View Full Version : Savage Worlds (Deluxe) - Options (and maybe other) basic questions

April 17th, 2020, 04:21
Hi folks,

I am about to try to get my friend who has FGC but never ended up wanting to play remote D&D. Thinking he would love AD&D ruleset but he isn't keen on trying to plan that online. He owns FGC for years now and never used it. I figure, I will run a SW game via FG since we were trying it out last time we played at my house since my son was a WWI (& II) buff with Weird War I. Since I cannot continue that (easily), I decided to try to run another SW.

So I am going over the UI having never run one and only played some DLR in a couple FGCons. I think with the social distancing, it will be an easy sell to go remote and SW will be better than the direct compare to playing AD&D with us in 80s-90s.

I am going through the options and setting in prep for the weekend. I figured I'd "play through" to get a feel.

--> I seem to recall there was a doc for this
What does XXXX mean/do?
1. "desktop dice can ace"?
2. CT: Delt card announcements
3. CT: Group members inherit leader's values?
4. CT: Host controls client CT

Thanks, probably will run into more as I work on this - I will try to add to this thread if they should be simple answers vs flooding the forum.

PS - Any word in past 6-10 months on if there will be an NE2 conversion? I bought the books and first one, definitely interested in NE2 (and NE3 when that comes out)
I believe NE was already updated to latest Deluxe one - I own it but haven't yet run it, will be next.

April 17th, 2020, 10:10
Hello hello!

I'm not sure about docs you can use, I've played for years but have sort of muddled through without looking at the community (I really should be more sociable), but I can answer those questions!

1. The dice along the bottom of the screen can explode when rolled, if not checked them only dice from character sheets can explode (explode meaning "roll again and add if the highest number on the die is rolled)

CT stands for Combat Tracker, so all the answer revolve around that
2. It tells you in the chat what cards PCs/NPCs have been dealt for initiative.
4. The GM controls what the Players can see on the Combat Tracker, if you want to hide some values because e.g. the NPC has a spell cast on them that you don't want the PCs to know about
3. I am not certain on this one but I think it relates to question 4 above. You can show/hide whole NPCs if you want, say an NPC is used as bait but the others remain waiting in ambush, you can have the Combat Tracker reveal/identify just that one NPC from the group but with Inherit Values on if the leader is visible they are all visible (and by Leader I mean the one with the card next to them).

April 18th, 2020, 04:21
Knew about Acing from sheet rolls, never realized that desktop dice might be different but I can see how that could go in different ways.

OKies thanks! I think I can now figure out based on your info how #4 works (and possibly #3)

I knew about CT, I have used FG a while - just never DMed on it or played much with SW.

Thanks again