View Full Version : Combat tracker does not show offense or target icons

April 18th, 2020, 21:20
As the GM I can see when I add the character to the combat tracker the target icon and the offense icon. As the player I only see the friendly and a greyed out effects icon. I have looked under options for any clue as to why I cannot see the items for combat on the players screens. Any ideas? This is for FGU. Thanks

April 18th, 2020, 22:21
GMs have more options than players do. Players can ctrl click on a map or CT token to target them. What does a player want to do that they do not know how to do?

April 18th, 2020, 22:28
As the GM I could not get the PC tokens on the map of the woods south of Neverwinter so I am not doing something right. I put the players in the combat tracker using the token I created but that did not put them on the sword coast map. So, basically still trying to get the map issue resolved and then hopefully the combat tracker will look like the GM combat tracker. Thanks

April 18th, 2020, 22:33
The player combat tracker doesn’t look like the GM combat tracker. The player side is really just a read only view of initiative, effects, targeting and health of actors. The players really can’t do any interaction with the combat tracker - other than remove effects they added, click the next actor button, targeting or drag/drop of actions.

April 18th, 2020, 22:53
I put the players in the combat tracker using the token I created but that did not put them on the sword coast map.

Not sure what this means, but it worries me. How did you create character tokens? You should be doing it by;
1) open the character sheet
2) double click the portrait window (top left)
3) Select a Portrait, this will make a matching toekn for them displayed in the upper right of the sheet.
4) if you want, you can drag a token from the token bag to the token on the top right of the sheet.
5) Now drag the portrait from the top left of FG to the CT.
6) Now drag the character token from the CT to the Map.

Did you do all that?