View Full Version : Looking for an Evil Campaign in PST

February 21st, 2007, 08:22
All right people, brace yourself. I am going to pull out all the stops and ask for the kind of game I really want. What I really want is a game where the character's can be evil without the thing that make that suck: idiot's trying to be all cool and so throwing the party into PvP.

What else do I want? Glad you asked. I want a game that is around evening time in PST. Hopefully weakday because I like to do stuff during my weekends, but that wont make or break me.

More down to the specifics of what I want: I want a good deal of flexibility and power. I don't want to be some little weakling out about to get killed by a crusading paladin. I also want flexibility. No "Core Books only" stuff. I can understand that some things shouldn't be allowed in a campaign, but just flat out denying everything without at least looking it over is not what I am looking for. Don't have what I want to use? I have a bunch of PDF's of D&D books and I am happy to share them with the DM for the purpose of our game. (I don't want to get in another legal discussion as to this. Anybody have a problem with me doing this, sue me.)

This whole thing is so I can play a Dread Necromancer from Heroes of Horror. So if that is not allowed, no need for a reply.

I am sure there is more, I just can't think of it now I guess. I am sure there are other people on this site who want what I want, I guess I will just sit and hope they look at this thread at the right time. Hope to hear from someone soon.