View Full Version : "Party LOS"?

April 17th, 2020, 03:47
So, we are going to try our first session with FGU tomorrow night. We have been playing Mad Mage and are still on level 1. One of the reasons I wanted to give FGU a shot was the LOS which looks like it will save me a ton of time as far as uncovering the map goes. One pretty cool-yet-sometimes-annoying thing about the LOS feature is that is seems to be tied to individual characters. It makes sense. But I was wondering if there was a way to make it so that what is uncovered by one player is visible to all players when their token is selected?

If not, no worries, I'll just need to let them know that's how it works.


April 17th, 2020, 05:14
I believe true dynamic lighting might be down the road in the future. Party sight, to me, would be a torch or stationary lighting within a given zone or radius. For now, we have to get used to LoS and await the devs to add more features in due time.

April 17th, 2020, 05:39
Thanks for the response, but your response tells me that I may have been misspeaking - it's likely NOT an LOS thing, but more of a dynamic unmasking thing...I just found it when I was using LOS. :) What I was referring to was how when you click on a character token, the parts of the map where that character has been are unmasked, but only for that character. If the party has a scout, and the scout returns, nobody else will be able to see the uncovered map.

After some thought, the correct title of this thread should have been "Party unmasking" :)

April 17th, 2020, 08:55
By default 'party vision' is on for each PC token. That means that all of the players will see what has been uncovered no matter who has uncovered it. You can right click on a token and select remove from party vision and that player will then only see what their token has uncovered. So the default behaviour is the behaviour that you seek I think, so unless you have changed that this is what'll happen. Note that you can't really see this yourself or when connected to your own game since the system is designed to check for different players rather than different tokens.

April 17th, 2020, 10:42
I think 'party vision' is only visible when no token is selected. So if your players' each have their token selected, which would be normal, they will see just their LoS, but I think if they click on their token a second time, it de-selects them and allows them to see the whole party's LoS. At least I think that's how it works...?

Cheers, Simon

April 17th, 2020, 14:12
I think 'party vision' is only visible when no token is selected. So if your players' each have their token selected, which would be normal, they will see just their LoS, but I think if they click on their token a second time, it de-selects them and allows them to see the whole party's LoS. At least I think that's how it works...?

Cheers, Simon

Party vision especially allows to click on a token in the party vision to see its vision :) When no token is selected you simply see the sum of what you have already seen by clicking on tokens :) (but the latter I didn't test much)