View Full Version : Help with 5e Wizards theme change of font color on hotkeys.

April 22nd, 2020, 23:29
Is there a way to modify the color of the font used for the tabs at the bottom of the screen. I like this theme , but the color used for the hotkeys is white, and is almost unreadable. I included a shot to demonstrate the problem. I'd like to change to font to somethign much darker and more readable. Any suggestions?


April 23rd, 2020, 01:24
<!-- Hot keys -->
<font name="hotkey">
<fgffile name="graphics/fonts/regular-10.fgf" />
<ttf file="graphics/fonts/Noto_Sans/NotoSans-Regular.ttf" name="Noto Sans" size="12" />
<color value="FFFFFF" />
<shadow offset="1,1" color="000000" />

April 23rd, 2020, 04:10
ok, problm solved, thanks