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April 18th, 2020, 22:12
The following is a listing of the current community expansions that work with the MGT1 or MGT2 rulesets. If there is something to add, or something no longer functions, please let me know.

Artwork & Images
Brokerage Prices by System (https://www.fantasygrounds.com/forums/showthread.php?56692-Brokerage)

Creatures & NPC Modules
NPC Module - backwardoracle (MGT2) (https://www.fantasygrounds.com/forums/showthread.php?59800-NPC-Module)
NPC Module - esmdev (MGT2) (https://www.fantasygrounds.com/forums/showthread.php?56510-NPC-Module)

Maps & Map Packs
Bar Maps (https://www.fantasygrounds.com/forums/showthread.php?56531-Bar-Maps-for-Traveller)
Facilities Maps (https://www.fantasygrounds.com/forums/showthread.php?57502-Facilities)
Space Maps with Asteroids (https://www.fantasygrounds.com/forums/showthread.php?57643-Space-Maps)
Starship Deckplans (https://www.fantasygrounds.com/forums/showthread.php?62066-Starhip-deck-plans)

Systems & System Modules
Beyond Sector (https://www.fantasygrounds.com/forums/showthread.php?62575-Beyond-Sector-(Mod))
Domain of Deneb System Information (MGT2) (https://www.fantasygrounds.com/forums/showthread.php?52672-Domain-of-Deneb-System-Information)

Tokens & Token Packs (also Portraits)
Portrait Packs (Human, Aslan) (https://www.fantasygrounds.com/forums/showthread.php?54641-Portrait-Tokens-or-MGT2)

Utility Modules
Character Creation Module (MGT2 Unity only) (https://www.fantasygrounds.com/forums/showthread.php?59740-Character-Creation-Module)
Expanded Cargoes (MGT2) (https://www.fantasygrounds.com/forums/showthread.php?60213-Expanded-Cargoes)

Extensions & Themes
Purple Theme (MGT1 only) (https://www.fantasygrounds.com/forums/showthread.php?45850-Purple-Theme)
2300AD Compatibility Extension (MGT1 only) (https://www.fantasygrounds.com/forums/showthread.php?57646-Mongoose-2300AD-1st-Edition-Extension)
Task Chains (MGT2) (https://www.fantasygrounds.com/forums/showthread.php?66629-Task-Chains-Extension)

External Applications
Sector World Module Creator (Official MBM App) (https://www.fantasygrounds.com/forums/showthread.php?59003-Sector-World-Module-Creator)

April 18th, 2020, 22:34

April 18th, 2020, 22:38
I figured as we get more expansions and gamers it would be useful to have some sort index to make them easy to locate.

I did have a suggestion on your token pack thread. For simplicity it might be helpful to move all your packs into the first post. People might not realize the Aslan pack is further down the thread.

April 18th, 2020, 23:04
Good point!

April 19th, 2020, 08:11
Good works! Thx all!

April 19th, 2020, 15:02
I made this sticky cos stuff like this is gold dust.


April 21st, 2020, 14:53
Added backwardoracle's most excellent graphical brokerage charts.

I also bolded the headers and got rid of some random lines.

May 6th, 2020, 16:37
Added link to backwardoracle's facilities maps! Thanks again for sharing! These sort of maps are super helpful!

May 9th, 2020, 12:42
Add link to a few nice maps that backwardoracle added for running space encounters.

May 9th, 2020, 18:24
Added link to MBM's 2300AD compatibility extension for MGT2.

May 10th, 2020, 14:32
Token packs updated,

May 16th, 2020, 23:48
5 New maps added to Facilities, enjoy

June 26th, 2020, 12:28
Facilities C, 5 More maps added to facilities

July 8th, 2020, 00:26
Added: Character Creation Module
Added: Sector World Module Creator

July 8th, 2020, 14:44
Added: NPC Module by backwardoracle


July 23rd, 2020, 01:02
Added: Expanded Cargoes module.

July 23rd, 2020, 19:28
:) thank you

Dalton Calford
August 30th, 2020, 18:06
Is there a reference to the XML/module format?

I am looking to create a Traveller Style "Library Data" that is a reference lookup for the setting for the players.

I want a button to appear on the players right hand side of their UI that pulls up a catagorized notes/story section that is fully available to the players without my needing to share anything with them.

August 30th, 2020, 19:09
Is there a reference to the XML/module format?

I am looking to create a Traveller Style "Library Data" that is a reference lookup for the setting for the players.

I want a button to appear on the players right hand side of their UI that pulls up a catagorized notes/story section that is fully available to the players without my needing to share anything with them.


I can't help with the button and such, but there is another option. You can create a reference manual module with all of the information you want to put in it and the players can access it anytime they want.


I've not tried it with Traveller but as Traveller is layered on CoreRPG it should work.

September 24th, 2020, 00:38
Here is the deckplan for the shuttle found on page 192 of core rulebook.

September 24th, 2020, 01:10
Here is the deckplan for the shuttle found on page 192 of core rulebook.

Hi, thanks for sharing. We have a newly started deckplan forum that you can use.


October 9th, 2020, 01:59
Added a link to a new sector data module for the Beyond Sector.


October 16th, 2020, 15:20
Anyone been discussing making a Fantasy Grounds module of the Starship Geomorphs deckplans and tiles?



October 18th, 2020, 03:29
Anyone been discussing making a Fantasy Grounds module of the Starship Geomorphs deckplans and tiles?



Someone would have to work with the author to secure rights before anything could move forward.

Dalton Calford
October 20th, 2020, 17:36
Someone would have to work with the author to secure rights before anything could move forward.

The material is already distributed under the creative commons. I have already extracted all the symbols/files as individual svg files. I am now deciding upon how to upload/manipulate the material, including some regular starships such as the standard adventurer class vessels.
The biggest issues I am facing are (1) figuring out if there is a way to easily setup walls and line of sight (2) figuring out if there is an easy way to set up windows/doors.

Dalton Calford
November 17th, 2020, 18:46
Hey Everyone,
I am creating a series of modules for MGT2 and I have a couple of questions for the group mind. If this is not a good place to put this question, please direct me to a better thread.
I have been getting all the various Traveller Wiki 3rd Imperium data into a format that can be used as a module for MGT2
So, here are my questions
(1) In the Traveller Universe, there are over 75 documented languages in use. I can create them as skills for inclusion in the game. Should I put them into a single module or as a group of modules (major/minor/imperial/non-imperial etc) and if as a group, how would you separate them out?
(2) I am using the author extension and Including the language history/notes etc as well as the races as a form of Library Data for the Players/Ref to access, again, should I include them all in a single module or as separate modules, same questions as above.
(3) I have created maps for about 10 Sectors and I am generating extended information/notes/etc based upon information I gained from the TravellerMap. I am thinking one module per quadrant (four per sector) in order to keep each module small. Thoughts?
(4) I have been creating standardized 2d Decksplans for use with the VTT. Do people want empty deckplans with icons for beds/consoles/chairs etc or do you prefer a fully detailed interior?

All modules once finished will be shared. Right now it is still the layout/data gathering/testing phases.

November 17th, 2020, 19:32
1. I prefer a signal language module. Also would like if we could get write using different languages in FG. I tried to add in standard fantasy languages module and renaming the languages but couldn't get it to work load in. Maybe some with more FG experience can get a to work?

2. Would put that in the same module as the languages.

3. I was about to say, a module for ever sector. But maybe that will me to many modules so you probably right. Problem I see is I don't know what the different quadrant are called. Won't it be hard for people to find the right module for their sector/subsector?

4. Do deckplans with standard interiors. And the do a extra module for shipbuilders with empty deckplans and tiles with interior object for creating custom ships.

Dalton Calford
November 17th, 2020, 20:01
1. I prefer a signal language module. Also would like if we could get write using different languages in FG. I tried to add in standard fantasy languages module and renaming the languages but couldn't get it to work load in. Maybe some with more FG experience can get a to work?

The languages would show up in the skills list ie Language (!Kee (K’kree)) with full notes, so when you have all the languages loaded, you have an extra 70 or so skills to scroll past when trying to find/drag/drop skills. I personally am putting them all into a single module but wanted to know if that extra thing was too much for the average player.

As for the fonts/languages in the chat - I have tried to get this working myself but it does not seem to want to work.

3. I was about to say, a module for ever sector. But maybe that will me to many modules so you probably right. Problem I see is I don't know what the different quadrant are called. Won't it be hard for people to find the right module for their sector/subsector?

Every quadrant in a sector has the same names - Alpha, Beta, Gamma & Delta. They are just blocks of 4 Subsectors, easier to see how sub-sectors and polities are related to one another but not so large that it is a pain to scroll around as a large sector image. Author creates a nice easy interface for linking things together.

January 9th, 2021, 16:28
Just wanted to point out an extension called Better Menus by Celestian, if you guys have not seen it. Seems to work perfect with Traveller ruleset. Makes getting to reference doc quick, and opens up the desktop by getting rid of the buttons.

January 16th, 2021, 17:47
Just wanted to point out an extension called Better Menus by Celestian, if you guys have not seen it. Seems to work perfect with Traveller ruleset. Makes getting to reference doc quick, and opens up the desktop by getting rid of the buttons.

That extension rocks... Gives back a lot of screen space.


February 4th, 2021, 00:55
I made A - Z Story Boards out of Class Traveller and Mongoose Traveller Me2 plus some stuff from old magazines and GURPs. It doesn't have a reference manual, because I couldn't figure out how to get it to work.

I forgot to add the copyright notice to the first storyboard. That is now corrected.

[MODERATOR: Temporarily removed the module pending confirmation of copyright permission/appropriate license.]

February 4th, 2021, 14:51
I made A - Z Story Boards out of Class Traveller and Mongoose Traveller Me2 plus some stuff from old magazines and GURPs. It doesn't have a reference manual, because I couldn't figure out how to get it to work.

I forgot to add the copyright notice to the first storyboard. That is now corrected.

Looks good Russ. Thanks for the hard work.


February 4th, 2021, 14:51
Hi russ143!

It's cool that you've put something like this together and shared it with the community.

We are, however, very strict on these forums in supporting publisher and artist intellectual property. I'm not aware of any Open Gaming License (OGL) or Community Commons/GPL license that would allow this type of material to be publicly distributed. Mongoose did release an OGL with SRD data for Traveller in 2008, but that doesn't cover data such as this. So, unless you have permission from the copyright owner to post this, or you can direct me to a license that allows you to do so, we're going to have to take it down. Sorry.

February 4th, 2021, 14:53
Hi russ143!

It's cool that you've put something like this together and shared it with the community.

We are, however, very strict on these forums in supporting publisher and artist intellectual property. I'm not aware of any Open Gaming License (OGL) or Community Commons/GPL license that would allow this type of material to be publicly distributed. Mongoose did release an OGL with SRD data for Traveller in 2008, but that doesn't cover data such as this. So, unless you have permission from the copyright owner to post this, or you can direct me to a license that allows you to do so, we're going to have to take it down. Sorry.

Isnt this the same information that is available on the Traveller Wiki ?


February 4th, 2021, 14:58

I just used the rules from drive thru RPG rules. I'll email mongoose right now though and see what they think.

I'll include a link to the mod so they can check it out.

February 4th, 2021, 15:06

I made a module for fantasy grounds and I put the traveller aid society logo on the cover and in the first story board I put the copy right statement.

I contains the A - Z entries from classic traveller library data books. I put in the mongoose Me2 corporations, mercenary groups, port side companies, some entries from encounters (like church of the mind) and some entries from challenger magazine like the Church of the mind.

It doesn't contain art and I didn't charge money for it, I just posted it on the forum, but the forum moderator wasn't sure what side of the law it's on and I'm not either, so I thought I'd email you to see what the right thing to do is.


This is the email I sent to mongoose. We will see what they say and what's the best way to sort this out. (The second Church is supposed to be the Church of the Chosen Ones - a Vargr Church)

February 4th, 2021, 15:16

I made a module for fantasy grounds and I put the traveller aid society logo on the cover and in the first story board I put the copy right statement.

I contains the A - Z entries from classic traveller library data books. I put in the mongoose Me2 corporations, mercenary groups, port side companies, some entries from encounters (like church of the mind) and some entries from challenger magazine like the Church of the mind.

It doesn't contain art and I didn't charge money for it, I just posted it on the forum, but the forum moderator wasn't sure what side of the law it's on and I'm not either, so I thought I'd email you to see what the right thing to do is.


This is the email I sent to mongoose. We will see what they say and what's the best way to sort this out. (The second Church is supposed to be the Church of the Chosen Ones - a Vargr Church)


When this all gets cleared up, please create a separate thread for your project and I will edit the original post with a link. That way any support requests or comments related to your project will be easier for you to see.


February 4th, 2021, 15:19
Sure no problem.

February 4th, 2021, 17:23
Hi All,

I've chatted with Matt on this (as he doesn't understand how to install modules into FG - I think!).

He's said in this case the answer will be No with regards to the Mongoose material in there, but we will look into what material can be shared.

Feel free to use it privately.


February 4th, 2021, 17:28
Lol. It took me a while to figure it out myself.

It might be useful for some other fantasy grounds product. Feel free to use in any way that helps the community or fantasy grounds itself. I didn't create anything original - I just spent some time organizing stuff that already existed for a format of play that I enjoy.

February 4th, 2021, 18:22
Lol. It took me a while to figure it out myself.

It might be useful for some other fantasy grounds product. Feel free to use in any way that helps the community or fantasy grounds itself. I didn't create anything original - I just spent some time organizing stuff that already existed for a format of play that I enjoy.

Well all text needs references to where it comes from (just like when you do your degree etc). Any text found on the internet even if someone else has shared it doesn't mean it's not copyright, and that's a very sticky point, it's why the moderator said that you need to add a comment providing proof it's free information (and being on a Wiki doesn't mean that) or you have copyright approval (which is what I had to do to convert Mongoose Traveller).

But it's a nice little personal mod so feel free to use it yourself in your games. If at any point you can prove the above then it should be cool to use.

Also as I keep saying, I'm only allowed to add content produced by Mongoose so community things are ace.


February 4th, 2021, 18:23
Hi All,

I've chatted with Matt on this (as he doesn't understand how to install modules into FG - I think!).

He's said in this case the answer will be No with regards to the Mongoose material in there, but we will look into what material can be shared.

Feel free to use it privately.


You need to run an intro session for Matt and some of their writers to familiarize them with FG, its capabilities and how things work. Get them hooked and coming back for more then you can be the official VTT Referee for Mongoose Publishing as well as official VTT developer. :)

February 4th, 2021, 18:47
I don't want to monetize the module so going through it to establish where all the points come from is probably too excessive for my taste or uses.

I would suggest teaching the mongoose staff how traveller is played on Fantasy Grounds. On line play is the future of role playing gaming because - it's more easily accessed by far flung people, it's far more interactive, and it's easier to focus on play as opposed to obscure mechanics.

I would like to see Traveller be part of that future as it gets bigger. Not as something old up dated, but a treasure for all time; because its depth of content.

February 13th, 2021, 16:22

I am making a mafioso career. Can I use the generic injury table and life events table in it or does that violate the copyright?

February 13th, 2021, 16:49
hay anyone built a .json importer so we can pull data from Traveller Worlds (https://members.ozemail.com.au/~jonoreita/TravellerWorlds/) directly into FGU and MbM's 1.2.1 Systems format?

Right now i am building out the systems in our PoD campaign and love the detail that Traveller Worlds provides + the nice system & world maps it generates however i have to past the images and data into the Systems entries manually.

A .json importer that puts the data in the right place would be very helpful.

Note: the data from Traveller Worlds does not seem to overlap with the current data stores in the System records in 1.2.1 which focus on the high level info (main planet UWP info primarily + some setting lore).

February 13th, 2021, 17:14

I am making a mafioso career. Can I use the generic injury table and life events table in it or does that violate the copyright?

Hi Russ143,

All you need to do is to link those tables, not copy them, ie drag them into your entry, so if you export that it will export the link, meaning that the person using the module will have the table (assuming they have the Core Rulebook/Players Reference - depends which, depends on what you dragged from originally).


February 13th, 2021, 17:20
hay anyone built a .json importer so we can pull data from Traveller Worlds (https://members.ozemail.com.au/~jonoreita/TravellerWorlds/) directly into FGU and MbM's 1.2.1 Systems format?

Right now i am building out the systems in our PoD campaign and love the detail that Traveller Worlds provides + the nice system & world maps it generates however i have to past the images and data into the Systems entries manually.

A .json importer that puts the data in the right place would be very helpful.

Note: the data from Traveller Worlds does not seem to overlap with the current data stores in the System records in 1.2.1 which focus on the high level info (main planet UWP info primarily + some setting lore).

Hi Chap,

I don't have the time myself, though it's very detailed that JSON isn't it.

I wish you well trying to get this done, I could write a convertor from JSON to an FG Module - just don't have the time right at the moment, feeling drained after so much focus on the upcoming CoreRPG work. Come chat with me in a couple of weeks.


February 13th, 2021, 17:25
Hi Russ143,

All you need to do is to link those tables, not copy them, ie drag them into your entry, so if you export that it will export the link, meaning that the person using the module will have the table (assuming they have the Core Rulebook/Players Reference - depends which, depends on what you dragged from originally).



February 14th, 2021, 16:54
np at all Mbm. stay on target!

I'm going to poke one of the programmer's at my table to see if he wants to build an importer for the travellerworlds .json output.

Any tips on where to point him to start reading up on how to?


February 19th, 2021, 10:52
np at all Mbm. stay on target!

I'm going to poke one of the programmer's at my table to see if he wants to build an importer for the travellerworlds .json output.

Any tips on where to point him to start reading up on how to?


Download the code for the system/worlds generator that I wrote, in there you have the info on how to build an FG module, you'll also see the 'field names' for the various data, all you need to do is change the source of the data.

That's what I would do, I'm still working (only now and again) on a front-end for my app, and I have plans to add more and more apps.


February 20th, 2021, 02:26
Is it possible to get the name conventions for some of the labels in the character window? I'm working on a community mod for the new Rider setting (Western with Traveller rules). E.g. I'd like to change Homeworld to Hometown, Race to Background and such, so that it fits with the setting.

February 20th, 2021, 13:08
Is it possible to get the name conventions for some of the labels in the character window? I'm working on a community mod for the new Rider setting (Western with Traveller rules). E.g. I'd like to change Homeworld to Hometown, Race to Background and such, so that it fits with the setting.

Sounds like a cool idea.

You might want to start a separate thread to make it easier to identify replies to you and your project specifically. Also will make it easier to find questions people might ask you, etc.

March 3rd, 2021, 00:34
Added link to MBM's new task chains extension.

April 27th, 2021, 18:50
A few questions on community creations and even commercial creations. I'm making some traveller tiles myself for starship mapping and more as fantasy grounds assets. How generic do these assets have to be to distribute them either for free here or paid?

Can I use them to create and distribute them with standard traveller deckplans using my assets? like the gold-standard scout courier and free trader etc... or is that a copyright violation and I have to change the design some?

Can I use pictures in the books as reference for my 3d models so the tiles would look similar or obviously inspired by someones art? Or does it have to be 20% or more different for example? obviously its gonna be different because I'm 3d modelling them first, then rendering and I'm not that great at it. (like an airraft or gravcycle, jumpdrive, CSC modular bases etc..)

I kinda want to give it away for free but only for use with fantasy grounds or something to support the awesome ruleset. But dang! If I have to become a copyright lawyer first, I might as well sell it.

As a side note, maybe when smiteworks finishes the software distribution program they are working on for mods and extentions they could swing a deal with Mongoose like the one dmsguild has? where we could use the mongoose and/or traveller copyright stuff as long as its sold and distributed by smiteworks and everyone gets a cut? free money guys! free money.

April 28th, 2021, 12:20
Pharoid, I'm not an expert on the topic but check out the TAS program on DriveThruRPG. They are the parent company of DMsGuild and have legal guidelines on what can be created. I emailed them about a year ago about creating adventures and including the .mod file with the pdf on their website. They responded in 24 hours and said that it was authorized. If you consider doing it I would seek approval as well since it has been a year and so you have an email from them for tracking purposes.


I can't speak to what is allowed here, so hopefully, someone can chime in and clarify for us. :D

April 28th, 2021, 12:31

Gotta be very careful here. UK Copyright law (which protects Mongoose products) has slight differences in fair usage, but very simply you can't base any work to share, sell based on part someone elses. But you're building 3d models which is all your own work, based on someone elses... it's very much a grey area. I would email Mongoose and I think they'll be able to point you towards what you can do.


April 28th, 2021, 13:33
I think TAS via DriveThruRPG is the best place to start. They have authorization to distribute MGT2 products that use some of the copyrights materials. They can also communicate with Mongoose if they aren't sure. I have found it difficult to communicate with Mongoose directly in the past.

April 28th, 2021, 16:59
Thanks for the responses! I didn't realize that theres a TAS deal on drivethu. pretty cool. Hopefully smiteworks works a similar deal on the distribution system they're cooking up (Fantasy Grounds Forge). I really only have a few tiles that look sorta like someones artwork. I'll just change them to be completely unique. And I'll just use my own unique deckplans that I've created in the past.

April 28th, 2021, 20:56
I will say that John Brazer Enterprises gets their work published under TAS at DTRPG and is also able to get their stuff up on the Fantasy Grounds store. So the opportunity is there. Just need to hammer down the details with Mongoose Publishing and SmiteWorks.


It may be worth asking this question in the Tavern subforum on FG as you may get official guidance from SmiteWorks as I'm not sure how closely they are following this thread.

August 27th, 2021, 20:08
There seems to be void on the web!
Been searching the web for sci.fi theme settlements map pack and assets. Find a few vere limited packs often with a odd looking mix.

Looks like there is space for a community expansions or official map pack for a sci.fi settlements, outpost, downport and startowns.
Big and small buildings, hangers, Prefab building, landing pads, communication installation, containers, silos, hydrogen-tanks, utility vehicles e.t.c

September 9th, 2021, 20:11
I think I'm gonna finish render up some tokens and vehicle assets. probably put it on the forge. Air rafts for sure. My group uses and abuses air rafts every session which typically leads to other better armed vehicles showing up and blowing us up. There doesn't seem to be many air raft tokens anywhere that I can tell and having my rented air raft show up as a red rectangle is getting old (never buy them. they just get blown up). Tokens will have to be sized using shift-mousewheel since I dont think MGT2 does autosizing from the combat tracker yet? The assets will be scaled to 100px squares. So far I've got:

couple different air rafts (2 and 4 man and 1 and 2 ton cargo variants, open and closed variants)
at least 2 ATV's

Working on:

tracked vehicles
wheeled vehicles

September 12th, 2021, 17:40
Packaged up and posted those token/Assets to the Forge. Here's the forge link: https://forge.fantasygrounds.com/shop/items/223/view. Also did some more work on a tank and AFV which I'll add to it when I'm done.49114

February 9th, 2022, 03:32
Packaged up and posted those token/Assets to the Forge. Here's the forge link: https://forge.fantasygrounds.com/shop/items/223/view. Also did some more work on a tank and AFV which I'll add to it when I'm done.49114

I've linked your items in the new Forge part of my Traveller in FG and Steam Store.

I had an occasion to use the Scout Ship and Commerce Raider. Was SUPER helpful and LoS made everything better. So thanks!

February 9th, 2022, 04:04
You bet! Always fun to hear people enjoy them. We're running Drinax now so the Commerce Raider is getting a workout in our group. thanks!

February 23rd, 2022, 17:00
Found the Geomorphs deck plans bundle for VTT and FG.
Think it's a old version of Geomorphs and not 2.0+, but still a lot of content.

I updated definition file and repacked it to work with MGT2.

February 23rd, 2022, 21:41
Converted Mongoose free 2D Deck Plans from their homepage from PDF to JPG and created a Fantasy Grounds modules for them.

Nothing fancy just adds the images as assets in Fantasy Grounds if you add the module to your modules folder

MgT Core Deckplans

MgT Highguard Deckplans

July 21st, 2022, 01:30
Not a expansions but some images I use to run space combat

Starship Combat Range Tabel 53649
Background is transparent so you can quick change the background in FG by using layers and dropping in new a space image with some star files or asteroids.

Was missing a token for missiles from the core books so I created one. Now your players can watch with fear how the missiles is catching up with them
Missile token 53650

January 3rd, 2023, 16:16
Not a expansions but some images I use to run space combat

Starship Combat Range Tabel 53649
Background is transparent so you can quick change the background in FG by using layers and dropping in new a space image with some star files or asteroids.

Was missing a token for missiles from the core books so I created one. Now your players can watch with fear how the missiles is catching up with them
Missile token 53650

what is your setup for the map space battle? for the side and grid type?


January 3rd, 2023, 16:43

January 3rd, 2023, 16:45


April 13th, 2023, 00:31
SlikMaps / SlikPix has uploaded to the forge 6 sets of Core Rules starship maps, 2 sets of Traveller alien pog tokens, and the Space Combat Map, created to help track ship to ship combat or other local space travel. https://forge.fantasygrounds.com/crafter/482/view-profile

The artist behind Slik is PZane, a graphic designer, coder and reclusive traveller...

April 14th, 2023, 03:45
SlikMaps / SlikPix has uploaded to the forge 6 sets of Core Rules starship maps, 2 sets of Traveller alien pog tokens, and the Space Combat Map, created to help track ship to ship combat or other local space travel. https://forge.fantasygrounds.com/crafter/482/view-profile

The artist behind Slik is PZane, a graphic designer, coder and reclusive traveller...

Interested. These look useful, but we really need larger/more detailed pics to be able to see what we are getting.

April 14th, 2023, 11:57
Interested. These look useful, but we really need larger/more detailed pics to be able to see what we are getting.

We have updated the forge items with some still shots taken from within FG