View Full Version : Where to store images/maps/tokens for FGU

April 16th, 2020, 22:49
I am unsure if this question will be specific to FGU or universal to FGU and FGC, but since I use FGU I thought I would post question here.

When I am placing image, map, token files into FG. Should I be placing these into the generic FG images folder? or should I be placing them into the images folder in my specific campaign folder? Is there a benefit to placing them in one location vs the other.

(and bonus question: when I place my token images in either of these folders, do the players have access to these to choose their own tokens? or must I choose their tokens for them and place on char sheet?)

EDIT: Ok I re-looked at the smiteworks/FantasyGround folder organization and think I answered my own first question mostly. There is a token, portrait, and image folder here. So, assumption would be place tokens files in tokens and portraits files in portraits. However, for images, should I be using smiteworks/fantasyground/image or smiteworks/fantastyground/campaign/image folder? I hope i'm not wording this too poorly haha.

April 16th, 2020, 23:06
aaannnnndd I super answered my own question, well I didnt, but this gentleman did.


April 16th, 2020, 23:12
See this article in the Wiki: https://fantasygroundsunity.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/FGU/pages/951023/Using+the+Assets+Window+for+Tokens+Portraits+and+I mages