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View Full Version : SOB SOB...SNIFF SNIFF..WHIMPER.. NO CSC Today...

April 22nd, 2020, 03:24
SOB:cry: SOB:cry:...SNIFF:square: SNIFF..WHIMPER... NO CSC Today... Sniff I need a compassionate shoulder to sob on:cry:......

To be honest, I just wanted the CSC out today... so I can play with it..mostly to alleviate Self-Isolation Cabin Fever
Yep I want to do some Solo RedRum RedRum mayhem on some PC's and NPC's with FGMPs and PGMP's and whatever
goodies CSC hands over to the cause.

I really don't have a campaign or game going on... so I just want to use Fantasy Ground to do some
Solo Thunder Dome Traveller Playing... 2 PC's enter... I PC leaves.....

Put on some Tina Turner "We Don't Need Another Hero", cue up the Syrnscape sound effects, and Chargen Up
the unfortunates going to into Chumbly's Traveller Thunder Dome...

Really Its.. not that DEPRAVED... It's Its..um um Oh yeah...I am doing FGU Traveller Testing... yeah.. <looking so upstanding... doing my part>

Oh Well, Maybe Next Week... It is not like I am going anywhere...

April 22nd, 2020, 03:46
You know doing Traveller Thunder Dome... Traveller Companion would be useful... Luck and Morale... could make Traveller Thunder Dome much random and more interesting...
Wealth not some much, but I guess you could have a roll for the PC to see if he/she can bribe her way out of it..

Hmmm, RPG backstory....They(The unfortunate parties) have been captured by Sadistic Pirates, or the Glorious Empire.. and taken to planet Thunderdome for their captor's amusement.


April 22nd, 2020, 05:26
Hopefully when it is release Mongoose will make some sort of official notification on their site.

Question to MBM, does Mongoose get involved in testing or just local testing?

April 23rd, 2020, 11:48
Hopefully when it is release Mongoose will make some sort of official notification on their site.

Question to MBM, does Mongoose get involved in testing or just local testing?

Morning Chaps,

CSC is under test by LordNanoc, he's the only tester except for myself and my group.

Mongoose have no part of the testing or release schedule (unlike some publishers), Matt has a lot going on and is happy for me to lead the way with MGT on FG.

I've had a good few weeks on all my FG projects, no going to the pub, no going out on the weekends and if helps me stay 'sane' (as sane as a Mad Beared Man could be).

High Guard conversion is complete, adding Ships data, expecting that done in around 2 weeks, then the fun of working on sharing a Ship with a team happens....

So CSC, I'll speak with Nanoc, if things are looking ok I'll ask FW to get it on the release radar, note they are very busy and even the 1.1.0a quick update isn't being released until next Tuesday...


April 23rd, 2020, 18:07
Hi guys. Got CSC since two or three days now and testing my eyes out. Had a few personal things going on (slipped disk, then crashed with the bike etc), but making good headway.
I found many things already, but no biggies, so I am sure, MBM will dig through the test protocol quickly, once I finished it, after all, this is one hell of a coding factory, that man :D

I ask for leniency, dear friends, better to get a refined product, than something halve baked. It is, after all, the CSC we're talking about and that means a looot of data to look at and a looot of stats to compare between book and FG-module. I'll try my best to speedily dig through withoul laxing the quality of my tests.

Thanks for your understanding.

April 23rd, 2020, 20:18
I've waited this long, I can wait a bit more.

I'm sure checking each item is a painful and eyes blurring task.

Once CSC is out I plan to point it out on the Mongoose and CotI forums to spread more awareness.

April 23rd, 2020, 21:49
Oh both of you, definitely take all the time you need and take care of yourselves... Just a big fan... but I can so easily wait...
I worked in Software myself for years... I fully understand the testing process and it is far better to take your time and do it right
and develop and test while fresh... any other way creates far more problems than any hurrying could ever justify.


April 24th, 2020, 08:51
I feel you, guys, really.

To put you at ease a bit, here is a quick look behind the curtain:

My test setup looks something like this: 34283
Reference Manual, items and the spreadsheet... going through all in one go. Spreadsheet is actually more than one (see on the lower part), one is for errors in the reference manual, the others are errors in the item objects, one spreadsheet for each category...

MBM entered more than 1500 items, text and all. To read all this, compare the entries with the book (wich lies on my belly during this) takes its time. But I find a lot of things, which is good, I presume. No gamebreakers mostly. Just wrong stats, texts, links etc.

Back to it now again.
Have fun. I am on it.

April 24th, 2020, 13:20
Nice, I'm looking forward to the man (protable) Artillery

April 24th, 2020, 14:31
You guys make a good team. Thanks for going through all that for us because I'd probably miss most of those until someone else pointed it out. :)

It's also good to see the process so that everyone can see that there is a process and it is catching things. Other than Mongoose not holding things up (so good!) I've had an idea of how the process works but there hasn't been a major release like this since MGT2 core but we have many new members since then. So it is good that they can see it too.

April 25th, 2020, 10:36
Finished principle testing yesterday. Now poor MBM has to iron out those pesky little folds.

April 25th, 2020, 14:33
Finished principle testing yesterday. Now poor MBM has to iron out those pesky little folds.

Nice. I'll get on them tonight.

Thanks for all your hard work LordNanoc, very much appreciated!


April 25th, 2020, 16:01
So Tuesday update then? Just kidding, it will be ready when its ready, :)

April 25th, 2020, 17:50
I think that 1.1.0a is due Tuesday which will be nice in itself.

April 25th, 2020, 20:03
I think that 1.1.0a is due Tuesday which will be nice in itself.

Yea, fixed the Medikit weight issue and snuck that in yesterday.


April 26th, 2020, 22:22

Just to let you know, that I've completed fixing all the niggles that LordNanoc found.

I've spent today applying all the formatting to the chapters/sections and making sure everything is in working order.

I've asked for it to go live on the 5th May, this gives me enough time to get LordNanoc to check all his finds have been solved, because...

I'm now going to start on v1.1.1.

The aim is to start to add the key functionality into the Ruleset for the CSC book, so head over to this thread and put in what you want from that book to 'work' (if possible).



April 26th, 2020, 23:05
If I read correctly does that mean target (unless game breaker bugs) for CSC release is May 5th with 1.1.1 following up shortly after with additional ruleset support? That sounds fantastic if I'm reading it correctly.

April 26th, 2020, 23:22
If I read correctly does that mean target (unless game breaker bugs) for CSC release is May 5th with 1.1.1 following up shortly after with additional ruleset support? That sounds fantastic if I'm reading it correctly.

Hi Chap,

Sorry if I didn't make sense, brain is broken thanks to CSC.

I've sent the final version (see my Twitter for some screenies of it today) over to SmiteWorks. I've asked if it can go LIVE on the 5th May, that gives LordNanoc some time to check all is good, plus if he finds something, me a few days to sort and update etc.

Now it will need v1.1.1 to go LIVE due to the new graphics in the Ref Manual, so I'm working on v1.1.1 right now (adding the Worlds Data, Berthing Costs, Fuel, Facilities and Extras), and I would like people to state what they would like to see in v1.1.1. It gives me a few days of coding so I can send that over to FG after 1.1.0a goes LIVE.

Phew, so thinking cap on, go over the 1.1.1 thread and enter what you'd like.


April 26th, 2020, 23:56
Honestly anything I might want can wait for 1.1.2 so as to make sure 1.1.1 hits as early as possible. :)

April 27th, 2020, 00:24
Honestly anything I might want can wait for 1.1.2 so as to make sure 1.1.1 hits as early as possible. :)

Well just for BackwardOracle and yourself.


I've added the extended fields: Berthing, Fuel, Facilities and Extras.

You might also notice something else, that will be worked on around Masks of Nyarlathotep, need to get back on with that.


April 27th, 2020, 01:28
I like the potential possibilities of a trade tab.

April 27th, 2020, 07:51
I have a problem with the G in the label because G is for Gas Giant and not for an hypothtic Green travel code, in MGT2 there is only 2 travel codes : Amber and Red (corebook 227). I'm confused so with explanations for law level...
Note the presence of gas giant would be a plus

April 27th, 2020, 09:18
I have a problem with the G in the label because G is for Gas Giant and not for an hypothtic Green travel code, in MGT2 there is only 2 travel codes : Amber and Red (corebook 227). I'm confused so with explanations for law level...
Note the presence of gas giant would be a plus

The 'G' in the Travel code stands for 'Green'. The 'G' in the System is for 'Gas Giant'.

MGT doesn't seem to use the full UWP as found on TravellerMap so it can lead to confusion.

April 27th, 2020, 10:11
Yay!!! more stuff, Thanks !! Looking fwd to adding all that extra data. I Know there is more to come, There is more to come, right?

April 27th, 2020, 14:04
I have a problem with the G in the label because G is for Gas Giant and not for an hypothtic Green travel code, in MGT2 there is only 2 travel codes : Amber and Red (corebook 227). I'm confused so with explanations for law level...
Note the presence of gas giant would be a plus

Unfortunately MGT2 changed how system codes are setup and eliminated a bunch of traditional data including gas giant and pbg either of which indicates gas giants but neither of which are in the code. It is true that indicating G for green in the UWP might be confusing, I don't really mind it there or not there since I rarely use the UWP with the breakdown presented below it.

In my system mods for the Domain of Deneb, I indicate green in zone code for clarity from my testing to be sure it was coming up correctly. I just left it in because i thought it looked good.

The UWP string is totally forked from traditional UWP formatting but that is Mongoose that messed that up.

April 27th, 2020, 14:35
So, was just looking back to MGT1 system codes and even back then they weren't representing for gas giants.

The funny thing (about Mongoose in general) is that they don't even use their own system in their adventures and system books. They've dropped the UWP and use a table formatted system output which includes the presence of gas giants. Though based on the number of NI worlds they are using their broken trade code table in calculating the trade codes.

April 27th, 2020, 14:47
Yes, Mongoose produced some very odd Planetary data, it does make things interesting, though.

April 27th, 2020, 15:13
Every version of Traveller except for MGT2 uses NI = population 4-6. MGT1 uses population 0-6. This means even a planet without a population is NI.

I looked at several system/world/adventures. Bowman Arm & Lunion Shield use the core output. Behind the Claw, Great Rift and Pirates of Drinax use a table that includes allegiances and gas giants. Pirates of Drinax uses 0-6 for NI, Great Rift and Behind the Claw use 4-6 for NI.

For the Domain of Deneb modules I used 4-6 for NI because I assumed that it is a typo that just never got fixed.

April 29th, 2020, 00:15
Every version of Traveller except for MGT2 uses NI = population 4-6. MGT1 uses population 0-6. This means even a planet without a population is NI.

I looked at several system/world/adventures. Bowman Arm & Lunion Shield use the core output. Behind the Claw, Great Rift and Pirates of Drinax use a table that includes allegiances and gas giants. Pirates of Drinax uses 0-6 for NI, Great Rift and Behind the Claw use 4-6 for NI.

For the Domain of Deneb modules I used 4-6 for NI because I assumed that it is a typo that just never got fixed.

I've spoken with Matt, he's going to look into it, but suggests using 4-6.

And the sad news, even though CSC is finished, it's Number 41 in the list to go live, and currently around 5 a week are being processed, not sure where the bottle neck is. Sorry about this, and Reach 4 is number 38! Even though I sent that weeks ago.

So v1.1.0a landed tonight, let's focus on v1.1.1 and get loads of stuff in it.

April 29th, 2020, 00:49
That does seem like a long turn around, hopefully they get it all figured out.