View Full Version : Question about D&D and FG

April 20th, 2020, 16:59
So I live in a different city than my brothers, and I was thinking about buying FG. We like to play on paper when we get together and with Covid-19 and self isolation.

how easy would it be to play online with FG then play at the table, then put our stats from the table game into FG when we play the same characters?

Also when 6th edition inevitably releases will ultimate buyers have to buy more than the core rule sets? And can ultimate buyers go between both classic and unity?

I am sorry if this is a repeat question,
And thank you!

April 20th, 2020, 17:27
So I live in a different city than my brothers, and I was thinking about buying FG. We like to play on paper when we get together and with Covid-19 and self isolation.

how easy would it be to play online with FG then play at the table, then put our stats from the table game into FG when we play the same characters?

Also when 6th edition inevitably releases will ultimate buyers have to buy more than the core rule sets? And can ultimate buyers go between both classic and unity?

I am sorry if this is a repeat question,
And thank you!

I'll answer with what I know at least:

It's pretty easy to input stats from the table game into FG. The character editor is pretty robust and if you have the different modules purchased adding items and XP etc is fairly easy. I believe it's not too bad going the other way either as I think you can export characters to PDF and print from there.

I do not know about the 6th edition question, but from what I've seen the core rule sets seem to get incorporated into FG regardless, however if you wanted any of the actual publications from WoTC you'd have to buy those separately.

No, licensing does not carry over between FGC and FGU, however, if you own FGC you can get a discount on going to FGU. If you're just now starting and haven't purchased FG at all it *MIGHT* be worth it to just wait and buy FGU instead of paying twice.



April 20th, 2020, 17:29
Welcome to the forums :)

In my opinion and experience, it is very easy to input your sheet characters into FG. I just finished doing this for a 3.5 Dragon Lance campaign I'm a player in yesterday. The challenges you will see are things like when you add the race in FG it will add the racial modifiers to the ability scores, if you already adjusted those to whats the final scores are on the sheets you will have to adjust them back. (No big deal, but you need to notice). The second challenge is taking the time for all the homebrew and customizations that you may have made. Their are easy to do in FG, but you have to do it.

I found in the past that once in FG, we prefer to keep things there even when we play in person. Combat is faster and character updating, awarding of XP and treasure, etc is all much faster and easier. So you might end up sticking with FG even when all of this is over. But you don't have to. Again, updating sheets is not that big of a deal in FG.

The license(s) for FG are for FG not the game systems, and you can play lots of game with it. i.e. their are rulesets for D&D 2E, 3E, 3.5E, 4E, and 5E. No doubt their will be a ruleset for 6E when it comes out in the future. The content, the PHB etc, is what you would want to buy, but that's just like if you decided to start playing Savage Worlds or DCC etc you would want to buy those rulebooks in FG too. Personally, all my 5E stuff I only purchase on FG, no dead trees for me.

April 20th, 2020, 17:50
Thank you for replying so quickly Ranth and LordEntrails. You both gave me alot of information to consider.
I like the idea of no dead trees too. I'd just need to sell it for the other players.

Thanks again!

April 20th, 2020, 17:59
One of the nice things about you having an Ultimate license is that your players could use the free version if they wanted as long as you hosted the games.

April 20th, 2020, 19:38
One of the nice things about you having an Ultimate license is that your players could use the free version if they wanted as long as you hosted the games.

Ya I figured that me and my brother would be the ones
to DM and if one of us got it we could have some epic games!

April 20th, 2020, 23:48
Another thing to consider is that you can use FG with your face-to-face sessions. The DM can just have it up on their laptop for reference.

When I run D&D face to face, I keep everything in FG rather than on tons of loose leaf papers and scratch sheets and folders and whatnot. FG will take care of a lot as a DM-assist program during a face to face session, even if you don't use the full tools while in-person at the tabletop.

April 23rd, 2020, 11:45
I'd also recommend going for the Ultimate license, I've found it was easy to convince people to play once they discovered there was no financial outlay needed on their behalf. Like you my players are separated by distance (in our case states apart rather than cities apart) but quarantine has given us the time to actually play. I think in the future I'll also be convincing them to put in for modules etc so we can continue playing!