View Full Version : 1 Player LFG starting 5PM CST all week.

April 16th, 2020, 17:03
FG License: I have the demo version on steam
Time Zone: CST
Pretty much always free during the week since I'm a high school student and quarantine holding me hostage. However I would prefer Friday/Saturday games since I want to be part of a long term group
Term: i.e. Long term keep playing for a while, or just want to work through a module, or looking for a one-shot.
Voice: Can you voice chat for gaming and are you willing to download whichever software the group is using to voice chat during games?

Game System Preferred: D&D 5e
Game System Experience: 1 Year and a half with D&D 5e
Fantasy Grounds Experience: No Experience with FG

Character Type Preferred: I'm honestly willing to try out any class the party needs since I have some character ideas for all of them but I really love playing Warlocks and Barbarians(However Wild Magic is without a doubt my all-time favorite subclass just no good character ideas for it)
About me: Im looking for a more roleplay heavy game but I'm not opposed to combat! I like Garrys Mod, League of Legends and Valorant as other games outside of D&D! It's my first time posting so sorry if this post is lacking
