View Full Version : I have created a new campaign and cannot see it when I try to join

April 18th, 2020, 13:13
I am new to FGU and created my first campaign. It is public, no password required. I tried to join it and cannot find it in the list of cloud campaigns. I created it on the cloud and public. What step am I missing?

April 18th, 2020, 13:56
Welcome to the FG forums.

How are you trying to join the campaign?

Do you still have FG running as the GM and have the campaign loaded?

April 18th, 2020, 14:12
No, I completely log out and then back in and I select join campaign. I see a list of public campaigns, but I cannot find the one I created.

April 18th, 2020, 14:36
I hesitate to jump into a conversation you are having with Trenloe, but when using FG the GM hosts the campaign/game. Games will only show up for players to join when the GM has logged onto FG as the campaign host. E.g., you have to be logged on hosting the campaign as the GM before anyone (including you) can log into the game as a player.

I am very new to FG myself and ran into the some confusion. Hope the above helps.

One quick addition - with the codicil that I am using Fantasy Grounds Unity. FGC may be different. I suggest setting the Server Type to Cloud. For my group it has made it much easier for me to get the game up and running and for the players to connect. (I have the PW set and the Server List set to private. Everything is working great.)

April 18th, 2020, 17:43
Thanks for the info.

April 18th, 2020, 17:49
I have load, create and join as the options. I am using FGU and do not have the host option. I have loaded the campaign as the DM and staying logged in, I logged in again and when I go to join game there are no games listed.

April 18th, 2020, 18:07
I have been able to see my campaign. Thanks all

April 18th, 2020, 18:15
As GM you 'Load' a campaign. You do not 'Join' it :)

Remember, FG hosts campaigns on your computer, not on a FG server somewhere else.