View Full Version : Cant create new campaign

April 20th, 2020, 11:25
So i have FGU and have one campaign that i am running Decent into Avernus on, one that i use for just making my characters when i play with other people
just over discord using theatre of the mind etc and one that is just the 5e example campaign that ships with it.

Today i wanted to start setting up a one shot for my mates and went into create new campaign and i have no way to do it.

I cant click in the box to name it or put in a password etc

I can pick 5E and the extensions that i want but nothing else.

I can also still load up current campaigns and even updated the launcher.

Has anyone else ran into this problem before?

April 20th, 2020, 17:00
MOD: Moved to FGU Playtest forum

What operating System are you on?

April 20th, 2020, 23:56
MOD: Moved to FGU Playtest forum

What operating System are you on?

Running on Windows 10 64bit

Will give it another shot again tonight when I finish work in 10 hours

April 21st, 2020, 10:50
Is there a limit to how many campaigns i can run?
Ive tried again this evening and its still the same.
Cant create a new campaign, i am able to open my existing ones thankfully because i am running one tonight.

But i would like some resolution to this before i start deleting files and starting from scratch and seeing what happens then.

April 21st, 2020, 10:51
I also get this when i start up my existing campaign

[4/21/2020 5:43:37 PM] FGU v4.0.0 STANDARD (2020-04-17)
[4/21/2020 5:43:37 PM] Launcher scene starting.
[4/21/2020 5:47:14 PM] Daily session backup created.
[4/21/2020 5:47:14 PM] [<color="red">ERROR</color>] Database restore point found. Saved as new backup file (C:/Users/tom_c/AppData/Roaming/SmiteWorks/Fantasy Grounds/campaigns/descent/db.backup.637230880349759830.xml)
[4/21/2020 5:47:14 PM] Starting private server mode. [( (::1:1802)]
[4/21/2020 5:47:15 PM] Game server started. []
[4/21/2020 5:47:15 PM] Launcher scene exiting.
[4/21/2020 5:47:15 PM] Tabletop scene starting.

April 21st, 2020, 16:47
I've never heard of a limit to the number of campaigns. I've had a dozen FGU campaigns at one time or another, but maybe their is a limit to the number that can use the lobby? I doubt it's an intentional limit though.

That error message might indicate that FGU is not closing properly. How are you exiting?

April 21st, 2020, 22:12
I'm just closing using the x in the top right. I thought i might be closing wrong, but I couldn't find and exit option when I first looked.

If it was a limit to how many could use the lobby wouldn't I still be able to make it as a local private game?

April 21st, 2020, 22:16
Yea, their shouldn't be a limit, and a LAN game should ignore any type of lobby limit anyway.

Right mouse from the desktop has an exit option. Don't know if that's any different than the window X.

I really don't know what to suggest. I'm hoping someone else jumps in soon with some better ideas.

April 21st, 2020, 22:21
All good,

Cheers for trying mate.

Knowing me it's probably something I'm doing wrong on my end that I'll work out eventually.

April 21st, 2020, 22:45
[email protected] might be able to help you. But I think they have a day or two backlog at the moment :(

April 21st, 2020, 23:03
Well i work pretty well all day every day so a day or two backlog doesnt really bother me that much haha

April 21st, 2020, 23:07
[email protected] might be able to help you. But I think they have a day or two backlog at the moment :(

Never mind i worked it out.

It was all on me,

When i click to name the campaign or type password etc,

It doesnt come up with a cursor icon or any indication i have clicked the box.

I just started typing anyway to see what happened and away it went.

Thanks for your time LordEntrails.

April 22nd, 2020, 03:24
lol, I'm laughing with you, I swear!