and Ranged Weapons skill checks on their sheet, it's my experience that new-ish players waste a few seconds finding it - so it would be a time saver for players too, if they could just double-click on a field in the weapon entry in the A
8. We can add it back in, if those feel it is useful.
Please do. I find it a great immersion tool.
June 22nd, 2020, 22:23
2. I don't know when this happens to test it. If it is when you grab the d20 and drop it into the chat window, then that was fixed. If it happens at a different time, can you please give me more details of how you create the error, and maybe a screenshot or two would also be helpful.
Thank you very much for the updates. Makes me feel better.
I wondering about this quote though. I'm using FGU and this has defiantly not been fixed. If I drop either the d20 or d6 on the chat I get a blank output. I've tried in new and old campaigns. I retry every time the ruleset is updated, hoping it was fixed, but so far no change. This is on two different computers with FGU installed.
Edit: Updated with picture. This is a brand new campaign, just updated FGU today. d20 roll, no output
June 23rd, 2020, 12:14
Thank you very much for the updates. Makes me feel better.
I wondering about this quote though. I'm using FGU and this has defiantly not been fixed. If I drop either the d20 or d6 on the chat I get a blank output. I've tried in new and old campaigns. I retry every time the ruleset is updated, hoping it was fixed, but so far no change. This is on two different computers with FGU installed.
Edit: Updated with picture. This is a brand new campaign, just updated FGU today. d20 roll, no output
Yes. I apologize. I didn't know you were referring to FGU. This is a known issue that we have been working on.
ShotGun Jolly
June 23rd, 2020, 18:12
Guys! Thanks for all the replies! I am looking forward to this product as it continues to develop!
June 24th, 2020, 12:54
A few more bugs and things.
Core Book - the Foes Shadow on the Wall and Child of Derketa have both a Minion and a Toughened version but the names don't indicate which is witch is witch.
Some foes in the other Conan RPG books have additional information that can be entered for Courage.
Example the Skeleton Warrior Giant in Conan the Thief has a Courage 0f 2D (Loyalty) and the Spider Horrors in Conan the Thief has a Courage given as 4 (Horror).
Ruleset- Some Items in other Conan products can't be entered.
Example 1.) In Conan the Mercenary has Siege Weapons these are like normal weapons but Encumbrance is not a number and is the word Crewed often followed by a number and they use other sizes than normal weapons.
Maybe adding in another Type called Siege that would allow for entering of the info for them would be a fix.
Naval Artillery from Conan the Pirate has the same problem.
Example 2.) Stats for Ships of the Hyperborean age can't be entered.
Example 3.) Watercraft from Conan the Barbarian can't be entered.
The fix in all cases seems to be to added other Items Types and/or Sub-Types so that these Items can be entered.
Some Foes have abilities that can't fit anywhere on the sheet.The Drauger for example, from Conan the Barbarian, has a section titled Curses and an Entry a description of Hospitality. The Vulture, from Conan the Brigand, has a section title Note and info on a Survival Test in it. Some other Foes in books have special sidebars of info that can't be linked.
Core - The example character creation that is in chapter 2 is missing.
Core - The Heroes of the Age chapter and al characters from it are missing,
June 25th, 2020, 00:39
A few more bugs and things.
Core Book - the Foes Shadow on the Wall and Child of Derketa have both a Minion and a Toughened version but the names don't indicate which is witch is witch.
Some foes in the other Conan RPG books have additional information that can be entered for Courage.
Example the Skeleton Warrior Giant in Conan the Thief has a Courage 0f 2D (Loyalty) and the Spider Horrors in Conan the Thief has a Courage given as 4 (Horror).
Ruleset- Some Items in other Conan products can't be entered.
Example 1.) In Conan the Mercenary has Siege Weapons these are like normal weapons but Encumbrance is not a number and is the word Crewed often followed by a number and they use other sizes than normal weapons.
Maybe adding in another Type called Siege that would allow for entering of the info for them would be a fix.
Naval Artillery from Conan the Pirate has the same problem.
Example 2.) Stats for Ships of the Hyperborean age can't be entered.
Example 3.) Watercraft from Conan the Barbarian can't be entered.
The fix in all cases seems to be to added other Items Types and/or Sub-Types so that these Items can be entered.
Some Foes have abilities that can't fit anywhere on the sheet.The Drauger for example, from Conan the Barbarian, has a section titled Curses and an Entry a description of Hospitality. The Vulture, from Conan the Brigand, has a section title Note and info on a Survival Test in it. Some other Foes in books have special sidebars of info that can't be linked.
Core - The example character creation that is in chapter 2 is missing.
Core - The Heroes of the Age chapter and al characters from it are missing,
Thank you for more stuff. All reference manual issues are being addressed currently, and we will be releasing a new update very soon. We are still waiting on some visual assets, which may take a little longer, but a content update will be up soon.
As for all the stuff from the Conan the ... books, those will be added as we work on those specific modules.
June 26th, 2020, 12:44
Thank you for more stuff. All reference manual issues are being addressed currently, and we will be releasing a new update very soon. We are still waiting on some visual assets, which may take a little longer, but a content update will be up soon.
As for all the stuff from the Conan the ... books, those will be added as we work on those specific modules.
Thanks for the quick reply back. I've been doing entry of all the NPCs,tables, talent's into Fantasy Grounds from the other Conan RPG books and have been catching a few things. About to start the Wanderer this weekend and then do the Scout next. Finished up the Thief earlier this week.
July 1st, 2020, 18:46
Some more bugs.
Vultures of Shem - Mordiggian's in the Foe of the module are missing the description of the qualities that the 3 differnt attacks have that are in the text area Encumbrance entry that other Foes have.
We are working through these issues, but can you further explain this one for us?
July 12th, 2020, 12:24
Hello, new user here, sorry in advance.
I'm trying to modify a foe, giving him a different weapon and a couple of modified stats, but it seems that it is not possible without modifying the basic npc in the foe database, I'm doing something (very) wrong?
July 12th, 2020, 13:01
Hello, new user here, sorry in advance.
I'm trying to modify a foe, giving him a different weapon and a couple of modified stats, but it seems that it is not possible without modifying the basic npc in the foe database, I'm doing something (very) wrong?
Welcome to the FG forums Carlo.
Make a copy of the foe first. In the foe data list, drag/drop the link of the foe you want to copy - briefly drag it just a few pixels and then drop it - a copy will be created. Open up the copy and edit as required.
July 12th, 2020, 14:36
Welcome to the FG forums Carlo.
Make a copy of the foe first. In the foe data list, drag/drop the link of the foe you want to copy - briefly drag it just a few pixels and then drop it - a copy will be created. Open up the copy and edit as required.
Thanks a lot, I wasn't going to figure that by myself.
I reckon that I probably posted in the wrong forum, sorry, next time I'll start a new thread.
Thanks again
July 13th, 2020, 21:11
According to the Tuesday update post last week there was supposed to be an update:
I don't see it in my install (and I've updated multiple times). So I'm guessing it didn't go out. Hopefully tomorrow...
July 13th, 2020, 21:36
According to the Tuesday update post last week there was supposed to be an update:
I don't see it in my install (and I've updated multiple times). So I'm guessing it didn't go out. Hopefully tomorrow...
I've got version 1.64.3310. What you got?
July 13th, 2020, 21:50
I've got version 1.64.3310. What you got?
Same. My quick check is look at the difficulty buttons - they (according to the release notes) should now be D0, D1, etc..
Does don't see the new NPC type (Characters of Renown) either.
July 13th, 2020, 23:19
Same. My quick check is look at the difficulty buttons - they (according to the release notes) should now be D0, D1, etc..
Does don't see the new NPC type (Characters of Renown) either.
That's weird... I've got Characters of Renown but not the Dx button change... 37684
July 13th, 2020, 23:39
Can you confirm if this is FGC, FGU, or both?
July 13th, 2020, 23:42
Can you confirm if this is FGC, FGU, or both?
I'm just FGC.
July 14th, 2020, 01:41
That's weird... I've got Characters of Renown but not the Dx button change... 37684
Mine is like that as well on Classic. I've got the Characters but not the Dx change.
July 14th, 2020, 14:23
We are not sure why the update did not roll out. I confirmed Smiteworks has the correct version. We are in contact with them to find out what happened. I am sorry for the delay, and I will let you know any updates when I hear them.
July 14th, 2020, 19:40
We got it fixed. Looks like it was a back end error. It should update now to the right version.
July 14th, 2020, 22:42
We got it fixed. Looks like it was a back end error. It should update now to the right version.
Updated now. Thanks.
Any word on the upcoming tracker changes? I'm curious what the plans for that are.
And thrown dice in the chat window not showing a result?
July 15th, 2020, 09:02
I did a quick search through the thread, so sorry if these have been reported already.
1) Foe expertise doesn't adjust the roll focus, it remains at 1 even when the expertise used isn't 1.
2) The Carousing events table has 1d20 assigned as the dice to roll, it should be 2d20.
Also re-mentioning the ability to automatically track total encumbrance on a PC - this is coming up more and more in my games. Functionality to track item weight and carried total is within the CoreRPG ruleset, which this ruleset is built on, so hopefully should be a fairly straightforward thing to do.
July 15th, 2020, 15:05
Both issues are still being worked on.
July 15th, 2020, 15:10
Both issues are still being worked on.
Great! Thanks for letting us know.
July 20th, 2020, 21:12
One of my groups surprised me and wanted me to run Conan 2d20 adventures again.
- To what extent all bugs reported so far by Jay_Nola, Trenloe and others are fixed?
- Is the ruleset in playable form, with proper CT support?
- Does it run with FGU, it is about time to introduce players to FGU :)
July 20th, 2020, 21:55
One of my groups surprised me and wanted me to run Conan 2d20 adventures again.
- Is the ruleset in playable form, with proper CT support?
The CT support is super basic - all I really do in it is put a "1" in the order when someone has acted. Beyond that there's not much there in the CT.
Having said that, the ruleset is definitely in a playable form. I'm 3 sessions in to a campaign using it, and it allows us to play fine. Are there things that I think are missing and should be addressed/added? Yes. But, don't let that stop you playing. The main things for playing in a VTT are there. But, if you're expecting a high level of automation and tight integration between the usual FG functionality, then you may need to hold of a while longer.
July 20th, 2020, 22:24
I have read the user manual in the wiki, but it is very basic. Looks like that there is nothing really automated and for 45 dollars I get dice roller basically. I look for some QoL improvements during combat such as targeting, reporting, damage and automatic armor calculations... talents that impact rolls and etc.
I would ask what is automated at the moment... Conan is very number crunchy and a lot of things can be done.
July 21st, 2020, 02:07
Updated now. Thanks.
Any word on the upcoming tracker changes? I'm curious what the plans for that are.
And thrown dice in the chat window not showing a result?
It's all good. I played in a game on Saturday and had just GM'd a session the previous Tuesday evening. It's a sweet system and the ruleset is solid.
July 21st, 2020, 02:09
I have read the user manual in the wiki, but it is very basic. Looks like that there is nothing really automated and for 45 dollars I get dice roller basically. I look for some QoL improvements during combat such as targeting, reporting, damage and automatic armor calculations... talents that impact rolls and etc.
I would ask what is automated at the moment... Conan is very number crunchy and a lot of things can be done.
If you roll off the character sheet, it tells you success levels and momentum (or Doom for the bad guys) that you generate. If you add a Fortune Point, it correctly calculates it being included. Honestly with this system, that's all the automation you need since the players and GM have to bargain for results from Momentum and Doom spends...
It is impossible to automate damage versus armor since all of that is conditional on how you spend your Momentum. If it tried, a GM would constantly have to keep rolling back the results like how you're stuck doing it in 5e or Pathfinder all the time.
July 21st, 2020, 02:14
Here's my new request: the ruleset had at one point the option to pin maps and images to the background like you can do it some of the other sets (so it's one less window to juggle). Somewhere along the way the option disappeared. Can we get it back?
July 21st, 2020, 07:55
There are a lot of things that can be automated, even with the complex combat flow in Conan where we have different ways to spend momentum. The framework is there, I already know the ways how this can be done, but it is now up to the ruleset developers to actually make it work.
What bothers me is the way NPC rolls are handled - manually building dice pool and having to compare each time their attributes and exp/foc values in the character sheet. Why there is no automatic roll for NPC stats as it is for the damage? It is ok to add bonus dice to a pool from the widget in the bottom left but complete lack of roll?
July 21st, 2020, 08:48
Here's my new request: the ruleset had at one point the option to pin maps and images to the background like you can do it some of the other sets (so it's one less window to juggle). Somewhere along the way the option disappeared. Can we get it back?
Do you mean minimize a window? If so, that's still available from the right-click menu.
ShotGun Jolly
July 21st, 2020, 15:47
I am holding off playing it till they fix the combat tracker, and allow it to handle mobs a little better.
July 21st, 2020, 17:04
I am holding off playing it till they fix the combat tracker, and allow it to handle mobs a little better.
Is there NPC sheet worked on to allow rolls rather than manual actions using the dice pool?
July 22nd, 2020, 13:36
There are a lot of things that can be automated, even with the complex combat flow in Conan where we have different ways to spend momentum. The framework is there, I already know the ways how this can be done, but it is now up to the ruleset developers to actually make it work.
What bothers me is the way NPC rolls are handled - manually building dice pool and having to compare each time their attributes and exp/foc values in the character sheet. Why there is no automatic roll for NPC stats as it is for the damage? It is ok to add bonus dice to a pool from the widget in the bottom left but complete lack of roll?
Can you give us specific examples of things you would like to see?
July 22nd, 2020, 14:43
Do you mean minimize a window? If so, that's still available from the right-click menu.
No, I meant the option to pin a map to the background...
July 22nd, 2020, 14:46
I am holding off playing it till they fix the combat tracker, and allow it to handle mobs a little better.
I'm fairly certain that they're working on that based on your earlier feedback. But I've been running mobs with it as is now and I haven't had any issues. Honestly, I really don't like all of the automation that other GM's apparently love. I find that the computer just doesn't have the capability of handling every situation. I spend a lot of time correcting the computer in the 5e and other rule sets.
July 22nd, 2020, 14:47
No, I meant the option to pin a map to the background...
Ah, right you are. Sorry for my misunderstanding.
There does seem to be a few things that are in recent CoreRPG versions that have either been removed, or not included due to how the ruleset XML merges the FG GUI windowclasses - off the top of my head there's image identification (already reported/asked for) and the three image presentation modes. I'm sure there's more throughout the ruleset.
July 22nd, 2020, 15:01
Can you give us specific examples of things you would like to see?
Absolutely! :) I would love to give feedback for improvement, as Conan 2d20 is one of my favourite games and I want the official ruleset in much better shape. At the moment, there are two community extensions for MoreCore that provide much more functionality than this one, including automation.
I will focus only on the NPC and Combat tracker, as this is the key for running a good game in efficient manner. Let me know if clarification is required.
NPC Sheet
- Implement rollable Expertise for NPCs and enable reporting related to the roll result like the players. I find extremely inconvenient to make manual rolls and count the degree of success against NPC sheet as I am playing pen and paper. I want to double-click on expertise such as Combat or Move and get roll made against the selected Difficulty and the chat output to display the same information.
- Implement Minion/Toughened/Nemesis markers to affect the default dice pool rolled for Expertise. When I double click the expertise I should roll the proper amount of dice. The pool should be modified accordingly using the Modifier box if the GM is using Doom.
- Implement trackers in PC sheet to track the amout of Wound/Trauma treated. In Conan wounds persist throughout adventure. You can treat them with successful first aid check, but can't get rid of them. There should be some way on the PC sheet to track how much wounds you got and how much of them are treated successfully, in order to reduce the increased difficulty for checks.
Combat Tracker
- Link PCs and NPCs Vigor, Resolve, Wounds and Trauma to columns in CT. Opening each time NPC sheet to make adjustments is time consuming and very '80s. :)
- Expose the NPC Expertise as rolls in their CT instance. This will speed up the game and you can link it to the targeting mechanics supported by CoreRPG. This way the chat will show much better information what is going on. Here you need to work with the OOB and etc.
- Expose the weapon/ damage in CT to roll damage from the CT
There are other improvements that I think of, but I think this is good start. :)
Since I already have Conan Core, Thief, Pirate, Barbarian and Geomorphic tiles as modules for my modules, I wonder if you like those proposals how long it will take to implement them?
July 22nd, 2020, 15:20
- Implement rollable Expertise for NPCs and enable reporting related to the roll result like the players. I find extremely inconvenient to make manual rolls and count the degree of success against NPC sheet as I am playing pen and paper. I want to double-click on expertise such as Combat or Move and get roll made against the selected Difficulty and the chat output to display the same information.
I'm sure you know this, but I'm just covering off the basics so we're on the same page. You don't just roll Expertise in isolation - you need to also select the relevant attribute to go with the test. For example: Agility attribute + Movement expertise for Acrobatics, Brawn attribute + Move expertise for Athletics. The current ruleset allows you to double-click on the Attribute and double-click on the Expertise in the NPC sheet, this will populate the target number info in the graphic in the bottom left of the desktop - then you drag/drop that to the chat window to roll. This works (except for the already reported issue of Expertise not being used as the Focus level for the roll). So, you kinda get the reporting you're asking for already - you don't need to manually calculate the successes and doom from the NPC roll. So the core of the NPC roll system is there now.
However, it is very laborious to use. So, like @Valyar, I'd like some way to make this easier - maybe a radio check-box for the Attribute and then double-click on the expertise - one click, and a double-click; rather than the double-click, double-click and drag/drop we have now - plus, assuming the radio button remains in place, it will be quicker for repeatable skill checks (just a double-click).
Where the attribute and expertise can be combined together is for attack rolls (and maybe parry rolls as well?) - and this would be great to make combat checks a quick double-click on a melee attack, ranged attack and parry field (three fields in total) - or maybe even a single-click button, with the ruleset automatically combining the relevant attribute and the Combat expertise and rolling, all as part of the double-click/button press. This is definitely my biggest gripe about the implementation at the moment - combats just seem a big mess of double-clicks plus drag/drops from the GM side.
July 22nd, 2020, 16:15
Vampire 5e ruleset has good approach towards rolling different combination of skills and attributes, it will significantly improve the flow for NPCs if implemented this way.
@Trenloe - thanks for the clarification, I was confused on this part a bit, but now it is clear. :)
July 22nd, 2020, 16:17
Vampire 5e ruleset has good approach towards rolling different combination of skills and attributes, it will significantly improve the flow for NPCs if implemented this way.
Sounds interesting. How does it do it?
July 22nd, 2020, 16:28
Next to each attribute and skill there is DICE and PLUS icons. Different combinations are done by clicking the PLUS and then the DICE to make a roll based on the selected and rolled attribute.
Very elegant and can be implemented here as well.
July 22nd, 2020, 16:41
Next to each attribute and skill there is DICE and PLUS icons. Different combinations are done by clicking the PLUS and then the DICE to make a roll based on the selected and rolled attribute.
Very elegant and can be implemented here as well.
Thanks for the info. Kinda similar to what I was mentioning above with the radio buttons, but this would allow both ways (select attribute first, or select expertise first - then roll using the other).
July 22nd, 2020, 18:57
Are we getting the images from the Core Rulebook?
Do you plan to re-work the reference manual to include art and sidebars in their own frame definitions? Looks quite bland and heavy on the eyes.
July 22nd, 2020, 18:59
July 22nd, 2020, 19:09
These are all great suggestions. I will bring them to the team. If I have any questions, I will reach out.
In terms of the reference manual, yes, it is in the process of getting a major overhaul.
July 22nd, 2020, 19:30
These are all great suggestions. I will bring them to the team. If I have any questions, I will reach out.
In terms of the reference manual, yes, it is in the process of getting a major overhaul.
Thank you for the update. I hope there is progress on all topics.
A question - where is the Calendar button, I am using module for Hyborian Age calendar and i can't load it in this ruleset.
July 23rd, 2020, 18:04
Thank you for the update. I hope there is progress on all topics.
A question - where is the Calendar button, I am using module for Hyborian Age calendar and i can't load it in this ruleset.
May I ask where you got a calendar? We could not find any official Hyborian Calendar.
July 23rd, 2020, 22:06
May I ask where you got a calendar? We could not find any official Hyborian Calendar.
Indeed there is no official one, so I borrowed for my module the one from the GURPS edition of Conan. Didn't put much effort, wanted month names and ability to track the campaign logs in the calendar. I can't remember where I got the weekdays names though.
July 26th, 2020, 07:47
Indeed there is no official one, so I borrowed for my module the one from the GURPS edition of Conan. Didn't put much effort, wanted month names and ability to track the campaign logs in the calendar. I can't remember where I got the weekdays names though.
Yep, I too used the Gurps version in my module. There is another one by a "Dr.Skull" but I am unclear if it is totally fabricated or based on the actual fiction.
July 26th, 2020, 08:16
I would like to report another missing feature from the CoreRPG that must be there, as all my players are using it during combat:
- The Maximize/Minimize buttons on the image window class are missing. This prevents an image (like battle map for example) to be stretched as desktop between the chat box and the sidebar. This is very convenient in case players have many windows open and want to see the map at all times as background.
Screenshot is provided for reference:
July 28th, 2020, 17:58
I would like to report another missing feature from the CoreRPG that must be there, as all my players are using it during combat:
- The Maximize/Minimize buttons on the image window class are missing. This prevents an image (like battle map for example) to be stretched as desktop between the chat box and the sidebar. This is very convenient in case players have many windows open and want to see the map at all times as background.
Screenshot is provided for reference:
That and the option to pin it to the back of the app like wallpaper... I can definitely get behind that change...
July 29th, 2020, 19:45
I would like to report another missing feature from the CoreRPG that must be there, as all my players are using it during combat:
- The Maximize/Minimize buttons on the image window class are missing. This prevents an image (like battle map for example) to be stretched as desktop between the chat box and the sidebar. This is very convenient in case players have many windows open and want to see the map at all times as background.
Screenshot is provided for reference:
That will be in the next update, which will be next Tuesday.
August 8th, 2020, 12:10
I hope all is going well and we will receive the new update soon! :) In the meantime, after few sessions, me and my two groups would like to place the following feature requests that we consider improvement in the quality of the ruleset:
Equipped weapon from Inventory tab appear in the Attacks section automatically. It is very annoying to have two instances of the items.
Counters for Treated Wounds/Trauma - implement counter to mark which of the wounds/traumas suffered during adventure is treated. In my previous campaign and during recent play we had cases where not all wound managed to be treated between the scenes. In the current sheet there is no convenient way to track this.
Automatic DC increase when Wound/Trauma is not treated - If there are wounds/traumas that are not treated, when skill roll is made the difficulty is increased automatically with the amount of untreated wounds.
Counters for Fatigue/Despair with automation - There is no way to track the Fatigue/Despair and implement their effects on the stress types. At the moment I am giving negative bonuses, which does the trick, but I am not sure if this was the intention or not. This is mostly cosmetic.
We also found the following very annoying bug:
Using tab to cycle between vigor/stress/wounds/trauma on NPC sheets is not working properly, only part of the boxes are cycled through, two of the resolve ones require a click.
August 8th, 2020, 13:06
Counters for Treated Wounds/Trauma
I added an Effect to my PCs called Wounds X (or Trauma X) Taken and set the duration for 999 rounds. Then whenever the PC is finally healed I just remove it. It doesn't do anything other than act as a counter and the duration really never expires (I doubt we'd ever have 999 rounds between adventures and I can always reset it at any time). Set X to number of Wounds taken.
August 8th, 2020, 13:12
I added an Effect to my PCs called Wounds X (or Trauma X) Taken and set the duration for 999 rounds. Then whenever the PC is finally healed I just remove it. It doesn't do anything other than act as a counter and the duration really never expires (I doubt we'd ever have 999 rounds between adventures and I can always reset it at any time). Set X to number of Wounds taken.
Good idea! :)
August 14th, 2020, 20:10
That will be in the next update, which will be next Tuesday.
Any idea when this update will be out?
August 16th, 2020, 09:36
Another thing that I find very annoying the more prep I do for sessions: Lock icon on NPC sheets does not lock almost anything, I still can change create type, stats etc. Please implement on lock even all those fields to become read-only.
August 21st, 2020, 17:39
Any update around the ruleset?
August 29th, 2020, 22:31
Any update around the ruleset?
Sorry for the lack of responses, we are working on some of these. A few of the suggestions are being pushed off till we get other things implemented. Not that we are not considering them, it's just that some of them will be better once we get other things updated, like the CT. The map fix should have already gone out. I think we had a snag in the process on our end. I will look into it and see what I can do to make sure it goes out, if it didn't. As for the NPC lock button and the tab through issues. We will work on those and get them updated as soon as we can.
September 10th, 2020, 19:12
The map fix should have already gone out. I think we had a snag in the process on our end. I will look into it and see what I can do to make sure it goes out, if it didn't.
The last ruleset update was July 7th:
So I'm pretty sure the planned update after that didn't go out. Could you look into that please?
September 10th, 2020, 19:28
I hope the promised updates are delivered soon. Some of my players are starting to rebel and want to roll back to the community ruleset as MoreCore combat tracker allows much more control for GM and visibility for players during game.
September 12th, 2020, 13:48
Another bug:
In the spell library, Note's tab is editable even when the window is locked. You should set the field as read-only when locked.
September 20th, 2020, 11:12
Thank you for the update. I hope there is progress on all topics.
A question - where is the Calendar button, I am using module for Hyborian Age calendar and i can't load it in this ruleset.
I've made a community extension to add the CoreRPG calendar button. Find it here:
September 22nd, 2020, 13:14
Hi. Has anyone figured out a fix for the game not showing the GM rolls. This still bothers me and makes the game difficult. We are starting the game again after a break and I tried it and it still wont show the GM rolls in the chat. Thanks.
September 22nd, 2020, 15:36
Is anybody heard about any upcoming update to Conan d20?
This system needs substantial upgrade. Despite we have another week of silence.
For 44$ i expected little better service.
September 22nd, 2020, 17:02
We have updated the map issue and we have updated the GM dice roll issue. There seems to be an issue getting it into the system to update for everyone. We pushed it in and are working with Smiteworks now to figure out what, if anything, we did wrong and trying to get it to push.
September 22nd, 2020, 18:26
CT didn't get any support for GM. NPC should have "one click" attack option. Now i have to calculate any attack value manually. It is very awkward and during bigger combat make me headache.
September 22nd, 2020, 18:43
Hi. Has anyone figured out a fix for the game not showing the GM rolls. This still bothers me and makes the game difficult. We are starting the game again after a break and I tried it and it still wont show the GM rolls in the chat. Thanks.
Correct me if I'm wrong, I think this is an issue only in FGU. The FGC version is working. I also have FGU and am seeing this behavior.
Not being able to just pick up a die and roll it as well, kinda limits FG. I've had to add "bonus die" to combat attacks so that the player can adjust it and roll damage or re rolls if necessary. However rolling a random d20 is not in the cards yet. I just have to note the number before the die disappear as nothing is in chat.
September 22nd, 2020, 19:07
CT didn't get any support for GM. NPC should have "one click" attack option. Now i have to calculate any attack value manually. It is very awkward and during bigger combat make me headache.
CT is being worked on. I don't understand what you mean about calculating manually. Can you be more specific?
Correct me if I'm wrong, I think this is an issue only in FGU. The FGC version is working. I also have FGU and am seeing this behavior.
Not being able to just pick up a die and roll it as well, kinda limits FG. I've had to add "bonus die" to combat attacks so that the player can adjust it and roll damage or re rolls if necessary. However rolling a random d20 is not in the cards yet. I just have to note the number before the die disappear as nothing is in chat.
As I said, the dice rolling has been fixed, just trying to figure out why it is not updating.
September 22nd, 2020, 22:14
CT is being worked on. I don't understand what you mean about calculating manually. Can you be more specific?
I believe he means, double clicking AGL and the CBT values to then selecting the number of dice, then grab the red crystal for a melee attack. It would be easier to have a ranged, melee and threaten button on the CT. Select the number of dice to roll and click the melee, ranged or threaten button on the individual foes in the CT. The buttons could add the two numbers from the foe entry sheet.
September 23rd, 2020, 06:33
I believe he means, double clicking AGL and the CBT values to then selecting the number of dice, then grab the red crystal for a melee attack. It would be easier to have a ranged, melee and threaten button on the CT. Select the number of dice to roll and click the melee, ranged or threaten button on the individual foes in the CT. The buttons could add the two numbers from the foe entry sheet.
I know this trick and found this very awkward and uncomfortable for GM. When you have to control five or six NPC it makes a lot of mess.
September 23rd, 2020, 10:29
I believe he means, double clicking AGL and the CBT values to then selecting the number of dice, then grab the red crystal for a melee attack. It would be easier to have a ranged, melee and threaten button on the CT. Select the number of dice to roll and click the melee, ranged or threaten button on the individual foes in the CT. The buttons could add the two numbers from the foe entry sheet.
Yes, this would be great. It's painful to run large combats right now.
Some way of handling Mobs and Squads properly in the combat tracker is important too.
September 23rd, 2020, 15:43
Yes, this would be great. It's painful to run large combats right now.
Some way of handling Mobs and Squads properly in the combat tracker is important too.
Currently I use the pips below the red crystal to add dice. Then use the "leaders" attributes to generate the TN.
However some way to group foes together in a squad or mob would be better. A mob or squad can quickly have more dice to throw than is allowed by the pips.
September 24th, 2020, 15:09
We have updated the map issue and we have updated the GM dice roll issue. There seems to be an issue getting it into the system to update for everyone. We pushed it in and are working with Smiteworks now to figure out what, if anything, we did wrong and trying to get it to push.
Any update on this? Are these changes going to be pushed as a hotfix?
September 29th, 2020, 19:36
I believe he means, double clicking AGL and the CBT values to then selecting the number of dice, then grab the red crystal for a melee attack. It would be easier to have a ranged, melee and threaten button on the CT. Select the number of dice to roll and click the melee, ranged or threaten button on the individual foes in the CT. The buttons could add the two numbers from the foe entry sheet.
I think this is a great idea. I will note it.
September 29th, 2020, 19:39
Any update on this? Are these changes going to be pushed as a hotfix?
Not a hotfix, no, but it should be out today with the regular update.
September 29th, 2020, 20:33
I think this is a great idea. I will note it.
I would keep the ability to create your own target number as well from the red crystal, to accommodate unusual situations. But basic attacks could move to a button.
September 29th, 2020, 20:43
Not a hotfix, no, but it should be out today with the regular update.
I'm a very happy man.
We're there changes to the Tracker? I don't remember reach being there before.
Will the ruleset instructions be updated if so?
Thank you Statik37 and the rest at Nerdeye games.
October 1st, 2020, 04:46
[<color="red">ERROR</color>] Script execution error: [string "common/scripts/link_record.lua"]:33: attempt to call field 'getSingleDisplayText' (a nil value)
I keep getting the above error when ever trying to copy an item. Say make a copy of a creature so I can edit it in the current adventure. Adding weapons, equipment, spells to the Foe template. Moving creatures to a new category. Basically moving a "link" to any other item.
I've tried unloading all modules and extensions. Even creating a blank campaign with only the corebook. Same issue.
I have to click on the close button on the console before I can do anything else. Rather annoying.
Update: Tested on different computer. No extensions. Try to copy a foe to make a copy for edit. Gives the same error.
Open a test 5e campaign. Make a copy of a monster, no error.
So it seems to be the ruleset.
October 6th, 2020, 16:09
[<color="red">ERROR</color>] Script execution error: [string "common/scripts/link_record.lua"]:33: attempt to call field 'getSingleDisplayText' (a nil value)
I keep getting the above error when ever trying to copy an item. Say make a copy of a creature so I can edit it in the current adventure. Adding weapons, equipment, spells to the Foe template. Moving creatures to a new category. Basically moving a "link" to any other item.
I've tried unloading all modules and extensions. Even creating a blank campaign with only the corebook. Same issue.
I have to click on the close button on the console before I can do anything else. Rather annoying.
Update: Tested on different computer. No extensions. Try to copy a foe to make a copy for edit. Gives the same error.
Open a test 5e campaign. Make a copy of a monster, no error.
So it seems to be the ruleset.
Same here. Any time you drag an object from one panel to another, my console pops and I have to click it out of the way. Annoying.
October 6th, 2020, 16:57
[<color="red">ERROR</color>] Script execution error: [string "common/scripts/link_record.lua"]:33: attempt to call field 'getSingleDisplayText' (a nil value)
I keep getting the above error when ever trying to copy an item. Say make a copy of a creature so I can edit it in the current adventure. Adding weapons, equipment, spells to the Foe template. Moving creatures to a new category. Basically moving a "link" to any other item.
I've tried unloading all modules and extensions. Even creating a blank campaign with only the corebook. Same issue.
I have to click on the close button on the console before I can do anything else. Rather annoying.
Update: Tested on different computer. No extensions. Try to copy a foe to make a copy for edit. Gives the same error.
Open a test 5e campaign. Make a copy of a monster, no error.
So it seems to be the ruleset.
Unity or Classic or both?
October 6th, 2020, 17:05
Unity or Classic or both?
Unity for me.
October 6th, 2020, 17:16
Unity for me.
I tested in both Unity and Classic, with a pre-existing campaign and a newly created one. I am not getting this error. Can you tell me exactly what you do to create the error, or upload a screen cap of you creating the error?
October 6th, 2020, 18:38
So tried with a brand new campaign. With and without the corerules loaded. No extentions.
Edit: adding the url so you can pause it if you need to.
October 6th, 2020, 18:58
So tried with a brand new campaign. With and without the corerules loaded. No extentions.
This happens for me too in FGU. FGC works without errors.
October 6th, 2020, 19:07
I'm confused actually, because that file doesn't exist in either the Conan ruleset or the CoreRPG ruleset. I even searched for both the file name and the getSingleDisplayText command that is returning a nil, and I can't find any instance of either being called.
October 6th, 2020, 19:11
I'm confused actually, because that file doesn't exist in either the Conan ruleset or the CoreRPG ruleset. I even searched for both the file name and the getSingleDisplayText command that is returning a nil, and I can't find any instance of either being called.
To me, it seems like you may have an extension running that is interfering.
As you can see in the screenshot from @Jaybob32 above, there are no extensions being loaded. You can also note from that screenshot that FGU uses v3.3.12 of CoreRPG - which is a release ahead of FGC. This contains the file mentioned in the error message.
October 6th, 2020, 19:14
As you can see in the screenshot from @Jaybob32 above, there are no extensions being loaded. You can also note from that screenshot that FGU uses v3.3.12 of CoreRPG - which is a release ahead of FGC. This contains the file mentioned in the error message.
I see. Thank you for pointing that out. I will look into this.
October 6th, 2020, 20:06
So, after doing some research, it seems that the error only pops up when you grab the shield and drag it. If you grab the name, you won't get the error. It's not the fix, but it is a temporary solution. We added it as a bug to our website forums and we will look into fixing it.
October 6th, 2020, 23:02
So, after doing some research, it seems that the error only pops up when you grab the shield and drag it. If you grab the name, you won't get the error. It's not the fix, but it is a temporary solution. We added it as a bug to our website forums and we will look into fixing it.
Well that is interesting. I just gave it a try and it works. Maybe an old image tag called or something? This will work in the mean time. Thanks
October 10th, 2020, 10:39
Another thing to add in the list is related to Unity:
1. The reference manual and story entries are full of encoding issues related to the ' special symbol and others. It shows box instead of the proper one. Please update the files and replace the symbol with the proper HTML code as in this thread:
Enhancements suggestions:
2. Update the font size of the body text for all libraries for Unity, it is hard to read without increasing the zoom level, which is not the solution and brings another layer of annoyances.
3. Better art for Momentum and Doom chit piles... The KS had great art and those used in he ruleset are quite flat.
October 10th, 2020, 20:31
Another thing to add in the list is related to Unity:
1. The reference manual and story entries are full of encoding issues related to the ' special symbol and others. It shows box instead of the proper one. Please update the files and replace the symbol with the proper HTML code as in this thread:
Enhancements suggestions:
2. Update the font size of the body text for all libraries for Unity, it is hard to read without increasing the zoom level, which is not the solution and brings another layer of annoyances.
3. Better art for Momentum and Doom chit piles... The KS had great art and those used in he ruleset are quite flat.
1 and 2 are already being worked on.
As for 3, we will reach out to see if we can get a better image to use, However, that stuff is not entirely in our hands, as they have to come from Modiphius.
October 11th, 2020, 05:00
In FGU when rolling damage, 3's and 4's are appearing on the dice in the chat window where in Classic the 3's and 4's come up as blank.
October 11th, 2020, 09:51
As for 3, we will reach out to see if we can get a better image to use, However, that stuff is not entirely in our hands, as they have to come from Modiphius.
Page 11 on the core rulebook has chits that can be extracted in good resolution and adjusted for the table. This is what I did, consider this option if Modiphius are not providing support. :)
ShotGun Jolly
October 19th, 2020, 06:55
Got an issue. Any time, I drag any item from the library tabs.. Spells, Talents, Items, or Foes.. I get an error.. please see below screen shot..
October 19th, 2020, 10:12
Got an issue. Any time, I drag any item from the library tabs.. Spells, Talents, Items, or Foes.. I get an error.. please see below screen shot..
See the previous page (#17) for a report and feedback on this issue in FGU.
ShotGun Jolly
October 19th, 2020, 15:31
See the previous page (#17) for a report and feedback on this issue in FGU.
Drag it from the name, huh? Weird one.. thx
ShotGun Jolly
October 21st, 2020, 23:48
Is there a way for the character sheet to adjust the PCs resolve when it learns a spell? The only way I can make the resolve equal what it should after a spell is learned is to put in a modifier, like in this attached picture.
Or, to use the bonus box as a negative modifier. Is this the intention of that box?
ShotGun Jolly
October 23rd, 2020, 19:08
Me again,
I said this before, but I am going to say it again in hopes NERD EYE will fix this. And with most of the fixes people are asking for, this should be one of the easiest of them all.
But when a GM rolls dice for an NPC, any successes beyond the difficulty generates momentum, it does not generate DOOM. What is stated in the current ruleset when ever a GM rolls the dice is not as per the rules of the game.
A GM never rolls and gets doom, he gets momentum and then can change it to doom after.
No doom is ever generated in this way.. The doom that is stated is not correct.. please correct it.
ShotGun Jolly
October 23rd, 2020, 19:38
Something which I just noticed, again with the CT.
If a GM rolls any dice for a Player character, it shows in the tracker the the GM rolled dice for that particular player. BUT if that GM rolls dice for any NPC in the tracker, it simply states the GM rolls dice and does not tie it to the selected NPC. I though this may have been a preference setting, but I can not find any setting to correct this.
Please see screenshot below.
October 23rd, 2020, 20:48
Is there a way for the character sheet to adjust the PCs resolve when it learns a spell? The only way I can make the resolve equal what it should after a spell is learned is to put in a modifier, like in this attached picture.
Or, to use the bonus box as a negative modifier. Is this the intention of that box?
That is what the box is for.
Me again,
I said this before, but I am going to say it again in hopes NERD EYE will fix this. And with most of the fixes people are asking for, this should be one of the easiest of them all.
But when a GM rolls dice for an NPC, any successes beyond the difficulty generates momentum, it does not generate DOOM. What is stated in the current ruleset when ever a GM rolls the dice is not as per the rules of the game.
A GM never rolls and gets doom, he gets momentum and then can change it to doom after.
No doom is ever generated in this way.. The doom that is stated is not correct.. please correct it.
This will be fixed. Being that it is Friday, and we needed to have the updates in today, this will not be in the Tuesday update. Therefor, I will get it fixed for the next week.
Something which I just noticed, again with the CT.
If a GM rolls any dice for a Player character, it shows in the tracker the the GM rolled dice for that particular player. BUT if that GM rolls dice for any NPC in the tracker, it simply states the GM rolls dice and does not tie it to the selected NPC. I though this may have been a preference setting, but I can not find any setting to correct this.
Please see screenshot below.
Unfortunately, I have to revert to my, The CT is not done yet, answer. It's absolutely not a great answer, and I hate to use it. But thank you for pointing it out, and I will add it to the task list.
ShotGun Jolly
October 24th, 2020, 03:48
One more thing, a small thing.
The default number of dice for the Carousing Events table is only 1D20. Which means, any new user would need to click on the "lock" and then add another D20 to the roller. Not a game breaker in any level, just a quality of life improvement. This should be set to 2D20 per default.
October 24th, 2020, 12:07
Do you plan to also fix the font size for Unity and adjust them to make everything more readable in the next release?
ShotGun Jolly
November 1st, 2020, 06:43
During tonights game stream, there was some talk about the font size and text being cut off and fuzzy in the skills section and also in the backstory area. Also how fuzzy the dice looked when rolled. All of which has already been noted in this thread.
But what we also noted was if you scroll down to read text in the background section, as soon as you scroll down everything becomes out of alignment and looks like garbage.. see attached screenshot.
The other question that popped up.. are the staggering of the skills and boxes intentional? They look like they are all out of alignment.
In this screenshot, some players were saying the last letter in the skill listings seemed like they were cut off. If you look at the command skill, it looks like part of the d is clipped. But the players were stating that on their screens many of the skills were effected this way.
November 1st, 2020, 07:44
Those alignment issues are only on Unity, right?
November 1st, 2020, 09:14
It is only on Unity but was much worse on the player's end. You can see it's cutting off the last letter on almost every skill.
November 1st, 2020, 13:22
It is only on Unity but was much worse on the player's end. You can see it's cutting off the last letter on almost every skill.
FGC is clean on my end. See screenshot... 40660
November 1st, 2020, 16:23
FGC is clean on my end. See screenshot... 40660
I believe it's only when you scroll the text box down. The lines don't match the text anymore and overlay it.
November 1st, 2020, 17:39
I believe it's only when you scroll the text box down. The lines don't match the text anymore and overlay it.
Not on mine... I just generated about a dozen lines and no issue when I scroll back up or down...
Moon Wizard
November 1st, 2020, 17:40
Fuzzy fonts has everything to do with UI scaling. Try having the user change to a UI scale that may work better. (100, 120, 150)
November 1st, 2020, 18:01
Not on mine... I just generated about a dozen lines and no issue when I scroll back up or down...
So just Unity then. Your screenshot didn't require scrolling, which is why I mentioned the scrolling issue.
ShotGun Jolly
November 1st, 2020, 18:17
Fuzzy fonts has everything to do with UI scaling. Try having the user change to a UI scale that may work better. (100, 120, 150)
Thanks Moon Wizard,
There seems to be a fine line in the settings to get it to look a little better... 100, is very small and hard to read and cut off.. 120 is a little better for reading and not cut off so much, but 150 its even easier to read but the the letters are cropped again. The 120 picture shows the dice, but I am sure that this had already been reported earlier in these forums.
UI 100
UI 120
UI 150
Moon Wizard
November 1st, 2020, 18:46
I'll point Carl at the labels and dice, since I can recreate those ones.
I wasn't able to recreate the Background field issue; so not sure on that one.
Moon Wizard
November 1st, 2020, 22:15
After investigation, the die text doubling is a ruleset issue that will need to be addressed by the ruleset developer. For some reason, the developer replaces the icons for the dice display with icons already containing numbers; so the die result text is being drawn centered on top of the die icon.
I've forwarded on to Steve Albany who is the developer for the ruleset.
ShotGun Jolly
November 1st, 2020, 22:58
Oh good..
All the help you can give us!
November 1st, 2020, 23:33
FGC is clean on my end. See screenshot... 40660
Yes Unity only.
November 1st, 2020, 23:34
I believe it's only when you scroll the text box down. The lines don't match the text anymore and overlay it.
This has zero to do with scrolling, it's the skill names getting cut off at the end. See the picture. 40679 I made it bigger :)
November 2nd, 2020, 16:01
This has zero to do with scrolling, it's the skill names getting cut off at the end. See the picture. 40679 I made it bigger :)
I was referring to Jolly's picture here
Different issues
November 4th, 2020, 18:38
After investigation, the die text doubling is a ruleset issue that will need to be addressed by the ruleset developer. For some reason, the developer replaces the icons for the dice display with icons already containing numbers; so the die result text is being drawn centered on top of the die icon.
I've forwarded on to Steve Albany who is the developer for the ruleset.
The reason we did this is because 2d20 requires special facings for their dice that are not inherent in FG. To fix it, we had to load a font without the numbers defined and put a picture of the numbers on the dice. When we did it, we only had an FGF file. Because Unity doesn't allow for FGF files, it was defaulting back to the original font, which is why the numbers were doubled. I was having trouble fixing it because I don't have a lot of experience with editing TTF's. However, I was able to figure it out and this will be corrected next week.
ShotGun Jolly
November 5th, 2020, 19:30
The new changes look nice.. thanks for fixing those!
November 5th, 2020, 21:22
The new changes look nice.. thanks for fixing those!
Thank you.
Sorry for the delay. They should have gone up on Tuesday, but something got messed up in the upload and the version SW had was throwing an error.
November 5th, 2020, 23:14
The drag error is back as reported originally on this page: However now it's in both FGC and FGU for me.
Whenever I begin to drag a shield link the following appears: Script Error: [string "common/scripts/link_record.lua"]:33: attempt to call field 'getSingleDisplayText' (a nil value)
I'm guessing this is related to v3.3.12 CoreRPG being pushed to live today?
November 6th, 2020, 00:29
The new changes look nice.. thanks for fixing those!
Yes! The dice are much nicer with the 3's and 4's blank! The skill names are fixed. Thank you Nerd Eye
November 7th, 2020, 08:21
When we finally will get the following:
- Character sheet box alignment fix
- Font increase in unity for sheet labels and text to be more readable and easy on the eyes. Unity is looking bad compared to Classic.
- Reference Manuals - Add images, also in Images library, fix encoding issues all over the place
In the new release , the text in the RCH box is not centered but aligned left. Please fix.
November 12th, 2020, 12:29
When I try to open a table there is an error message. Happens on FGU and FGC
November 12th, 2020, 13:14
When I try to open a table there is an error message. Happens on FGU and FGC
Sorry about that, looks like it was a bug that was created with the coreRPG upgrade. Should be fixed in the next patch on Tuesday.
November 12th, 2020, 22:02
There was just today another update for CoreRPG. I don't know if that makes it worse or better...
ShotGun Jolly
November 12th, 2020, 22:46
Well SOB...
It is certainly not any better.. :cry:
November 13th, 2020, 09:30
At least 3.3.12A (which is the latest in Unity) it is mainly related to the Tables and Image library updates and I don't think it impacts the rulesets much.
November 15th, 2020, 09:39
Many library items and their Notes section continue to be editable while the windows is locked - Spells, Foes, Alchemy.
November 16th, 2020, 17:43
I had mentioned this before I think But it a little more clear now. When some players are connected to the game, if they change the Melee/Ranged/Presence bonus in the box on the character sheet, combat tab. It just keeps adding or subtracting the bonus to infinity. I've seen Ranged bonuses of +3000.
I'm able to clear it if the player disconnects from FGU and I remove the +1 from the bonus, then change the appropriate stat to force a recalculation.
Some players have talents that add damage dice when make a certain kind of attack. ie melee
For now we are just adding the bonus die to each weapon.
ShotGun Jolly
November 16th, 2020, 19:16
I had mentioned this before I think But it a little more clear now. When some players are connected to the game, if they change the Melee/Ranged/Presence bonus in the box on the character sheet, combat tab. It just keeps adding or subtracting the bonus to infinity. I've seen Ranged bonuses of +3000.
I'm able to clear it if the player disconnects from FGU and I remove the +1 from the bonus, then change the appropriate stat to force a recalculation.
Some players have talents that add damage dice when make a certain kind of attack. ie melee
For now we are just adding the bonus die to each weapon.
This kinda happened to us as we were streaming 2 weeks ago.. the players bonus was just wildly scrolling and it went to 1000+. And there was no way to stop it. I also could not clear it, as the only way I was able to adjust the bonus was to use the mouse wheel. (But now I know thanks to you) Weird thing was, it was just scrolling up and up and up. Even when I took control of the character sheet.
The only way to stop it that we could figure out, was the effected player had to disconnect, and I had to re import the character sheet back into our game fresh.
I got video evidence of this if people need to see it in again.
December 9th, 2020, 21:33
Any news when and what the next patch will be?
December 10th, 2020, 16:16
Any news when and what the next patch will be?
March 14th, 2021, 23:41
Is there ETA when the font encoding (and potentially increase the size to be readable) and reference manual issues reported in the thread below will be patched? Months old and not really hard or time consuming to fix...
March 17th, 2021, 23:16
Any idea when this will be fixed as well:
March 22nd, 2021, 16:54
Is there ETA when the font encoding (and potentially increase the size to be readable) and reference manual issues reported in the thread below will be patched? Months old and not really hard or time consuming to fix...
Sorry for the delay, I been super sick the last few weeks and have been completely out of commission. I am trying to get caught up now.
As for this issue, it looks like Unity and Classic accept different inputs for the XML code. We will look into it and make the changes this week.
April 1st, 2021, 07:56
Hello Conan Devs!
We had a report come in through support where the user reports 31 of 32 tiles are there and one is missing.
Here is the message from the user shezingzh
I just found out I am missing a single tile from this set: order ID 296505 MUH050437FGM ordered 12th Nov 2020
Conan: Forbidden Places & Pits of Horror
The missing tile is called sanctum it looks like like a wizard tower picture
There are suppose to be 32 tiles and there are only 31.
April 1st, 2021, 16:10
Investigating... I'll be making changes to the map packs in an upcoming release. This and a few other issues will be addressed.
April 1st, 2021, 16:15
Could you also finally fix things reported and pending for months?
April 1st, 2021, 16:39
Investigating... I'll be making changes to the map packs in an upcoming release. This and a few other issues will be addressed.
Thanks so much!
ShotGun Jolly
April 1st, 2021, 19:15
Are you going to add the zone lines back on the maps? So they will be as originally designed?
April 22nd, 2021, 05:48
Been getting the following error the last several weeks any time we manipulate things in the combat tracker.
[4/21/2021 10:41:59 PM] [ERROR] Script execution error: [string "ct/scripts/clientct_entry.lua"]:15: attempt to index global 'init' (a nil value)
Full log attached.
April 22nd, 2021, 16:08
Been getting the following error the last several weeks any time we manipulate things in the combat tracker.
[4/21/2021 10:41:59 PM] [ERROR] Script execution error: [string "ct/scripts/clientct_entry.lua"]:15: attempt to index global 'init' (a nil value)
Full log attached.
When was the last time you did an update? That error was patched out some time ago.
April 22nd, 2021, 16:18
Could you also finally fix things reported and pending for months?
Any news on future updates?
April 22nd, 2021, 16:20
Any news on future updates?
No updates at the moment, but we are working on them as quick as we can.
April 29th, 2021, 04:30
When was the last time you did an update? That error was patched out some time ago.
We're running v1.78.031621 of the ruleset.
May 4th, 2021, 21:26
Great to see an update going out today! :)
Not so great to get the following errors when I open an NPC record - either from the campaign data list or from the Combat Tracker (FGC and FGU, no extensions) - was fine immediately before the update today.
Script Error: [string "campaign/scripts/npc_header.lua"]:14: attempt to index global 'nonid_name' (a nil value)
Script Error: [string "campaign/scripts/npc_header.lua"]:14: attempt to index global 'nonid_name' (a nil value)
Script Error: [string "campaign/scripts/npc_main.lua"]:37: attempt to index global 'divider' (a nil value)
May 4th, 2021, 23:09
Great to see an update going out today! :)
Not so great to get the following errors when I open an NPC record - either from the campaign data list or from the Combat Tracker (FGC and FGU, no extensions) - was fine immediately before the update today.
Script Error: [string "campaign/scripts/npc_header.lua"]:14: attempt to index global 'nonid_name' (a nil value)
Script Error: [string "campaign/scripts/npc_header.lua"]:14: attempt to index global 'nonid_name' (a nil value)
Script Error: [string "campaign/scripts/npc_main.lua"]:37: attempt to index global 'divider' (a nil value)
Static has been working that issue, so expect a resolution soon.
May 4th, 2021, 23:10
Static has been working that issue, so expect a resolution soon.
Great news. Thanks!
May 5th, 2021, 01:06
Static has been working that issue, so expect a resolution soon.
Not entirely sure why it throwing those errors. Those variables are not in the code. It seems to be pulling the those files from CoreRPG instead of our ruleset. When I load up my local copy, it runs fine. Somehow in the transfer to Smiteworks something got messed up. I am working with them to figure it out. Hope to have a hotfix ASAP.
May 5th, 2021, 01:29
Not entirely sure why it throwing those errors. Those variables are not in the code. It seems to be pulling the those files from CoreRPG instead of our ruleset.
Yep, that'll happen - because those scripts are called in the XML definition within the layered ruleset. Not being able to access the ruleset I don't know the exact way of avoiding this in this specific ruleset.
Moon Wizard
May 5th, 2021, 16:55
Can someone who got this issue do a Check For Updates; and try again?
I grabbed the latest code from the repository and it's working; and then I pushed a new build, updated, and tried from the vault as well.
May 5th, 2021, 17:01
I don't seem to get those errors anymore, looks fixed.
May 5th, 2021, 17:08
Can someone who got this issue do a Check For Updates; and try again?
No more errors in FGC or FGU.
ShotGun Jolly
May 5th, 2021, 17:18
Yup, that latest update fixed it! Thanks Moon Wizard!
May 6th, 2021, 07:50
Anyone else experiencing a bug where the category of foe (Minion, Toughened, etc.) is one step higher than the XML indicates it should be? All my Minion-level NPCs are suddenly displaying as Toughened on their NPC sheets in FGU, all my "Toughened" as "Nemesis," all my "Nemesis" as "Undead, Minion" and so forth.
Conan Ruleset v1.80.042721
Core RPG ruleset (v2021-04-28)
May 6th, 2021, 08:17
It is, Thoth-Amon is coming up as a minion ... he would NOT be happy about that! lol Those are the versions I'm running as well.
May 6th, 2021, 13:01
Anyone else experiencing a bug where the category of foe (Minion, Toughened, etc.) is one step higher than the XML indicates it should be? All my Minion-level NPCs are suddenly displaying as Toughened on their NPC sheets in FGU, all my "Toughened" as "Nemesis," all my "Nemesis" as "Undead, Minion" and so forth.
Conan Ruleset v1.80.042721
Core RPG ruleset (v2021-04-28)
We did see that. This last update we removed a double entry in the category cycler. When we did that, it moved everything up by one. It will be fixed next Tuesday.
May 6th, 2021, 16:01
That makes sense. I noticed you took out the extra "--" entry that was in the array for category display labels.
Thanks, man.
May 6th, 2021, 19:03
Looks like this has been fixed now, Thoth-Amon appreciates being a Character of Renown again.
May 13th, 2021, 18:08
New bug:
Go into any NPC record. If there is data in the NOTES section (on the "Notes" tab) when the record is opened, it cannot be edited. Doesn't matter if it's locked or unlocked. The only way to edit existing NOTES entries is in the XML currently.
If you go into any NPC record and there is no data in the NOTES section, you can type text into the field as expected. However, if you do so, and then close that record and reopen it, you will find that you can no longer edit it.
This seems to be true for both NPCs that came with the ruleset and those that have been added by hand.
P.S. As an aside: every single panel and window has a completely broken tab order ... most of the fields you can't even get to just by tabbing, and those that you can get to often highlight in unpredictable ways (the selected field jumps around the page). Making new NPCs is painful because of this. If I had my druthers, the tabbing would work according to standard conventions and best practices.
May 13th, 2021, 19:22
New bug:
Go into any NPC record. If there is data in the NOTES section (on the "Notes" tab) when the record is opened, it cannot be edited. Doesn't matter if it's locked or unlocked. The only way to edit existing NOTES entries is in the XML currently.
If you go into any NPC record and there is no data in the NOTES section, you can type text into the field as expected. However, if you do so, and then close that record and reopen it, you will find that you can no longer edit it.
This seems to be true for both NPCs that came with the ruleset and those that have been added by hand.
P.S. As an aside: every single panel and window has a completely broken tab order ... most of the fields you can't even get to just by tabbing, and those that you can get to often highlight in unpredictable ways (the selected field jumps around the page). Making new NPCs is painful because of this. If I had my druthers, the tabbing would work according to standard conventions and best practices.
Thank you for pointing this out. The notes tab was locking, however, you had to lock or unlock it, and then close the window and then re-open it. Obviously not intended. This will be fixed in the next update.
We also fixed the tabbing in the NPC sheet, so that should now work correctly as well.
May 19th, 2021, 03:34
Hey all. Anybody get the following error message when loading up the latest update to the ruleset?
Conan Ruleset v1.82.051121
Core RPG Ruleset v2021-05-11
May 19th, 2021, 07:28
Same here. They stated in the patch notes that Party Sheet is disabled as they work on it, but obviously there is problem with how this was done.
May 19th, 2021, 20:17
Hey all. Anybody get the following error message when loading up the latest update to the ruleset?
Conan Ruleset v1.82.051121
Core RPG Ruleset v2021-05-11
Hay all,
We are honestly not sure what is happening. We sent the files on Friday, there is an error. We sent the exact same files today, fixes the error. Somehow wires are being crossed here, and we are working with Smiteworks to figure out why this has now happened two weeks in a row.
May 19th, 2021, 20:24
Hay all,
We are honestly not sure what is happening. We sent the files on Friday, there is an error. We sent the exact same files today, fixes the error. Somehow wires are being crossed here, and we are working with Smiteworks to figure out why this has now happened two weeks in a row.
Confirmed. Error message is gone. Thanks.
May 20th, 2021, 03:39
Still getting this error any time we do anything with the Combat Manager.
[5/19/2021 8:10:24 PM] [ERROR] Script execution error: [string "ct/scripts/clientct_entry.lua"]:15: attempt to index global 'init' (a nil value)
[5/19/2021 8:10:24 PM] [ERROR] Script execution error: [string "ct/scripts/clientct_entry.lua"]:15: attempt to index global 'init' (a nil value)
[5/19/2021 8:10:24 PM] [ERROR] Script execution error: [string "ct/scripts/clientct_entry.lua"]:15: attempt to index global 'init' (a nil value)
[5/19/2021 8:10:24 PM] [ERROR] Script execution error: [string "ct/scripts/clientct_entry.lua"]:15: attempt to index global 'init' (a nil value)
[5/19/2021 8:10:24 PM] [ERROR] Script execution error: [string "ct/scripts/clientct_entry.lua"]:15: attempt to index global 'init' (a nil value)
Version Info:
ShotGun Jolly
May 20th, 2021, 03:56
I am getting a different error then you Netzilla.
When ever I drag a token from the CT to a map I get another error..
21:56 PM] [ERROR] Handler error: [string "scripts/manager_vision.lua"]:307: attempt to index a number value
[5/19/2021 11:22:06 PM] [ERROR] Handler error: [string "scripts/manager_vision.lua"]:307: attempt to index a number value
[5/19/2021 11:22:12 PM] [ERROR] Handler error: [string "scripts/manager_vision.lua"]:307: attempt to index a number value
[5/19/2021 11:22:18 PM] [ERROR] Handler error: [string "scripts/manager_vision.lua"]:307: attempt to index a number value
[5/19/2021 11:22:28 PM] [ERROR] Handler error: [string "scripts/manager_vision.lua"]:307: attempt to index a number value
[5/19/2021 11:23:31 PM] Campaign saved.
May 20th, 2021, 21:39
Still getting this error any time we do anything with the Combat Manager.
[5/19/2021 8:10:24 PM] [ERROR] Script execution error: [string "ct/scripts/clientct_entry.lua"]:15: attempt to index global 'init' (a nil value)
[5/19/2021 8:10:24 PM] [ERROR] Script execution error: [string "ct/scripts/clientct_entry.lua"]:15: attempt to index global 'init' (a nil value)
[5/19/2021 8:10:24 PM] [ERROR] Script execution error: [string "ct/scripts/clientct_entry.lua"]:15: attempt to index global 'init' (a nil value)
[5/19/2021 8:10:24 PM] [ERROR] Script execution error: [string "ct/scripts/clientct_entry.lua"]:15: attempt to index global 'init' (a nil value)
[5/19/2021 8:10:24 PM] [ERROR] Script execution error: [string "ct/scripts/clientct_entry.lua"]:15: attempt to index global 'init' (a nil value)
Version Info:
Hi Netzilla,
This is an old error that I believe you need to create a new game to remove. It seems to get stuck in the database, and throws this error, but we actually did fix this some time ago.
May 20th, 2021, 21:45
Hi Shotgun,
Thank you for pointing this out. This one had us stumped for a bit. But it seems this error only happens in Unity. And that's because when you drop a token on the map, it is looking for a field names "senses" to tell it how to handle dynamic lighting and such. This is where darkvision would go, as an example. Unfortunately, NPC's in Conan have a stat field called senses. So the table is looking for a string field, and it's finding a number. We are looking into trying to figure out the best way to correct this with the least amount of impact on everyone. The quick fix would be to rename the field to something else, but then we would have to adjust that naming convention in the rulebook as well as Vultures of Shem and all other books we are currently working on. But most importantly, everyone would have to delete their current campaign and start a new one, as the DB has already been populated with this field.
We will get this resolved as quickly as we can
Moon Wizard
May 20th, 2021, 21:54
There are some examples of campaign/module migration in the VersionManager2 scripts used in the D&D rulesets, when we've had to rename or change fields.
ShotGun Jolly
June 2nd, 2021, 17:21
So, its been a few weeks..
What is the status of the fix for the latest error?
June 2nd, 2021, 20:13
So, its been a few weeks..
What is the status of the fix for the latest error?
I am still doing some research. I actually got sidetracked on something different. Thank you for pointing this back out. I will get right back on it.
Moon Wizard
June 2nd, 2021, 21:09
Are you sure that you don't have any unpacked ruleset folders in your FG data folder under the rulesets subfolder?
That error message doesn't make sense with the latest version of the CoreRPG code in the Live channel.
ShotGun Jolly
June 2nd, 2021, 23:45
Hey Moon Wizard
Nope.. no unpacked anything. :(
Moon Wizard
June 3rd, 2021, 04:13
Can you provide a campaign that generates that error; along with the steps?
ShotGun Jolly
June 3rd, 2021, 04:37
Sure.. I just started a brand new campaign to test it out.. I still have that issue.
Moonwizard, can you PM me your email, I will send you the campaign.xml or folder.. Maybe I can post the XML here.. not sure.
The steps are simple.
Open an image/Create an image.
Open CT
Drag NPCs or PCs to CT tracker.
Drag NPCs or PCs from CT to image and errors show.. Get the error with EVERY NPC or Player dragged to the Image from the CT.
Moon Wizard
June 3rd, 2021, 05:04
I’ll need the whole folder zipped up. If too big to attach, you can send to
[email protected]
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