View Full Version : Barbarian Rage

April 20th, 2020, 05:12
I'm fairly new to Fantasy Grounds. I've been using it to run Pathfinder 2E now for about a month and really like it. However, my 1E group would like to continue their game as well and I am having issues figuring out how to get certain abilities to work correctly. The main one that I want to ask about first at least is the Barbarian Rage. I can get it so it adds the Strength to the attack rolls, skill checks, and damage; I can even get the will save and fort save to increase. But I can't get the HP to change. The syntax that I have entered is

STR: 6 morale; CON: 8 morale; SAVE: 3 will, morale

I also tried adding HP: 52 to the end but that did nothing.

BTW, this is for a 13th level Barbarian. That is where those numbers came from.

I have not bought the Core Rule book because I was told it was not required for running a 1E game, and frankly I have no intention of continuing with 1E after this game is over due to me enjoying 2E more. But this group doesn't want to switch over mid campaign.

Thanks in advance.

April 20th, 2020, 14:06
FG cannot automate hit point change. You have to adjust the character's hit points manually. I would recommend using the the Damage Resistance line or Kelrugen's Base Hit Point (https://www.fantasygrounds.com/forums/showthread.php?48752-Base-HP-Box&highlight=base+hit+point) extension to record the characters initial HP and have them adjust it when they rage. Otherwise the effect looks good.

April 20th, 2020, 14:54
FG cannot automate hit point change. You have to adjust the character's hit points manually. I would recommend using the the Damage Resistance line or Kelrugen's Base Hit Point (https://www.fantasygrounds.com/forums/showthread.php?48752-Base-HP-Box&highlight=base+hit+point) extension to record the characters initial HP and have them adjust it when they rage. Otherwise the effect looks good.

Thanks for the suggestion. I will try this extension out.